“Go!” Kou

Yi Xuan and the ten zodiac signs appeared, and yelled, rising and rising, followed by Lin Hai.


The crowd rushed out of the river with Lin Hai and flew all the way above.

In the space, there is still a lot of death, constantly moving towards Lin Hai and the others.

However, everyone who has been unblocked by True Yuan naturally does not care about this dead spirit.

The whole body of Kou Yixuan and the zodiac signs suddenly flashed rays of light, forming a layer of protective cover to protect the dead air. forest

The sea is even more straightforward. The transformation of the demons ** works to the extreme, and the dead air is directly drawn into the body. Crowd

People were unimpeded, and after a short time, they saw the light above their heads, and their hearts were excited.

“Hahaha, finally out!” Om

!! forest

The first in the sea rushed out of the black hole, and the black clouds were suspended in midair, rejoicing!

Immediately afterwards, Kou Yixuan and the Zodiac also flew out of the black hole and stepped on Xiangyun to gather around Lin Hai.

“Oh, Ko, we’re out of danger. Do you have any plans?” Short

Excited temporarily, Lin Hai looked towards Kou Yixuan, asked. “

Added WeChat! Kou Yixuan’s face remained cold, expressionless said.

“Plus WeChat?” Lin Hai froze, and Kou Yixuan continued. “

When I think Little Black, I will contact you on WeChat, and you will help me to convey! “”

Uh … Okay! Lin Hai smiled bitterly. If he didn’t agree, it is estimated that Kou Yixuan would not end with himself. Will

His WeChat signal told Kou Yixuan that the two people added WeChat to each other. Follow

Later, Kou Yixuan suddenly whispered. “

Could you say one more word to Little Black? “

“Okay!” Lin Hai thought it out and released the Second Primordial Spirit.

“Kou, are you leaving?” Second Primordial Spirit reluctantly asked, sadly.

“Little Black, I’ve been out for months, I have to go!” “

If you miss me, send me a WeChat! “

2 Primordial Spirit grabbed Kou Yixuan’s small hand, and said with difficulty. “

Can you tell me where I can find you? “

Kou Yixuan lightly touched Zhu’s lips, revealing the color of pain, then shook the head helplessly.

“Don’t look for me, or it will hurt you!”

“I’m gone, I’ll miss you!” Kou Yixuan said, suddenly pulling his hand out.

Mei Yan took a deep dissatisfaction, glanced at Second Primordial Spirit again, and then suddenly shook her head.


The cloud passed away, and Kou Yixuan disappeared into the sight of everyone. “

Koko, koko! !! !! “

2 Primordial Spirit Watching the disappearing Kou Yixuan suddenly expressed loneliness, and could not hide the sadness in her eyes. forest

Aside from the sea, she was a little dreadful, then asked in wonder, with a puzzled look.

“Hello, do you take it seriously? Aren’t you just playing with Kouk?”

2 Primordial Spirit froze, then Lin Hai glanced in disdain. “

What do you say, how do I say it is also your Second Primordial Spirit, although the personality is more outgoing than yours, but the nature is no different from you! “”

What do you think of Liu Xinyue, and how do I do to Xiao Kou! “

“So, as the body, please don’t doubt my relationship with Xiao Kou, otherwise I will be very sad!” Hey

呦 I go!

The words of Second Primordial Spirit surprised Lin Hai. he

I always thought that Second Primordial Spirit was a Huahua Young Master, which was purely playing with Kou Yixuan’s feelings.

Therefore, Lin Hai always put away the Second Primordial Spirit and kept them out of contact.

But now it seems that I am mistaken.

This Second Primordial Spirit is really an infatuation seed, let it be! miss you

At this point, Lin Hai couldn’t help but look straight and apologized.

“Not good, I misunderstood you before, but not in the future!”

2 Primordial Spirit smiled and waved.

“You are me, I am you, apologize to yourself, is it interesting?” “

As long as the information sent by Xiao Kou in the future, you will let me know truthfully, and I will be satisfied! “

“You can rest assured!” Lin Hai nodded, affirmed. “

Well, take me back! “Second Primordial Spirit is not very emotional, and said sadly.

“Okay!” Lin

The idea of ​​the sea moved the Second Primordial Spirit into the body. with

At that time, Lin Hai smiled bitterly, and laughed at himself.

You say to yourself, what is this life?

Liu Xinyue is separated from himself. Today is not short. Everyday lives in the affliction of Acacia. just

With a Second Primordial Spirit, the goods also separated. “

oh! “Lin Hai sighed, it’s a real joke!”

Master, where are we going now? “

The rat suddenly came together, and moved towards Lin Hai begged to ask. forest

Hai took a look at these ten people and then asked indifferently.

“You are all immortal dao Paragon, the cultivation base is good, presumably in this ruby ​​country, should have some identity?”

Tell me your details, let me have a bottom in my heart! “

“Yes!” Zi rat promised, and then the 2 zodiac signs reported to Lin Hai one by one.

Lin Hai was surprised when he heard it, and he was pleasantly surprised at the same time. miss you

No, these twelve individuals, in the vicinity of Hongyun State, especially Baishicheng, actually have some details.

Six of them are the patriarchs of the Great Clans in White Rock. There are many disciples in the clan, and their influence cannot be underestimated.

The other six people were traveling abroad and came to Baishicheng by chance and were attracted to it by the out of phase of the mountain range. in

His hometown is also a pivotal figure. “

I just entered Baishicheng, and I am worried about how to form a force. These 6 native patriarchs are really the best candidates! “forest

The sea moved towards ten two zodiac nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hands.

“Let’s go back to the city!”


Suddenly, one black and ten white, Xiangyun galloped and went straight to White Rock City. “

Suck! “

Along the way, Lin Hai didn’t waste the dead gas released by the Transcending Tribulation Demonic beast, and directly operated the magic **, sucking it into the body. Correct

With Lin Hai at the Great Ascension Middle-Stage, absorbing this death is naturally with no difficulty. road

Above, Lin Hai suddenly moved towards the Ten Zodiac asked.

“A few of you, who knows, news of the skyless alliance?”

“No sky alliance?” Upon hearing these three words, the twelve zodiac signs changed color instantly, and his face was horrified.

“Master, Wutianmeng is in the Red Jade Kingdom and has a great reputation. Unless the country is remote and the news is closed, there are few people who have not heard of Wumeni’s fierce name!” “

Oh? Lin Hai frowned, indifferently asked.

“Then who knows, where is this Sky-Free Alliance’s headquarters?” Lin

Hai asked so, and the zodiac signs looked at each other in blank dismay, all dumbfounded. “

Nobody knows? Lin Hai suddenly frowned.

Seeing this, the rat said quickly and respectfully.

“Return to the master. Although Wutianmeng has a great reputation, it is extremely mysterious.”

Every appearance of the skyless alliance is a brutal slaughter of a certain force, and then it is disappeared without a trace! “

“So everyone in the world knows Skyrim, but nobody knows where it is!”

The ugly cow is on the side, and is nodded again and again. “

Skyless League, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, every time there is a bloody storm on the rivers and lakes. “

“But no one ever knew where they came from!” “

So mysterious? After Lin Hai listened, he could not help spit out one mouthful of impure air.

It seems that it is not easy to track the trace of Skyless League!

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