Xia Houchuan was suddenly shocked, moved towards came to look at, and then suddenly shrank, revealing an incredible panic.

“You, are you dead?” “

Impossible, you obviously eat Eclipse Ling San … “

Xia Houchuan said half of what he said, so he couldn’t go on.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Meng Family Old Ancestor, his eyes were full of incredible.

“Hmph, if I were dead, how would I see your despicable side!” “

And you! “Meng Family Old Ancestor with anger, moved towards Xue Wuxue with a finger, a look of grief.”

Old Xue, old Xue, I really didn’t expect, you turned out to be a shameless traitor! Xue

Bloodless is already stupid at this moment. Now being scolded by Meng Family Old Ancestor, his eyes suddenly flustered, and he dared not look at them.

“I finally know why it was poisoned!” Meng

Old Ancestor was sadly nodded, looking at Xue Wuxue, feeling that his heart was bleeding. “

Even if Xia Houchuan wanted to hurt me, there was no chance, but you are different! “”

Lao Xue, to tell you the truth, is the poison I have in your hands? “

“Yes!” Xue Wuxue suddenly looked up, a flash of madness and fierceness flashed in his eyes, shouted sharply.

“Your poison is what I got, what can you do!” “

Okay, great! “Meng Family Old Ancestor laughed coldly.” Since you acknowledged it, when I kill you later, I have to go! “”

Kill me, just you? “”

Don’t look at it, the situation today! !! !! “

Xue Wuxue was crazy, and moved towards Meng Family Old Ancestor roared. “

That’s right! “

At the moment, Xia Houchuan sneered coldly. “

What if you are not dead? “

“Poison doesn’t kill you, kills you!” Xia

After Hou Chuan said, she was suddenly coldly shouted. “

Come out! “


The next moment, a few dark clouds suddenly arrived, and Qi Brush appeared behind Xia Houchuan.

“Meng’s name, did you see it? Those behind me are all immortal dao Paragon!”

“Even if you are strong, can you beat so many of us?” Meng

When Old Ancestor saw this, his face suddenly changed, and his heart sank suddenly.

“Xiahou Chuan, you really have a plan!”

“Should these people not belong to my country?”

“Yes!” Xia Houchuan coldly smiled, “I’ll tell you what happened!”

“These people are all helpers sent by me by the Skyless League!” “

No sky alliance? !! “Xiahou Chuan’s words made Meng Family Old Ancestor’s face change immediately!”

Did you collude with the skyless alliance? “

Meng Family Old Ancestor has long heard of the name of the skyless league. that

It is an extremely mysterious and powerful organization, said to have influence in various countries. each

When a country’s Imperial Family hears the name of the skyless union, it will tremble with fear in its heart.

In addition, many countries are subject to the skyless alliance, which is the essence of the skyless alliance. and

Because of its remoteness and weak strength, Tianyun Country has not been condemned by the Heavenly Alliance.

I didn’t expect, and today Wutianmeng finally started to fight against the country.

“What is collusion?” Xia Houchuan was coldly smiled, then proudly looked. “

My Xia Houchuan, was originally a member of Skyless League! “”

And my mission is to subvert your Imperial Family and put the Heavenly Fortune Country under the leadership of the Skyless Alliance! “Say

At this point, Xia Houchuan’s face was cold, with a murmurous intention. “

old bastard, read for years of acquaintance, don’t say I won’t give you a chance! “”

You immediately surrendered with the Imperial Family, and then self-defeated the cultivation base. I can represent the skyless alliance and spare you! “”

Otherwise, I will definitely kill your members of the Imperial Family! “

“You delusional!” Meng Family Old Ancestor heard it, and then stopped drinking suddenly, roaring all over his face. “

Let me Imperial Family surrender, you are dreaming! “

“Hmph, since that’s the case, don’t blame me for being rude!” Xia Houchuan waved a sudden hand. “

kill him! “


The next moment, 3 dark clouds rushed past, and immediately surrounded the home of Meng Family.

Bang bang bang!

A violent gas explosion sounded suddenly, and a few black spirits, moved towards Meng Family Old Ancestor, fell quickly.

The 3 skyless immortal dao Paragon, without any word, launched a violent attack. “

Watch the sword! Meng

At home, Old Ancestor was loudly shouted, and instantly held a long sword of rays of light in his hand, dancing.

Suddenly, the sky’s sword shadow is glorious, like a flying dragon, intertwined with the spirit of black. Meng

The home of Old Ancestor is one enemy 3, and only the silhouette flashes in the sky, and the waves are surging.

Xia Houchuan was on the side, watching quietly with his hands on his back, could not help frowned.

“The old bastard is quite fierce, and 3 immortal dao Paragon can’t win him!”

Turning his head, Xia Houchuan’s eyes fell on Xue Wuxue. “

Lao Xue, don’t be embarrassed to watch this lively, help the hand, kill this old bastard! Xue

He heard no blood, his face suddenly changed, a little hesitant.

He rebelled against Meng Family Old Ancestor and was already guilty. If

It is okay that Meng Family Old Ancestor is dead, but now Meng Family Old Ancestor is in front of him, and Xia Houchuan also let him go and kill him with the forces of the skyless union.

Xue Wuxue’s heart leaped violently, and his palms were instantly covered with sweat.

Meng Family Old Ancestor’s many years of Jaeger-LeCoultre is one aspect that allowed him to kill the big brother who has followed him for many years, and he couldn’t do it at all.

Xiahou Chuan saw this and could not help the complexion sank.

“Why, now I’m soft?”

“Hmph, you betrayed the Meng Family Imperial Family, poisoned this old bastard with poison, and just sneak attacked Lin Family Old Ancestor again. Even if you don’t do it now, do you think you still have a way back?

Xia Houchuan’s words made Xue Wuxue’s heart suddenly jump, and then eyes flash with a cold light, a violent rise. summer

Hou Chuan is right, he has now if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, there is no way out except to kill Meng Family Old Ancestor!

“Xue Wuxue, you can rest assured that you will take the Meng Family Imperial Family. If you are meritorious, I will definitely ask the Alliance Leader for your help!” Xia

Hou Chuan first threatened and threw a big cake, and immediately eliminated Xue Wuxue’s last hint of scruples.

“it is good!””

Xiahou Sect Master, don’t forget what you say! “嗖


Xue Wuxue talked, Xiangyun rushed forward, and in the air, a raging flame suddenly appeared in the air, moved towards Meng Family Old Ancestor, and fell suddenly! “

Xue Wuxue, you have no conscience! Meng

When Old Ancestor saw Xue Wuxue joining the battle group, his blood almost spit out. warehouse

The emperor, hurriedly shot, and resolved Xue Wuxue’s attack. Of course

Later, three skyless immortal dao Paragons took advantage of this opportunity to make a storm. brake

In that room, Meng Family Old Ancestor fell into a passive state. Xue

Bloodless has no way back at this moment. As soon as he joins the battle group, he will attack with all his strength.

Meng Family Old Ancestor is stronger, and under the siege of 4 immortal dao Paragon, it immediately falls into the downwind. For a while, the situation is resurrected, and it is forced to be battered and exhausted.

“Xue Wuxue, you bastard!”

Just then, angry roar suddenly came from below, but Lin Family Old Ancestor, who was seriously injured, staggered and stepped on Xiangyun, and rushed into the air again.

“Old bastard, get out!”

Before waiting for Lin Family Old Ancestor to launch an attack, a dark cloud behind Xia Houchuan stopped him instantly.

Then, when she was loudly shouted, she suddenly shot, and the huge black glow went straight to the front of Lin Family Old Ancestor!

Lin Family Old Ancestor complexion greatly changed, hurriedly took out a magic weapon, rays of light.

Ding! One

The sound of crunch came, Lin Family Old Ancestor was suddenly hit hard, spit blood and fly back.

The magic weapon was dimmed without the support of True Yuan. Although it blocked the attack, it also moved towards the bottom and fell. “

dead! “This

The immortal dao Paragon slammed, and suddenly shot in the air, a huge black palm, blinking out of Lin Family Old Ancestor’s head. “

Lao Lin, be careful! “

Meng Family Old Ancestor suddenly greatly changed the complexion, anxiously shouted.

Lin Family Old Ancestor was expression dark, closed his eyes weakly. To

In his current state, there is no power to fight back. It seems that today is about to fall! suck

!! on

When Lin Family Old Ancestor thought he was going to die, there was a sharp sky-splitting sound.

Subsequently, a golden light flashed across the sky, with the no stronghold one cannot overcome trend, radiating on the palm of black!

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