As soon as this breaking news came out, the entire Taixuan City was instantly chaotic. complete

After all, Meng Family Old Ancestor is the Heaven-supporting Pillar of the Imperial Family. Once it falls, what it means to the Imperial Family is self-evident.

Sleepless night! too

All the forces of Xuancheng held emergency meetings tonight. Follow

Be prepared for any changes that may occur. Of course

And, to everyone’s surprise, the Imperial Family took the lead!

The monarch of the Kingdom of Heaven, Mendeology, led the elites of the 3 Royal Family, aggressive, will always be invincible, immersed in the Pill Dao sect of Dao of Pill Refining, surrounded by a leak! Follow

Later, Meng Dexue announced the crusade, and the Chinese only knew that the fall of Meng Family Old Ancestor was related to Xia Houchuan!

“Xiahou Chuan, quickly roll out and die, or I will raz you Pill Dao!”

Meng Dexue stepped on the clouds, looking down at Pill Dao, angry roar, and the sound of the world! Hum

!! Dan

Dao Sects, an auspicious cloud flew up into the sky and came across from Mencius.

“Master Monarch, what do you mean?”

Xia Houchuan’s eyes flickered with radiance, coldly said. “

to ask a question, when already knows the answer, the medicine pill you made for my family’s Old Ancestor, is clearly a deadly poison, ecstasy! “

“Xiahou Chuan, why did you murder Meng Family Old Ancestor!” Lin Family Old Ancestor behind Meng Dexue, angrily rebuked with deep grief and hatred! “

ha ha ha ha! “Xiahou Chuan burst into laughter, and then his face suddenly changed.”

Since you are all understood, there is no need to hide from you! “

After speaking, Xia Houchuan suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Meng Dexue, coldly said.

“Meng Dexue, obediently give me the position of the monarch, otherwise I will add you Meng Family and kill everything!”

“Impudent!” Meng

Dexue was furious, and his hair was full of anger.

“Xiahou Chuan, you are really arrogant. Do you want to take the position of the monarch, is it up to you?” Said

After that, Mengde turned to Lin Family Old Ancestor.

“Excuse me, Lin Family Old Ancestor, take me to this rebellious man!” “

hmph! “Lin Family Old Ancestor coldly snorted,” Xia Houchuan, give it to you! “

After that, Lin Family Old Ancestor suddenly shot, and a dazzling rays of light, moved towards Xiahouchuan, shrouded away.


At this moment, a loud noise came, and then a flash of black suddenly appeared in the clear sky. boom

!! under

At a moment, Lin Family Old Ancestor’s attack was instantly flashed by black and shattered into pieces. “

Ok? Lin Family Old Ancestor was startled, looking up in shock.

But when I saw a black cloud, galloping, it was Xia Houchuan’s near moment. “

Man of Demon? !! “

Lin Family Old Ancestor suddenly shrank his pumps, and when he was shocked, a dangerous breath suddenly appeared behind him.

“Not good !”

Lin Family Old Ancestor was shocked and had no time to react in the future. Only a pain came, and the whole person fell from the cloud!


The opposite demons, slammed loudly, waved with both palms at the same time, two Black Flood Dragons, slammed into Lin Family Old Ancestor!

Lin Family Old Ancestor was in the air and was seriously injured. Seeing being swallowed by the Flood Dragon, he tried his best to close the palms with one palm, and the red and white rays of light suddenly flew away!


Ice and Fire came together, collided with the Black Flood Dragon, and instantly became invisible.

pu! Lin

The home of Old Ancestor was shocked by a huge shock, and he vomited blood again. His body fell to the ground, hesitated, his expression was weak, his face surprised and angry!

“What’s going on ?!” This

In one scene, it happened too quickly and too bizarrely.

Until this moment, the members of the Imperial Family were still in a trance and couldn’t figure out what happened.

Only Hua Family Old Ancestor’s face suddenly changed, with deep fear and incredibleness, and instantly separated from Xue Wuxue. “

Xue, you are crazy! “flower

Home Old Ancestor cry out in surprise, his face is incredible. he

How didn’t expect, like a brother, Xue Wuxue, who had been with him for tens of thousands of years, suddenly started working with Lin Family Old Ancestor! Meng

Moral school was even more frightened, mouth opened wide, looking at Xue Wuxue, his face was incredible! “

Xue Wuxue, what are you doing! Meng

Moral school pointed at Xue Wuxue, growling angrily. “

Huh, what are you doing? “Xue Wuxue sneered and gave Meng Dexue a contemptuous glance.”

Did n’t Xiahou Sect Master just say that? “

“People who know the truth, abdicate immediately, and hand over the position of the monarch to Xiahou Sect Master!” “

what? !! As soon as Xue Wuxue said this, everyone stopped.

“Xue Wuxue, you don’t want to betray!” Meng Dexue rebuked angrily. “

Did you know? Huh, stupid! Xue

After speaking without blood, the clouds fluttered and came to Xia Houchuan.

“Everyone from the Xue family, come here!”

!! day

Going up and down, the children of Xue’s family instantly turned to Xia Houchuan’s side!

This time, the Imperial Family panicked. Xue

Without blood, the situation on both sides reversed instantly. summer

On the Hou Chuan side, in addition to the rebellious Xue Wuxue, there is also a demon, two immortal dao Paragon. and

On the Imperial Family side, only Hua Family Old Ancestor remains. forest

Although the old Ancestor was not dead, he was seriously injured and apparently had no battle strength.

In this way, the Imperial Family has no chance of winning at all, and I am afraid that even leaving alive is impossible.

“Hua Family Old Ancestor, what choice have you made so far?”

Xia Houchuan suddenly turned his eyes to Hua Family Old Ancestor, saying with a playful tone.

Hua Family Old Ancestor opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment. Such as

The situation today is very clear.

It is impossible for the Imperial Family to rely on him to reverse the situation.

It can be said that this time the crusade had no chance of success because of Xue Wuxue’s mutiny and the sudden emergence of demons. “

The imperialist family dispute, the old man is inconvenient to participate! “

“My Hua Family, I just want to be clean and cultivation, and never fight with the world!”

“Monarch, Xiahou Sect Master, my Hua Family quits!”

Having said that, the Hua Family Old Ancestor moved towards the Hua Family’s disciplines and waved. “

People of Hua Family, return home immediately, no one is allowed to participate in this battle! “Wow

La! flower

The family members heard the order, and suddenly, like a tide, under the leadership of Hua Family Old Ancestor, they walked clean. puff

!! Meng

Moral science saw this scene, and a spit of blood almost spurted out. No

Thinking that, as one of the 4 Royal Family, Imperial Family’s left and right arm, Hua Family, actually chose to retreat and stay neutral during the crisis moment of Imperial Family! This

It is undoubtedly a heavy blow for the Meng Family Imperial Family! flower

Home neutrality is, for the Imperial Family, equivalent to betrayal. 4

Big Royal Family, to this day, two betrayal, one extermination, now only Lin Family! Of course

However, Lin Family Old Ancestor was attacked by Xue Wuxue sneak attack. He was seriously injured and could not protect himself. He was unable to return to heaven!

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Xia Houchuan laughs facing the sky, showing a proud arrogant look on his face. “

Mencius, Mencius, now, what else do you have to say? Meng

Dexue gritted his teeth and glanced at Xia Houchuan, fiercely’s nodded. “

Really didn’t expect, you Xiahou Chuan so deep-hearted that you have already bought Xue Wuxue as a dog! “”

It seems that it is not a day or two for you to plot me Meng Family Imperial Family! “

“Yes!” Xia Houchuan glared coldly and sneered.

“So, I once again advise you, obediently see the monarch to give up, don’t force me to do it, kill your Meng Family!”

Dexue gave Xia Houchuan an angry look, and said with a sneer disdain.

“You’re so sure, will you fix me?”

Xia Hou Chuan was surprised, but couldn’t help but smile quickly.

“If the old ghost of your family is not dead, I might be afraid of 30%.”

“But now that Old Guy has hung up, what else can you be crazy about!”

Xia Houchuan tone barely fell, and suddenly a sound of anger in a majesty suddenly sounded. “

Xia Houchuan, see who I am! “


The next moment, a cloud like lightning appeared in front of everyone!

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