
“Ghost Bones!”

The Taoist priest took out the white flag, and Xian’er in the distance couldn’t help crying out in surprise, and then his body flickered. He immediately reached the Taoist priest’s body. With a wave of his arm, a strong wind pounced on the Taoist gate.

“Half-step Earth Immortal!”

The Taoist was shocked, his pupils shrank in shock, his face screamed in horror.

Although he has already discovered that Xian’er and Liu Xinyue cultivation base are deep, not even lower than him, but it is expected that most of them are equal, but didn’t expect, Xian’er turned out to be so powerful that he has reached half the strength of Earth Immortal .

Xian’er is faster than him too much. The Taoist didn’t even have time to take out the white flag. He fluttered in haste, and golden light appeared, trying to resist Xian’er’s attack.


With a muffled sound, the golden light appeared and was defeated. The Taoist priest a groan flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in midair. However, the Taoist priest did not care about the injury, and took the opportunity to flee the desert.

“Poor Daoist takes it today!”

With only an angry roar, the silhouette of the Taoist priest flashed and disappeared into the sight of Lin Hai and the others.

“Hu ~ this Taoist, very powerful!”

Only at this moment, Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was secretly wondering, where a Taoist priest came out, it seems that the cultivation world is not as simple as the surface, and it is probably just tip of the iceberg. !!

“Little Ying, are you okay?”

The danger was lifted, and Lin Hai came to Little Ying and asked with a look of concern.

Little Ying shook the head, but with deep sadness on her face.

“Lin Hai big brother, although Little Ying is a descendant of Monster Race, but has never done anything harmful, why did the Taoist priest cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons, Little Ying feels sad.”

Looking at the sadness of Little Ying, Lin Hai secretly sighed, this world can’t be as simple as imagined. Once upon a time, I was not like Little Ying, thinking that if I didn’t harm others, others wouldn’t hurt themselves.

But when the interests appear, they are always kind and friendly, and even good brothers who want to wear a pair of pants with you, may not be behind, fiercely hit you with a knife.

“Little Ying, the fault is not with you, that priest is a hypocrite, what subdue monsters and defeat demons, what he wants is nothing more than to let you be a mount for him!”

“Little Ying will not serve him as a mount, but also as a Lin Hai big brother. In his life, Little Ying only allows Lin Hai big brother to ride alone!”


Little Ying’s words immediately made Lin Hai’s face black and fuck, which was too ambiguous. Fortunately, A’hua’s rogue dog was not present, otherwise it would be absolutely unclear.

However, looking at Little Ying’s simple, clean eyes, Lin Hai’s heart was more deeply moved.

“Stupid girl, although you are a descendant of Monster Race, but you are also a human, in this world, no one can ask you to be someone’s mount, no one can, if there is, I will kill him!”

Lin Hai said here, his eyes flashed. Although this Taoist today is too powerful, Lin Hai is not an opponent, but if he dares to play Little Ying’s idea in the future, Lin Hai will never let him go!

“Lin Hai big brother, you are so nice to Little Ying!”

“Stupid girl!” Lin Hai rubbed Little Ying’s hair dotingly.

“Just in case, don’t leave today, just stay in Jiangnan.”

“No!” Little Ying shook the head, “That priest was injured by Xian’er elder sister, and he would definitely not dare to come out again for a short time. Little Ying would not be in danger.”

“Lin Hai big brother, Xinyue elder sister, Xian’er elder sister, Little Ying is gone, goodbye!”

Little Ying moved towards Lin Hai and the others waved his hand to reveal a lovely smile and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of Little Ying’s departure, Lin Hai’s eyes flashed a haze.

With a thought, Xu and A’hua’s bodies appeared in front of them.

“Father, people are discussing the Binghuo 32 style with the dirty dragon!” A’hua’s expression of dissatisfaction.

Xu looked arrogantly at Lin Hai and said lightly.

“What’s wrong with Demonic beast?”

“Follow Little Ying until she returns to Hanyuechi safely. If there is any accident midway, quickly notify me, please, you two!” Lin Hai said solemnly.

“a piece of cake!”

Xu Gao’s promised, and before A’hua spoke, he was directly held by Xu’s mouth and flew up.

“Damn, you stupid bird, where are you going? Gou is about to die, don’t ruin the happiness of thousands of little bitches …”

With A’hua’s screaming exhaustion, Xu blinked into a golden streamer and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Hai was relieved. If Little Ying is really dangerous, A’hua can continue to follow, and at a speed of Xu, he can quickly inform himself that he can take the shuttle shuttle and arrive in an instant to rescue Little Ying.

I hope that Little Ying will be able to return safely on the way. If anyone dares to guess, if you start with Little Ying, even if you die, Lin will kill it!

“the host!”

Until this time, Xian’er stepped forward slowly, the pretty face with a hint of dignity, Zhu Lip opened slightly, and spoke lightly.

“What’s wrong, Xian’er?”

Lin Hai asked in amazement, and since he knew Xian’er, he had rarely seen such a serious expression.

“If you meet the same Taoist priest in the future, the master must be careful!”

“This nature, the strength of that Taoist priest, at least Nascent Soul Middle-Stage, and even Nascent Soul Late Stage, is really very tricky!” Lin Hai was convinced that at least with his current strength, self-protection might be possible, and he wanted to overcome That priest is almost impossible.

Unless you release your own big move, you may be able to kill it, but Lin Hai will not try it easily as a last resort. Those big moves will consume Zhen Qi very much. Once you use it, you ca n’t defeat the enemy, you will be in danger. Already.

“Xian’er said, not just the cultivation base, but the white flag in his hands!”

“White flag?” Lin Hai froze, “I seem to hear what you just said, what is ghost ghost bone bone? Very difficult to deal with?”

“Very powerful!” Xian’er looked solemnly nodded. “That’s a terrifying magic weapon!”

“Oh?” Lin Hai was shocked and could make Xian’er feel terrifying, then this ghost and bone-gut was obviously not a frivolous thing.

Xian’er continued.

“Hua Xia Ancient Era’s Battle of the Gods, I wonder if the owner knows?”

“Battle of the Gods? 妲 self? Jiang Ziya?” Lin Hai asked curiously. When he was a kid, he didn’t watch myths such as the Romans of the Gods. When Xian’er mentioned the battle of the Gods, his mind immediately popped into his mind. It ’s time to seal the shadow of God ’s Romance.

“Yes, Xunji and Jiang Ziya did participate in the battle of the gods, and they are extremely important characters!” Xian’er nodded.

“If you said the battle of Fengshen was the period of time, then I should know something.” Lin Hai said with some uncertainty. After all, the Fengshen Romance is only a story. Whether it is the same as the real situation, he is not sure. . “Does the master know that Yin Ying is one of those who have been named as the Goddess of the Slayer after death?”

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