
When the Taoist heard this, he looked at Lin Hai in surprise, but when his eyes fell on Xian’er and Liu Xinyue, his face couldn’t help showing shock.

“who are you?”

“Never mind who I am, let my younger sister go without wanting to die!”

Lin Hai raised her hand and pointed at Little Ying, and said angrily.

“You younger sister?” The Taoist froze, and then laughed, his face turning dark.

“You are a human, she is a demon, how did you become your younger sister? Delight yourself!”

“Nonsense, ask you again, let it go!” The cold light in Lin Hai’s eyes became more and more prosperous, Little Ying’s pitiful appearance, like a blade, stabbed in Lin Hai’s heart, if he was not worried that the Taoist suddenly broke down The killer, Lin Hai rushed forward.

“Subdue monsters and defeat demons is my mission. Since I was met by Poor Daoist, how can I let this evildoer go, and I advise you not to worry about it and annoy Poor Daoist, even if the two women behind you can’t protect you!”

“Fuck you up!” Lin Hai furiously shouted, knowing that it doesn’t make sense, and he had to do it to snatch Little Ying back.

“Xian’er, I deal with this old facetious, you save Little Ying!”

“I’m with you!” Liu Xinyue took a step forward, revealing unprecedented dignity on the pretty face.

“Good!” Lin Hai nodded, suddenly coldly shouted, “do!”

The words landed, Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue, the silhouette flashed out and went straight to the Taoist priest. At the same time, Xian’er flashed and moved towards Little Ying.

“impudent !”

The priest was furious and waved a dust in his hand. He immediately formed a golden mask in front of him to protect his body. At the same time, a golden light, moved towards Xian’er struck, trying to stop Xian’er from saving him. Little Ying.

“Hah! ”

Xian’er tenderly shouted, waving his hands again and again, the turbulent air waves rolled, and there appeared an azure vortex, which collided with golden rays of light.


Suddenly, the harsh friction sounded, and the golden light was blocked by azure vortex. Xian’er instantly reached in front of Little Ying, digging in the palm of his hand, and pulled the golden light on Little Ying’s body, and pulled Little Ying to 100 meters. Beyond!


At the same time, the attack of Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue fell on the golden mask in front of the Taoist priest. The strong light waves reflected the sky. The golden mask shook for a while, and suddenly there were close and numerous cracks. Shattered!


Taoist angry roar and Little Ying were rescued and attacked by Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue. They immediately made the priest angry and did not wait for the golden mask to break. The dust in the priest’s hand waved again, flowing light gold flashed, moved towards Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue struck.

“My husband is careful!”

Liu Xinyue was shocked. The priest’s attack was too fast, especially the harshness of no stronghold one cannot overcome in golden light, which made her feel a palpitation, hurriedly pushing in the palm, invisible crafty moonlight to meet golden light And shouted loudly while moved towards Lin Hai.

It is a pity that it is too late. Golden light in the dust of the Taoist priests, with the trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, broke through the defense that Liu Xinyue hurriedly laid out, and blinked to Lin Hai’s approach.

Lin Hai’s eyes kept abruptly, never expected this priest was so powerful, and his mouth was coldly shouted.



Suddenly, a thick ice wall appeared in front of Lin Hai, blocking the attack of golden light.


As soon as golden light touched the ice wall, it immediately smashed the ice wall directly and continued to move towards Lin Hai.

“My day!”

Lin Hai shouted, his pupils shrank, and the priest was too terrifying. The ice way of his Great Perfection couldn’t defend against the attack of golden light.

Seeing that golden light was about to fall on his chest, Lin Hai thought about it, disappeared in place, and entered the holy realm.

“Grandma’s, but I can only hide!”

Lin Hai cursed, almost reappearing at the same time as he entered the sacred realm, but the golden light had passed through Lin Hai’s previous position, and there was no more threat.


The Taoist was suddenly startled, with an incredible expression on his face. Although Lin Hai’s disappearance was short enough to be almost imperceptible, he still did not hide his eyes.

“what happened!”

Rao is a Taoist priest experienced and knowledgeable. For a while, he was a little aggressive, but he couldn’t think about it anymore. Liu Xinyue’s attack with strong toughness was already approaching.


Under tenderly shouted, Liu Xinyue lithe and graceful body, like 9 Celestial Immortal females, dancing lightly and gracefully, drove the air, the blue waves tumbling, like the tide of the sea, hiding the sky and covering the earth, swept straight towards the Taoist priest.


The Taoist raised a brow, dusted and stirred Heaven and Earth, four strong winds, numerous golden haloes, and fierce coercive force, collided with Liu Xinyue’s attack.


The huge shock caused the Taoist and Liu Xinyue’s bodies to all move towards the rear and fly back. Lin Hai saw this opportunity. The Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was in his hands, leaped forward, and cut wildly.

“Air-Severing Slash!”


On the light blue blade glow, the flames rolled, cut through the sky, and moved towards the top of the Taoist sect, and the blade of no stronghold one cannot overcome seemed to split the space, and the air crackled, as if the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, will be burned by fire.


The priest saw this, coldly snorted, and swayed the dust in his hand, and a golden arc of moonlight flickered, colliding with the blade glow of Lin Hai.


With a loud noise, Lin Hai was shaken upright by a strong counter-vibration force. The Three Pointed Double Edged Blade swayed high in his hands. He was about to let go, his mouth was numb, and blood ticked out instantly.


Lin Hai was so shocked that he couldn’t think that this priest was so powerful. He and Liu Xinyue fought against him. When Liu Xinyue pushed him back, he chased after himself, almost hurting his hands.


Just at this time, a Taoist priest suddenly issued a mantra. In the space, a large golden “forbidden” word suddenly appeared on top of Lin Hai’s head, like a mountain, falling straight down.

Lin Hai looked up in shock and couldn’t help but startled, but found that his legs, like being imprisoned, couldn’t move.


Lin Hai’s heart sank in an instant. The two opportunities to enter the sanctuary today have been exhausted and cannot be avoided at all. If it is hit by this huge forbidden word, I am afraid it will be directly smashed into flesh.

At the moment of crisis, Lin Hai’s eyes were light flashed, holding a knife in one hand, and the other hand suddenly over the top of his head, rolled sharply obliquely, coldly shouted in his mouth.

“Rolling Curtains!”


Above Lin Hai’s head, an oblique space mezzanine suddenly appeared, with a layer of black paint inside, and the hurricane howling, just to meet the huge forbidden word.


The golden forbidden word in the sky fell directly into the space interlayer, the dark interlayer, and after flashing a dazzling golden rays of light, it was immediately engulfed, and the interlayer was closed to restore peace.

“Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens !”

At this time, the sound of Liu Xinyue’s coquettish drinking reappeared, and a proud Phoenix illusory shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, rushing towards the Taoist priest.

The Taoist swayed the dust, and the golden streamer turned into a long spear, with a fierce offensive, fighting with Phoenix.


In a dying time, Phoenix was pierced by long spear, bursting, and the long spear was also smashed by the aftermath of the explosion!


A humming sounded, Liu Xinyue lovable body trembled, and he even took a few steps back, his blood was rolling, his face suddenly turned white, and the Taoist on the other side was not good, his body slipped out of several meters away, his throat rolled, a trace of blood From the corner of the mouth.

“Very good!” The Taoist raised his hand and wiped the blood, suddenly a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes, his arm was empty, and a white flag appeared in his hand.

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