Lin Hai looked at the message from Iron Crutch Li, angrily anxious to cross it, on his lame leg, and fiercely kicked both feet.

What a pit father, why didn’t you say that Jade Pond was the place where the fairies bathed.

This fuck is in the group asking the fairies’ bath water in public, but must not let the teasing Divine Immortal laugh at him?

After that, the big brother ’s reputation in the group is completely ruined, and it is estimated that he can stand side by side with the brothers Zhu Bajie and Mo Liqing.

At this time, someone @ 自己 了.

Lin Hai looked at it, it was Jade Pond Fairy.

Jade Pond Fairy: @ 小 糊涂 仙, Fellow Daoist, please don’t be so boring! (Behind is a look of contempt)

Grass, this has to quickly turn things around, let’s be honest.

Little confused: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy Don’t get me wrong, I have a friend who was in Peach Blossom and urgently needed the water of Jade Pond to crack the number of robbers, so I asked Fairy for a spoon of Jade Pond’s water, and Fairy Qing was complete.

Before Jade Pond Fairy answered, the gangsters have spoken again, but the content of this speech made Lin Hai wait for one of them to slap in the flace.

Moliqing: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy Don’t get me wrong, I have a friend who lost the peach blossom and urgently needed the water of Jade Pond to crack the number of robbers, so I asked Fairy for a spoonful of Jade Pond’s water and Fairy Qing was complete.

Thor: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy Don’t get me wrong, I have a friend who was in Peach Blossom and urgently needed the water of Jade Pond to crack the number of robbers, so I asked Fairy for a spoon of Jade Pond’s water and Fairy Qing was complete.

Zhu Bajie: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy Don’t get me wrong, I have a friend who was in Peach Blossom and urgently needed the water of Jade Pond to crack the number of robbers, so I asked Fairy for a spoon of Jade Pond’s water and Fairy Qing was complete.


Fuck, Lin Hai is so angry, these shameless people actually copied their own speech!

Doesn’t he follow the chaos!

Little confused: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy, all I said is true! (A tearful expression behind)

As a result, as soon as the message was sent, the gang followed up.

Zhu Bajie: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy, all I say is true! (A tearful expression behind)

Erlang Shen: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy, all I say is true! (A tearful expression behind)

Taibai Jinxing: @Jade Pond Fairy, Fairy, what I said is true! (A tearful expression behind)


pu! Your uncle!

Lin Hai is going crazy!

Zhu Bajie Mo Liqing’s teasing and chaos are just fine. Fuck Taibai Jinxing, you are a lot of years old.

Lin Hai really didn’t know how to do it this time.

Just then, the fairy Jade Pond spoke.

Jade Pond Fairy: @ 小 糊涂 仙, I do n’t know if you ’re messing around, or is really, so, buy it with merit points, if you are mischievous, I believe that the merit points I want will make you The flesh was so painful that it trembled when I heard the word Jade Pond 2.

You guys, you guys!

Lin Hai was depressed.

Fuck, obviously you can rely on it. As a result, this group of teasers makes a mess, and you must buy it with merit.

Moreover, listening to Jade Pond Fairy’s tone, the number of merit points is absolutely great.

But now he doesn’t even have any merit points. How is this good?

Little confused: @Jade Pond Fairy, can you trade things for something?

The only thing Lin Hai thought of was to exchange things.

Jade Pond Fairy: Yes.

Lin Hai sighed in relief, as long as you can trade things.

Little confused: @Jade Pond Fairy, can you let Great Saint help pass and forward, my friend has a limit.

After a while, the information of Jade Pond Fairy came back, but Lin Hai looked at it and his heart was cold.

Jade Pond Fairy: I do n’t have anyone’s WeChat except Supreme Taoist. If you want, just add my friends, others, I do n’t.

Aiya, really fucking personality, sorrow baby.

Ding dong!

While thinking about what to do, Lin Hai suddenly received a message to add a friend.

“Add your sister, add, the big brother has said the upper limit.” Lin Hai opened it casually and looked at it.

The head of a big Ben slider, Lin Hai recognized it at a glance.

Shou Old Xing, Antarctic Sage!

You have reached the maximum number of friends and cannot be added!

Lin Hai sighed, we will turn off WeChat.

Ding dong!

Another message prompts.

The Antarctic Wonder expands the number of friends for you and costs 100000 merit points.

Nani! Lin Hai’s eyes straightened.

Did the Antarctic Whale smoke? Spend so much money to expand yourself?

What does that mean?

Lin Hai was suddenly aggressive.

Grass, no matter, with the number of friends, use it first.

Lin Hai directly added Jade Pond Fairy as a friend.

As soon as it was added, it passed directly. Lin Hai’s friends added an outrageous fairy head.

“Haha, very good!” Lin Hai was excited.

Ding dong!

Another message.

Lin Hai opened it.

Antarctic Wonder asked to add you as a friend.

You have reached the maximum number of friends and cannot be added.

Uh … Lin Hai scratched his head, suddenly a little awkward.

At this time, the Antarctic fairy is directly in the group @Lin Hai.

Antarctic immortal: @ 小 糊涂 仙, (behind is a bunch of crying expressions)

Antarctic Fairy Wife: @ 小 糊涂 仙, Fellow Daoist, without this fun (behind is a grieving tearful expression)

Antarctic Fairy Wonder: @ 小 糊涂 仙, Fellow Daoist, you ca n’t do that.

Antarctic fairy Weng: @ 小 糊涂 仙, Fellow Daoist …

Lin Hai took a look, Damn, all Antarctic fairy Wong @own.

Mad, leave it alone.

Lin Hai had a bit of a confession and shut the group down.

Then, Jade Pond Fairy’s dialog box opens.

Little mess: Fairy, I really need Jade Pond’s water.

Jade Pond Fairy: Well, 10 merit points, let me see your sincerity.

Damn, cruel enough!

Little confused: Fairy, I’m going to trade things.

Jade Pond Fairy: Oh? Yes, what can I change?

Mad, what do you exchange for, what do you exchange for?

Lin Hai was anxious again.

Carrots definitely don’t work, neither can cigarette fuck. Jade Pond Fairy is so pretty, how can you go out every day to burn a cigarette?

Lin Hai walked out of the bedroom, looking for something to exchange.

“En?” On the sofa in the living room, a box caught Lin Hai’s attention.

Lin Hai walked quickly.

“Hydrating mask? Haha, that’s it!” Lin Hai was happy.

Mad, there are a few women who don’t need a mask. This is definitely the one that has run out and dropped. Send this to Jade Pond Fairy. She likes it.

Lin Hai opened WeChat and swept into the mask, which disappeared out of thin air.

You sent Jade Pond Fairy a beauty skin mask.

“Hydrating mask? What?” Jade Pond Fairy quickly sent the news.

Little confused: Fairy has no idea. This is what Xiaoxian got from a Secret Realm. It has incredible magical effects on the skin of a woman’s face.

Lin Hai flickered for a while, then told Jade Pond Fairy how to use the mask.

Jade Pond Fairy: Is it so amazing? That being the case, I will try it tonight.

Ding dong!

Jade Pond Fairy sends you a scoop of Jade Pond water.

Jade Pond Fairy: Since you are willing to exchange treasures, and you want to be different from those who are bored, you really need the water of Jade Pond to save people. In that case, things will be sent to you first.

Lin Hai is overjoyed.

Little confused: Thanks Fairy!

Looking at the water of Jade Pond in the Universe Bag, Lin Hai was finally at ease.

Early tomorrow morning, I will find Hou Xianpin and solve the peach blossom disaster for him!

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