It turned out that Hou Xianpin met a beautiful girl named Taotao at a classmate’s wedding a few months ago.

Tao Tao seemed to have a magical power. Hou Xianpin was deeply attracted to her the first time she met, and Tao Tao seemed to be interested in Hou Xianpin. The two kept the phone in private.

After dating for a while, Taotao felt that Hou Xianpin was gentle and beautiful, but also considerate, just like her ideal girl.

Hou Xianpin has already determined in his heart that in this life, Fei Taotao will not take it.

But in the last week, Hou Xianpin found something wrong.

Even during work, when you are not with Tao Tao, you are full of Tao Tao’s shadow. Sometimes, Tao Tao can call Hou Xianpin for a few minutes with a smirk.

Hou Xianpin is not the kind of person who does not have self-control. He began to feel that this matter was abnormal, and his mind seemed to be controlled by others.

So Hou Xianpin tried to deliberately not think about Taotao, and then a scene of terrifying appeared.

Tao Tao actually appeared in Hou Xianpin’s mind every so often, and how to dispel it could not be dispelled, and the time when Tao Tao appeared in his mind, he seemed to be controlled by himself. Something abnormal.

Today, Wang Yan, the secretary of the chairman of the Zhao Group, found Hou Xianpin and asked about the auction of the Hu Group.

Hou Xianpin has been a secretary for many years. Of course, she knows what to say and what should not be said, so she is going to send her away.

But at this moment, Taotao suddenly appeared in Hou Xianpin’s mind, constantly hinting at him, and told Wang Yan everything he knew.

Hou Xianpin’s consciousness told himself that he could not say anything, but he could not say anything, but his mouth was actually out of control, and he said everything he knew.

As it happens, Mayor Tang passed by his door and witnessed it all.

Angrily, he scolded Hou Xianpin and kicked him out.

Hou Xianpin spent the whole day on the street.

Looking back on what happened during this time, the more he thought, the more he was shocked, the more he was scared!

What is surprising is that Taotao’s affairs have completely exceeded his cognitive scope. Like a witch in a fairy tale, she controls her consciousness, and she is terrified!

The fear is, mayor Tang no longer reuse himself because of this matter.

Think about it. From a rural youth, through struggle and hard work hundreds of times harder than ordinary people, he has reached today’s position. If he was ruined once because of this unintentional sentence today, he would regret it.

In terror, Hou Xianpin became more and more desperate, just like he lost his soul, and felt that his life was completely over.

That is, in this case, Hou Xianpin was almost hit by Lin Hai’s car.

Lin Hai listened with a dull look.

Judging from Hou Xianpin’s description, this peach is definitely not an ordinary person, but Lin Hai’s knowledge in this area is really scarce. Except for the unfathomable mystery who knows that Hou Xianpin’s head is a peach blossom, nothing is known.

“Xiao Lin, this is the case. Look, is there a way to crack it?” Hou Xianpin asked with a little nervousness.

“Hou brother, your situation is more complicated, let me think about it, and tell you the answer tomorrow.” Lin Hai can only drag and wait to go back and ask the gang of funny Divine Immortal.

“It’s tomorrow.” Hou Xianpin’s eyes were obviously darkened, but he soon recovered.

“Ok, Kobayashi, please, please. This is my business card. If you have news, call me.”

“Um.” Lin Hai drove Hou Xianpin back home before driving home.

When they got home, their parents had already fallen asleep, Lin Hai went straight back to his house.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Chu Liner holding the mobile phone there, intently playing the game of five, and even came in by himself without raising his head.

Lin Hai couldn’t help but sigh.

Another great young man obsessed with games.

If she was understood by her dad, her daughter was brought into the internet addiction by herself. She is wrong. She is a stand-alone teenager. I do n’t know if she will directly take her to the prefecture, throw it in the pan, and fry it 8 times and XNUMX times.

Lin Hai lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and thought about it before sending a message to Sun Wukong.

Little confused: Great Saint, how to crack peach blossoms, do you know?

Sun Wukong’s message was sent soon.

Sun Wukong: Brother, have you hit peach blossoms? ah ha ha, crack anything, just enjoy it.

Uh … Lin Hai is a black line.

Little confused: Great Saint, a friend of mine, is extremely distressed and urgently needs a way of rescue.

Sun Wukong: It’s easy to say, to find the master of the peach blossom, just kill him with a stick.

Hey, I’m going, Lin Hai is going crazy, every time I ask this monkey about things, it’s so violent. Why do you think the big brother is you?

From Sun Wukong, there is nothing to ask. Lin Hai thought about it and asked Iron Crutch Li. Iron Crutch Li looks more reliable.

Little confused: Do you know how to crack peach blossoms?

Iron Crutch Li: Peach Blossom Robbery! (A row of shocked faces behind)

I ’m so fucked! Lin Hai cursed.

When is Iron Crutch Li chatting with himself?

Little confused: What do you mean?

Lin Hai was a little impatient.

Iron Crutch Li: Well, peach blossoms in the peach garden, flowers in the garden.

Fuck, Lin Hai is so mad, as soon as he finishes talking to you, why do you chant.

Little confused: talk well!

Iron Crutch Li: My Third Brother Lu Dongbin and my last generation of peach blossoms have all started from my heart.

Lin Hai is now down.

Grass, this means that peach blossoms can’t be cracked?

What can I do?

Little confused: Is there really no way?

Iron Crutch Li: If there is no mercy, there is only robbery, or it can be cracked by external forces.

Grass, Lin Hai rolled his eyes.

What the co-author was talking about was nonsense, and that’s what he was waiting for.

Little confused: What external force?

Iron Crutch Li: Peach blossom, also known as Xianchi, but Xianchi is called mortal. In fact, it is our Jade Pond at Heavenly Court. You just need to find Jade Pond Fairy and take a spoonful of Jade Pond water and splash it in On his head, Taohuajie rescued himself, but the feelings between Taohuajie and the people in Zhongjie also cut off forever.

Lin Hai now understands, not just looking for Jade Pond Fairy.

Lin Hai opens the High Heaven Trading Circle group.

Little confused: @Jade Pond Fairy, isn’t it?

Wait for a while.

Jade Pond Fairy: @ 小 糊涂 仙, here, what happened to Fellow Daoist?

Little confused: Can you ask Fairy for a Jade Pond water?

Lin Hai issued this sentence, and immediately stirred up thousands of waves.

Sun Wukong: @ 小 糊涂 仙 , brother, I really ca n’t think of it, you still have this hobby (behind is a bunch of smirk expressions)

Moliqing: @ 小 糊涂 仙, wow haha, people in the same community, I did not expect you to dare to open in the group, enough shameless, I like it!

Chang’e: @ 小 糊涂 仙, hate, have you just seen someone just come out? (Behind is a shy expression)

7 Fairy: @ 小 糊涂 仙, handsome guy, True Master does not show up, it is deep enough. (Behind is a smile that covers her mouth)

Zhu Bajie: @ 小 糊涂 仙, haha, the old pig secretly went to Jade Pond only yesterday, there, it is so fragrant.


Fuck, what?

Lin Hai looked at the gang @@ 自己, which teased Divine Immortal each and everyone, and said unfathomable mystery.

Mad, there seems to be a problem here.

Lin Hai hastily sent another message to Iron Crutch Li.

Little confused: What’s in the group? What exactly is Jade Pond’s water?

Iron Crutch Li responded quickly.

However, Lin Hai almost looked at the content of the reply and almost planted it on the ground.

Fuck, cheating!

Watching the group @ herself continued, Lin Hai howled a tragically.

“Return to the good image of Lao Tzu !!!”

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