call out!

The Divine Thunder Hammer in the hands of Lin Hai, suddenly the rays of light, flourished, and flew directly into the air, suspended above Lin Hai’s head.

At the same time, a suffocating and powerful coercion instantly condensed from the sky, suddenly dark clouds rolling, covering the sky, the people below were all beating heartily, and a fear from the soul made them all Shake uncontrollably!


Island Lord’s disappearing silhouette suddenly appeared within a distance of one meter in front of Lin Hai, but he couldn’t ignore the attack at all, and was forced to retreat by a terrifying trend that almost tore him off, terrified in his eyes abnormal!

“what is that!”

Island Lord looked up in horror, and looked towards the sky, but in the rolling black clouds, there were countless arcs beating, as if condensing a huge power like destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!

Lin Hai also felt the rapidly forming terrifying power above his head. Although he had expected it, he was still shocked by the horror of that power, and his heart was shocked!

“Divine Thunder Hammer, it’s so scary!”

If Lin Hai had some concerns about whether Divine Thunder Hammer could kill the Island Lord before, then it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary!

Although Island Lord is strong, under the terrifying coercion of Divine Thunder Hammer, it is almost as fragile as an ant!


Thinking of this, Lin Hai suddenly had a high morale, a light shout in his mouth, and Divine Thunder Hammer suddenly drew rays of light. In the void, moved towards Island Lord fell far away!


At the same time, there was a loud noise in the sky, and in the rolling black clouds, a huge lightning that almost blinded people’s eyes, suddenly fell down and went straight to the head of Island Lord!


Island Lord trembled, terrifying the soul flew away and scattered. The terrifying power of this thunderbolt gave him a feeling of being small like Tianwei. Needless to say, being hacked, he was swept a little, I’m afraid It’s all a godlike ending!


Don’t even think about it, Island Lord puts his speed to the limit and runs away!

However, the speed of thunder and lightning is almost incredible. Even with the insane manner of Island Lord, it is still impossible to get rid of the thunder and lightning!

Seeing that he was about to be struck by lightning, Island Lord’s heart was so cold that a horror of fear emanated from his soul.

“Island Lord, run away!” Hou Guangyao, not far away, issued an anxiously shout. This thunderbolt was too terrifying. Although he knew that the strength of Island Lord was unfathomable, but facing this path was like Tianwei The thunder and lightning also concluded that the Island Lord would never be able to take over!

Island Lord was already panicked at this moment. For the first time, I felt that death was so close to myself. When I was panicking, I suddenly heard the shout of Hou Guangyao, eyes flash with a cold light, and suddenly reached out a force. Hou Guangyao, who understood what was going on, pulled himself forward!

“Island Lord, you …” Hou Guangyao turned pale with fright, feeling the thunder and thunder threatening, and almost scared to lie on the ground.

“I will avenge you!”

Island Lord loudly shouts, then threw Hou Guangyao’s body suddenly, and greeted the thunder and lightning!

“Do not!!!”

Hou Guangyao issued a terrifying roar, and his body was struck by lightning and dissipated directly between Heaven and Earth. The dignified Nascent Soul Late Stage was so powerful that even a dreg was left.

Island Lord took advantage of this moment to finally escape the attack range of thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning fell on the ground, and the bluestone paved square was as if a heavy bomb had been dropped. The smoke and dust suddenly started, the stones were flying, and the rays of light from the lightning were like countless sharp arrows. moved towards all around


Suddenly, the screams came one after another. Looking at the lively people who eat melons, didn’t expect the disaster to fall from the sky, and the film fell down in an instant.

“What a pity!”

Lin Hai patted her thigh in annoyance, hurriedly took out a medicine pill and sent it to the entrance, and quickly added Zhen Qi, which had already been overdrawn, to it.

At the same time, Divine Thunder Hammer in the sky, rays of light dissipated, and flew back to Lin Hai. Lin Hai’s thoughts moved Divine Thunder Hammer into the holy realm.

With Lin Hai’s current cultivation base, even the overdrawn Zhen Qi can only barely perform Divine Thunder Hammer once. Without killing the Island Lord, there is no second chance!

The smoke was gone, and the Silhouette of Island Lord slowly emerged in the air.

At this moment, the elegant face of Island Lord has long since disappeared, and it is replaced by deep fear and rejoicing!

Although he has already sensed the terrifying magic weapon in Lin Hai’s hands, it is expected that a Golden Core Realm in Lin Hai will not be able to exert the magic power of magic weapon. With his strength, there may not be much threat!

But how didn’t expect, Lin Hai actually released the formidable power of the hammer magic weapon perfectly, and drove him almost into the desperate situation. If it weren’t for Hou Guangyao’s bad luck, the egg is at his side, I am afraid he already dead!

“You actually killed General Hou Guangyao of this seat. It is an unforgivable sin. Submit the hammer magic weapon obediently. This seat can make you die quickly, otherwise you will draw your soul out and make you suffer ! “

“Well, you have to be shameless!” Lin Hai suddenly looked scornful, “Hou Guangyao died in your hand, but you lay on my head, it is shameless!”

“Hmph, anyway, Hou Guangyao died because of you!”

“Today, I will kill you and take revenge on Hou Guangyao!”

“I suppose, with your strength, you can’t urge that magic weapon again?”

In the eyes of Island Lord, the cold light shot, showing a contemptuous smile.

“Without that magic weapon, it’s up to you, a little Golden Core Realm ant, to fight against this one?”

“Your nonsense, it’s really getting more and more!” Lin Hai shook the head with contempt, then looked cold!

“If you want a magic weapon, come and pick it up, and see if you have this ability!”

“Courting death!” Island Lord was furious, suddenly extended the hand, a sudden air flow, moved towards Lin Hai swept away, and imprisoned Lin Hai instantly.


Immediately, above Lin Hai’s body, the rays of light were magnificent, and the body of the Island Lord flickered, but it was bounced off by the force of the shock, and moved towards the rear and leap.

“What’s going on!” Island Lord was shocked and held his shape, but saw the silhouette of Lin Hai, who had quickly flew out, looked towards his gaze, and also took a thick scene of rays of light!


Island Lord was instantly provoked. Although he didn’t understand how the rays of light suddenly bloomed on Lin Hai, he thought it should be a powerful defensive magic weapon, which immediately made him greedy!

“Rat, where do you go!”

Island Lord loudly shouted, the silhouette disappeared instantly, and moved towards Lin Hai to follow.


But just as his body passed the position where Lin Hai was standing before, suddenly the rays of light were booming, as if a huge light shield held him in!


Island Lord’s speed is too fast, even with his cultivation base, it is a bit weaker. The body and the hood collided together, as if it hit a spring, and bounced him back instantly!


At the same time, a beast roared, Island Lord looked back, and suddenly Hah!



The blood mist Demonic beast that just appeared was killed by the Island Lord in one breath and turned into a blood mist!

At the same time, the Island Lord waved his hand, a fierce attack, and moved towards down.


The mask rose again, stopping the Island Lord’s attack and being deformed for a while, but rebounded instantly and returned to its original state.

“Forbidden space?” Island Lord suddenly frowned, and then killed the blood mist Demonic beast that was resurrected again, and watched 4 times.

“Haha, this imprisonment space is unbreakable, not even half a step Earth Immortal!”

Lin Hai stood in the distance, and immediately felt a joy. This mystery of a really awesome metamorphosis, this time has done amazing work.

Although Island Lord could not be killed, Lin Hai was able to leave when he was trapped.

Don’t say if the Island Lord can get out of trouble at that time, just figure it out and leave Divine Dragon Island. The World is so big. He wants to find revenge for himself, where should he go?

“En?” But just as Lin Hai’s complexion suddenly changed, her mind flashed a terrible premonition.

After seeing the Island Lord attacking once, he stopped continuing the attack, but instead sat down suddenly, his eyes closed, and his body was flickering with faint rays of light, and his tightly knit seemed to be sensing something!

“Weird, escape!”

Lin Hai decided to stop right away and ran away!

But at this moment, Island Lord’s closed eyes suddenly opened, and moved towards a sharp electric look!


Afterwards, the Island Lord gave a swift drink, and a slam in his hand struck directly, hitting a crystal source stone, and flew it into the air in an instant!


The next moment, Space Imprisonment disappeared, and the Undead Wraith was broken!

“Your sister!” Lin Hai cry out in surprise, secretly thought not good!

At this time, the Silhouette of Island Lord exploded again and disappeared in the same place. At the same time, an angry roar exploded in Lin Hai’s ear! “Junior, where do you escape!”

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