The black claws came quickly and quickly. Lin Hai was in midair, out of control, and anxious in his eyes.

Facing the blow from Hou Guangyao ’s Nascent Soul Late Stage, Lin Hai ’s cultivation base could n’t even fight it. Even with Divine Thunder Hammer, it ’s too late!


The black claws seized Lin Hai’s body fiercely, and Hou Guangyao’s face flashed through the cruel rays of light!

Before that, Lin Hai first hijacked the court and threatened him with that hammer-like magic weapon, so that he lost his face in front of people. Now, given this opportunity, how could he easily let go of Lin Hai!

This claw contains Hou Guangyao’s 5000 years of deeds. Even if it is the power of the same Nascent Soul Late Stage, if it is caught firmly, it will certainly be dead!

weng! But at this moment, Lin Hai’s body suddenly bloomed an extremely dazzling rays of light, which grabbed Hou Guangyao’s stern grasp and bounced up instantly. Not only that, Hou Guangyao ’s body rushing forward It was a huge force of anti-shock, and the shock flew a few 100 feet away before stopping the figure. In my eyes

A shock!

“How can this be!”

Hou Guangyao’s eyelids jumped wildly, his face was incredible!

This is a hit of his 5000 years. How did Lin Hai’s little Golden Core Realm resist?

The body of Lin Hai was even more affected by the force of the black claws, and the distance of several hunted zhangs stopped before he stopped. Although not injured, it was a burst of blood and blood!


At this time, a clear voice sounded, and the rays of light on Lin Hai’s body faded instantly, while a white pendant broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

The first keel pendant saved Lin Hai’s life and finally shattered!

However, Lin Hai could no longer take care of it at this time. His eyes fell with deep fear on the silhouette suspended in the air, and his heart sank suddenly.

“Island Lord?”

There was a bitter groan in Lin Hai’s throat. He had escaped before, but was lifted back by a huge air wave. At this moment, Lin Hai didn’t need to know, it was the silhouette in the air.

Until this moment, the misty rays of light around the silhouette gradually dissipated, revealing the true appearance.

“Great Marshal Hou Guangyao, pay respects to Island Lord!”

“I wait, pay respects to Island Lord!”

Island Lord appeared in real life, not only Hou Guangyao, but even the people who watched the crowd all bowed and salute, with deep awe in their hearts. Obviously, Island Lord has been in the hearts of people for a long time!

Island Lord turned a blind eye to everyone, but with a hint of curiosity, moved towards Lin Hai looked.

“You are the Lin Hai who killed my son and made the jade stone mountain range inexplicably disappear?”

Island Lord’s voice, without a trace of emotion, such as Feng Qingyun is light, but it makes Lin Hai’s heart shake, and a faint awe of heart.

Lin Hai frowned, forcibly expelling this unfavorable feeling, lifts the head and looked directly at the Island Lord, and for the first time saw the true face of Lushan in the legendary half-step Earth Immortal!

Delicate and pretty, like a weak middle-aged scholar, looks very different from the fierce gods imagined by Lin Hai!

However, Lin Hai’s eyes fell on the Island Lord, but it made him feel a tremor from the depths of his soul. It was like the two clear and deep eyes of the Island Lord, which made Lin Hai feel pierced.

“Yes, I am Lin Hai!”

Lin Hai took a deep breath, spoke loudly, and at the same time Zhen Qi slammed, a majestic momentum spurted out.

Although facing the terrifying character of Island Lord, his own momentum is like the light of fireflies, but he must also forcibly improve his morale and make a look of inferiority, otherwise, once the heart is deterred, I am afraid to take action The courage is gone.

“Very good!” Island Lord nodded, instead of looking at Lin Hai, he turned to Hou Guangyao instead.

Hou Guangyao shivered all over, ducking his head in haste, a flash of fear expression flashed in his eyes.

“Subordinates are unfavorable, please punish the Island Lord!”

“After this, cut off his own arm!”

The crowds onlookers suddenly felt shocked and full of incredibleness.

Who is Hou Guangyao? Great Marshal, a master of the Dignified Nascent Soul Late Stage, the first person under the Island Lord, was unexpectedly punished for cutting off his own arm because of this little thing? Is this too heavy?

However, Hou Guangyao took a sigh of relief, holding cup one fist in the other hand gratefully.

“Thank Island Lord for not killing!”

“What? Hou Guangyao is not only not angry, but also thank you?” Everyone thought that Hou Guangyao would be dissatisfied with the Island Lord. After all, the Island Lord cultivation base is strong, and Hou Guangyao is not weak. I did n’t expect Hou Guangyao to recognize this?

After the crowd was surprised, they suddenly woke up and thought of a terrifying idea.

I can make Hou Guangyao not dare to put one, and accept such severe punishment as cut off his own arm. I am afraid there is only one possibility. That is, the strength of Island Lord is more terrifying than they think, and even terrifying so that it can be easily killed. Hou Guangyao who died of Nascent Soul Late Stage!

“His ~” Everyone couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air. The awe of Island Lord in their hearts was deeper!

At this time, Island Lord’s eyes turned to Lin Hai again, and the murderous intention in his eyes flashed away.

“Being able to escape from under my hand twice, in this world, you can be considered unique!”

“Out of this unique respect, I allow you to choose your method of death!”

Lin Hai heard that, with the corners of his mouth smirking, these big shots of aloof and remote, why do you like to let others choose the method of death? You know the big brother is dead?

Today’s things are obviously not good. Lin Hai has already been prepared to face the worst battles. In this case, there is no need to be polite with the other party.

Thinking of this, Lin Hai suddenly smiled, and there was a touch of light in his eyes.

“People who say this to me usually end up being beaten!”

Island Lord didn’t mind, his eyes were strange, looking at Lin Hai was like looking at a dead man.

“That’s because you haven’t met me before!”

“You are so confident?” Lin Hai corner of the mouth raised, Divine Thunder Hammer in his hand, suddenly raised it.


Island Lord’s face suddenly changed, and his heart was shaken, as if the river was thrown into the ocean, and suddenly a very astonished expression was revealed.

“What a magic weapon in your hand!” Island Lord’s voice finally waved.

He was horrified to find that the humble black hammer seemed to contain a terrifying power that made him feel terrible, terrifying to easily threaten his life.

“Hmph!” Lin Hai sneered, “Why, dare you let me choose to die now?”

“Island Lord, that hammer, weird!” Hou Guangyao aside, some heart tremors reminded.

Island Lord frowned instantly, glancing at him dissatisfied.

Hou Guangyao greeted the terrifying eyes of Island Lord, his heart trembled, and he knew he was talking a lot.

Island Lord’s strength is several times stronger than him, and even he can sense the terrifying formidable power contained in it. Wouldn’t Island Lord know why he should remind him?

Island Lord gave Lin Hai a strange look, a slight radian in the corner of his mouth, a deep disdain!

“Do you think that with a magic weapon, you have capital against me?”


After speaking, Island Lord’s eyes suddenly picked up, his eyes flashed, Zhen Qi’s whole body agitated, and an invisible coercion immediately shrouded the entire Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, a strong Murderous intention instantly and completely locked Lin Hai, Lin Hai only felt a strong breath, suddenly fell on himself, almost crushed him!

“Since you give up your chance to choose, then I give you the best way to die, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”

Island Lord’s voice suddenly exploded in the sky, and then the silhouette disappeared instantly!

“Not good !”

Lin Hai was shocked. He didn’t have time to think at all. He instinctively raised Divine Thunder Hammer high and flashed a fierce rays of light in his eyes!

“Want to kill me and see if it doesn’t agree!” After the words landed, Lin Hai stared coldly, offering Divine Thunder Hammer outrageously!

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