Chapter 1131 Marching to the Main City!

In the vast courtyard of the City Lord Mansion, at this moment is full of people, all of whom are Golden Core masters who came with Lin Hai.

Lin Hai and Yu Tianze, almost at the same time, stepped out of their respective rooms and slowly came to the people.

“Things in the city are arranged?” Lin Hai moved towards Yu Tianze asked.

“I have given the city to a few Great Clans in the city and co-managed!” Yu Tianze Intimate past.

“That’s good!” Lin Hai nodded, “That’s it, let’s go!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, with a thought and a thump through Yunshuo, he landed in the courtyard and almost filled the huge courtyard!

“A magic weapon for flying?” Yu Tianze couldn’t help crying out in surprise.

“Do you know?” Lin Hai couldn’t help but hesitated. This cloud shuttle was the Thunder Clouds Sect from the Earth Immortal world. I didn’t expect Yu Tianze to have this vision, and he recognized it at a glance!

“The flying magic weapon is extremely scarce and precious, only in the powerful hands at the top. I have seen it once or twice occasionally. I never thought you could have such treasures!” Yu Tianze took a closer look at Yunshuo and said to Lin Hai More and more curious.

Lin Hai faintly smiled, it was a coincidence that it came through, and I can only say that I have good luck!

“Go up!”

After Lin Hai finished speaking, he leapt forward and took the lead in boarding Yunshuo. Yu Tianze raised her eyebrows, followed closely from behind, and landed next to Lin Hai.

Feng Zhiyuan and the others greeted Lin Hai and went up.

“Get up!”

Lin Hai a light shout, controlled through the cloud shuttle, lifted off instantly, like galvanic light, galloping away.

“The main city, Fenglan City, is 9000000 million miles away. I’ll show you the direction!”

Yu Tianze stood next to Lin Hai, stretched out his jade fingers, commanded Lin Hai, and controlled the shuttle shuttle to change position, high-altitude air flow, blowing Yu Tianze’s hair and brushing it on Lin Hai’s face, The faint scent and the itchy sensation made Lin Hai feel strange, very comfortable and heartbreaking.

I do n’t know how long, Yu Tianze jade hand froze the hair and left Lin Hai’s face. Just when Lin Hai suddenly felt a sense of loss, Yu Tianze suddenly spoke.

“Here it is, Fenglan City!”

Looking in the direction pointed by Yu Tianze jade hand, under the altitude of ten thousand li, a little Little Black point that cannot be seen by ordinary people’s eyes at all appears in Lin Hai’s sight!


Lin Hai sighed in secret, controlled Chuan Shuo, and landed a few 10 li outside Fenglan City, in an unoccupied open space.

Everyone jumped off the shuttle shuttle, Lin Hai thought of it, and put away the shuttle shuttle.

“After Fenglan City, 100 200000 miles forward, it is the central city!” Yu Tianze said.

Lin Hai frowned, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

“Then why don’t we stop here and fly directly to the central city, wouldn’t it be better?”

“You don’t know anything about this!” Yu Tianze frowned, shook the head with a chuckle.

“The central city is the residence of the Island Lord. The city’s square million li is a no-fly zone. No flying magic can be entered. This is under the power of the outer island and symbolizes the dignity of the Island Lord!”

“This is the case!” Lin Hai nodded, this is the first time he has heard of the no-fly zone, and he is shocked!

What kind of super-level existence would it be to be able to set up a no-fly zone of such a large area below Yu Tianze? Lin Hai didn’t dare think about it.

“It seems that Penglai Immortal Island, cruching tiger hidden dragon, is far from comparable in the world!”

“Feng Zhiyuan!” Lin Hai suddenly turned his head and called Feng Zhiyuan over.

“Sect Master, the subordinates are here!” Feng Zhiyuan stepped forward, respectfully agreed, and a flash of excited rays of light flashed in his eyes.

From the conversation between Lin Hai and Yu Tianze, he already knew the purpose of the trip!

I thought it was the former main city below, Feng Zhiyuan and the others had been excited all night, but the goal of never expected Lin Hai was far more than that. The real end point was actually in the central city!

“Sect Master, this is to be the Island Lord!” Feng Zhiyuan and the others, their hearts were boiling with blood.

If Lin Hai can really win the central city and win the position of Island Lord, then they will follow Lin Hai all the way to the world, that is, from the dragon minister, what is the glory of Supreme?

“You explore the advanced city, how powerful is the City Lord of the central city!”

Lin Hai didn’t order recklessly, let Feng Zhiyuan lead someone to capture City Lord. After all, he can be the City Lord of the main city. There must be two brushes, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary City Lord!

In the beginning, Yu Tianze was also a hurried passenger in Fenglan City. He did n’t know the strength of the City Lord. For your sake, it ’s better to know yourself and know your enemy. In case of encountering a mastery of formulation like Yu Tianze or something else Someone with special skills, Feng Zhiyuan and the others, might have to plant it!

“Yes!” Feng Zhiyuan promised, turned around and fell, and ran towards the city.

“We are here, waiting for news!” Lin Hai issued an order, and the others sat on the floor, reserve strength and store up energy, carefully preparing for the war that may be coming.

“What is the strength of Island Lord, do you know?” Lin Hai suddenly asked while moving towards Yu Tianze while waiting.

From Lin Hai’s point of view, the City Lord of Fenglan City, even if it is strong, should not be able to stop itself from moving forward, but the Island Lord is different.

Lin Hai’s preliminary estimate is that the realm of the Island Lord is at least Nascent Soul Realm’s power, and in Lin Hai’s mind, there is a very terrifying shadow, which often appears, making him jealous!

“The vague silhouette, Mrs. Zhao Xiong who can kill the Golden Core Late Stage with a wave of at least 500 years, has such a terrifying power. He should not be an unknown member on the entire island. Will he be Island Lord himself? “Lin Hai’s mind was extra heavy when he thought of the vague silhouette.

“Island Lord is the power of Nascent Soul Realm, but I do n’t know what kind of realm and how good it is!” Yu Tianze shook the head, with grave expression flashing in his eyes.

“It really is Nascent Soul Realm!” Lin Hai’s heart sank suddenly, and with his current strength, there was really no effective way to deal with Nascent Soul Realm’s power.

“It is no secret that the Island Lord of each border island is Nascent Soul Realm!” Yu Tianze added, then looked at Lin Hai and stopped talking.

“What do you say?” Lin Hai faintly opened the mouth and said.

“Lin Hai, I know that you have extraordinary means and are not comparable to ordinary people, but this road is extremely dangerous. I hope you try to be peace-oriented as much as possible, and don’t do it if you can’t.”

“Otherwise, even if you pass the level of Fenglan City, there is no chance for Island Lord!”

“Well, I’ll do my best!” Lin Hai nodded, Nascent Soul Realm’s powerful horror. Without Yu Tianze’s reminder, Lin Hai also knows that if it can pass smoothly, Lin Hai will not be willing to do it!

However, I have won so many cities along the way. Although the road is far away, the Island Lord disdains management at all, but after all, it hurts the Island Lord’s face. Who knows that he will not count?

“Take a step and look at it!” Lin Hai could only comfort himself.

“Someone is coming!” At this time, Sima Jianru suddenly cry out in surprise, and moved towards.

Lin Hai suddenly looked up, and immediately frowned deeply.

I saw close and numerous, there are a hundred or two people, Shrink The Land Into An Inch, at a very fast speed, moved towards himself, headed by a white clothed man, with a bloody, dying man in his hand. , In the blink of an eye.

Lin Hai was shocked, and before he could talk, the white clothed man slammed and threw the person in his hand at Lin Hai’s feet.

Lin Hai looked down, and then suddenly cry out in surprise!

“Feng Zhiyuan!”

“You, but Lin Hai?” The white clothed man across, a cold voice, suddenly sounded.

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