Chapter 1130 Do You Still Have A Girlfriend?

The spirit of this time warmed up and did not last long, and Yu Tianze was completely restored.

However, the two people didn’t separate from each other very much, but continued to hug each other quietly, both seemingly enjoying the sweetness and tenderness of this moment.

I don’t know how long before, Lin Hai slowly pushed Yu Tianze away, her eyes full of tenderness, just like watching Liu Xinyue, but it seemed extremely natural.

“I’m going out!”

Yu Tianze heard it, and immediately held Lin Hai tightly, full of perseverance.

“After going out, are you going to be restored to you in reality and be indifferent to others!”

Lin Hai froze for a long time without answering.

Although he and Yu Tianze are intimately connected in the form of a soul, Lin Hai still couldn’t find the answer to the previous question, or his deep-rooted ideas prevented him from making changes for a while.

Seeing that Lin Hai didn’t speak, Yu Tianze had understood the answer, with a bitter smile and a sad heart.

But soon, a decision was made in my heart!

“I will let Xinyue in your mouth, promise us to be together!”

“If she really loves you, she will never let you bind your soul and live incompleteness!”

After speaking, Yu Tianze let go of Lin Hai gently, and Lin Hai looked at her for a moment of silence.

“Xingyue, would you really agree?”

Coming out of Yu Tianze’s soul house, the two opened their eyes almost at the same time, looking at each other’s face close at hand, their hands clasped this time, but did not loosen.

“Lin Hai, I will let Xinyue agree, I will be with you!” Yu Tianze approached suddenly, buried his head in Lin Hai’s arms, and said sweetly.

Lin Hai’s gaze was a little dazed, and his mind was as chaotic as grass.

Suddenly, a warm, moist feeling fell on Lin Hai’s neck, making Lin Hai feel numb as if he were overpowered, his body trembled, and his soul shuddered.

The next moment, Yu Tianze’s sexy lips, suddenly kissed Lin Hai’s lips, Lin Hai was shivered, instantly lost, fierce response!

Pieces of clothes were thrown on the ground, and while watching the two were about to disarm, suddenly ding dong, Lin Hai’s WeChat rang!

Lin Hai was startled suddenly, just like the same thunder blast sounded in his ear, instantly sober!

Looking at Yu Tianze, whose skin was white and his eyes were blurred, Lin Hai’s head buzzed!

“Fuck, what am I doing!”

“I’m sorry!” Lin Hai hurriedly picked up the clothes on the ground, hurriedly dressed and ran out.

“Lin Hai!” Yu Tianze watched Lin Hai’s silhouette as if running away, and tears could not help but shed.

“What kind of charm does this Liu Xinyue have? I really want to see her now!” Yu Tianze’s heart suddenly raised a complex feeling for Liu Xinyue. In curiosity, there seemed to be a hint of … disgust!

“Hu ~” Lin Hai returned to the room, panting heavily, and it took a long time to calm down.

“Nearly, I’m almost sorry for Xinyue!”

Lin Hai was afraid for a while, although in Haifu, Lin Hai and Yu Tianze had been frank and clear, and they understood their true self, but once they returned to reality, Lin Hai still could n’t break through the shackles, after all, it was his growth 20 For many years, it has been deeply rooted in the sentiment of the bone marrow.

“Look at who sent the message?” Lin Hai was deeply grateful for the man who rescued him like Overhead Bang.

Open WeChat and see, it actually came from Chu Liner!

Chu Liner: Lin Hai big brother, I miss you so much. (Behind is a shy expression)

Little confused: Don’t talk like that, I’m afraid! Let’s be honest, what’s wrong with me?

Lin Hai knows too much about Chu Liner. Once you talk to yourself with this kind of flirtatious tone, it’s absolutely fine!

Chu Liner: It ’s so stressful. People are so gentle, what are you afraid of? However, someone really has something to do with you! (Behind is a shy expression)

Little confused: If you don’t talk well, I will ignore you!

Chu Liner: Hey! This princess is so cute and cute, I have turned myself over, I really do n’t understand the style! (Behind is a look of contempt)

Chu Liner: What is that, the spicy bar you just sent out, are there any? (Behind is a drooling expression)

Little confused: Uh … finished a box? (Behind is a surprised expression)

Chu Liner: Not to mention, I met some girlfriends and was robbed! (Behind is an unhappy expression)

Little confused: girlfriends? Do you still have girlfriends?

Lin Hai was curious for a while, but Chu Liner is a Princess of the Dignified Prefecture, and there is even a female companion to play with?

Chu Liner: Hey, what do you mean? Why can’t this Princess have girlfriends?

Little confused: No, I mean, who is qualified to be your girlfriend of dignified Princess?

Chu Liner: More to go! The daughter of other Kings, the daughter of Ghost King, the daughter of Magistrate, anyway, you do n’t know, Aiya, please send me some more!

Lin Hai Seeing these people mentioned by Chu Liner, my heart suddenly moved!

Little confused: Liner Princess, how many of your girlfriends also love to eat this stuff?

Chu Liner: Of course, this top grade is delicious. Who doesn’t like it? 10000 times stronger than the soul soil you normally eat! You bastard, with such good things, hide it before sending it to me, it’s awful! (Behind is the expression of a knife)

Little confused: Then Liner, can you help me sell these things in the prefecture?

Regarding the resurrection of Mu Yingying, Lin Hai has never forgotten that if he wants to become the king, he must have enough reputation. Lin Hai’s mind has a vague plan!

Chu Liner: Do you want to sell this delicious? Yes, I’ll let my girlfriends sell it for you!

Little confused: OK!

After Lin Hai responded, open the Universe Bag and send Chu Liner the 1000 boxes of spicy sticks directly.

Ding dong!

You sent Chu Liner 1000 boxes of spicy bars!

Chu Liner: Ahhhh! Oh my god, so much! It’s enough for me to eat for a month! How are you (Behind is a kiss expression)

Lin Hai suddenly had a black face and fuck. This is what the big brother asked you to sell, not for you to eat, okay?

Little confused: Don’t eat it all, mainly for sale!

Chu Liner: Come on, you know, bye!

After Chu Liner had finished speaking, he ended the conversation with Lin Hai directly, and couldn’t wait to know whether to eat or sell.

“Fuck, how do you think this girl is a bit unreliable?” Lin Hai suddenly murmured.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, gaining prestige in the prefecture, this plan has a long way to go. It is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two.

Putting away the phone, Lin Hai’s mind reappeared the process of intimacy with Yu Tianze just now, and could not help but take a deep breath.

“Find the mine as soon as possible, and then separate from Yu Tianze, or maybe one day, the line of defense will fall behind!”

“If that’s the case, I’m not only sorry for Xinyue, but also irresponsible for Yu Tianze!”

Lin Hai shook his head and smiled suddenly.

“Is he a single man or a hypocritical man?”

Facing the collision between the soul and the secular bondage, Lin Hai found himself more and more confused.

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