Chapter 1061 Pirate

After Little Hong landed on the island, Lin Hai thought of it and returned it to the sanctuary because of too big a goal.

“Let’s take a look!” Lin Hai moved towards Lu Mingxian and A’hua waved their hands and plunged into the grove.

“Help me, let me go!”

“I beg you, don’t do that!”

“Let me go, I’m pregnant!”

It wasn’t long before he walked out, Lin Hai heard not far away, there were several Chinese women crying and screaming, and it was mixed with the silver laughter of the man and the language he couldn’t understand.

“Paralyzed, beast!” Lin Hai heard what he said and knew what the pirates were doing. He was angry on the spot!

Chinese women, do you allow these bastards to spoil at will, let alone pregnant women, what are these animals?

“A’hua, don’t you like pop birds the most? I’ve blasted these grandchildren to Lao Tzu!”

“Haha, look, father!” A’hua screamed in excitement, with a huge body, flung out quickly.

20 A few pirates are now crowding a dozen young women in the middle, laughing and tearing their clothes.

Suddenly saw a flash, and saw an outrageously large dog, as if dropping from the sky, and rushed over.

“8 quack!” The pirates were shocked, one of them reached out and was about to pull out a gun, but A’hua bit it on the crotch, and fell to the ground with a bang.

“Yeah, this bird is so good!” A’hua yelled, turned and blasted the two pirates again.

The rest of the pirates suddenly felt that the crotch was cold, and they were all frightened. Before they had time to start, they were immediately knocked down by 4 5 by A’hua. One person gave a sip in the crotch, and the sound of horrible sounds was endless!

“@ #% ¥ | ……” The pirates didn’t know what to shout, they were so scared that they ran away.

“Grandma, the dog that Yeah wants to explode, how can you fly away so easily!”

“Let Dog Eunuch enter the court as Court Eunuch!”

A’hua smiled strangely and kept leaping very fast, throwing one pirate after another, and within two minutes, the pirates all covered their crotches and fell to the ground, and none escaped. !!

“Ah!” The young women all gathered together, hugging each other, looking at the tragic appearance of the pirates, and then looking at A’hua, who was still bleeding in his mouth, trembling with trembling and disfigured !!

“Aha, ladies, do n’t be nervous, I ’ve got the best idea of ​​have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and I wo n’t hurt you. Well, you do n’t care about holding each other. Why not hug dog grandpa together? “

With a smirk on his face, A’hua moved towards and several young women ran over.

“Ah, that dog is here!” The young women screamed in surprise.

“Don’t be afraid, my grandfather is the gentlest … hey!” A’hua was kicked off by Lin Hai before he finished speaking.

“Are you all right?” Lin Hai glanced at a few young women, indifferently asked.

“It’s okay, thank you!” A few young women took a sigh of relief when they saw A’hua being kicked off, quickly tidy up their messy clothes, and moved towards Lin Hai with a grateful smile.

“@ #% ¥ # …… #!” Just at this time, suddenly a messy sound came from far and near, mixed with noisy footsteps, no less than dozens of people!

As soon as the young women put down their hearts, they suddenly became frightened again.

“Surely the pirates heard the movement and rushed over!”

Lin Hai turned his head, looked through the woods, and saw that black was pressing, and was moving towards here, with a knife and a gun in his hand, no less than 4-50 people!

Lin Hai couldn’t help but pout his lips. There was no favor for these bird-speaking pirates!

“A’hua, come back to live!”

Lin Hai moved towards A’hua, who just ran back, nodded.

“Yeah, yeah, watch Goya explode all of you!” A’hua screamed strangely, and rushed forward as fast as lightning.

“@ # ¥% ……!” The appearance of A’hua immediately surprised the pirates outside, shouting in panic, and before the response came, the heartbreaking screaming sounded.

“Pei pei pei, which country is it, what a pity!” In less than 5 minutes, the pirates all fell to the ground with their crotch in their arms, like wax ghosts and howl like wolves.

A’hua moved towards the ground, even spitting several spit, with a look of disgust.

By this time, Lin Hai had already helped a few young women who were frightened and helped.

“Okay, it’s okay!” Lin Hai smiled when the pirates were all killed by A’hua.

“That’s your dog. It’s awesome. If I have such a cute dog, what a great thing! I love it!” A girl with a bolder look at A’hua, her hands Holding on to his chest, a look of idiots!

“Beauty, I love you too!” A’hua just ran over and heard the girl’s words, his eyes brightened, and he rushed to the girl and pretended to be a well-dressed person.

“Giggle, look at it, how cute it is!” The girl also knew that A’hua would not hurt them, and held A’hua’s huge body in her arms, stroking constantly.

“Oh, oh …” A’hua pretended to be cute, with a look of intoxication, and even more energetic.

“Eh …” Lin Hai’s face suddenly turned black. “Fuck, what a gangster dog!”

Lin Hai stepped forward and kicked A’hua aside.

“Father, it must be that you want to slap you, and if you don’t let slap you, you will be jealous of me!” A’hua was aggrieved.

Lin Hai didn’t bother to care about it, but said those women moved towards.

“There must be someone in the pirates. I’ll go and see. You stay here just in case it’s dangerous!”

Lin Hai said, moved towards A’hua and shook his head.

“You keep here, protect these beautiful women!”

“Wow, father, rest assured, I’m the best at protecting beauties!” After A’hua said, she rushed into the girls and closed her eyes intoxicatedly.

“Eh …” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, and suddenly found that it seemed a mistake to let A’hua stay!

However, regardless of it, the girls didn’t say anything, but each and everyone was very happy to let A’hua be stunned. Why do you care about that yourself?

Silhouette A few ups and downs, Lin Hai went out of the grove and moved towards the shore.

“@ # %% # ¥ … ¥% |!”

Immediately near the shore, Lin Hai heard a few roars. Although he couldn’t understand what it meant, the irritability and restlessness in his tone were very obvious.

Lin Hai hid behind a big tree and looked towards.

But there were hundreds of people, all concentrated on the open space on the shore, squatting with their heads in their hands.

Around them, a dozen pirates with rifles, watching them, looked anxiously moved towards the woods.

Apparently, they heard the screams before.

However, the grove was too far away, and they didn’t know what was going on. It was because of this that they became anxious, and an unknown fear began to haunt their hearts!

“There are thirteen pirates in total, all ordinary people, no need to worry!”

Lin Hai’s eyes swept away, all eyes were in his eyes, his hands suddenly fluttered, and suddenly the golden light came out!

puff puff puff puff …

The sound of the sound of rumors was heard one after another. Thirteen pirates did not even see Lin Hai’s people. At the heart of everyone, a money dart was added, and the dead bodies fell to the ground.

“Dead, all the pirates are dead!” The people squatting on the ground discovered the anomaly, suddenly crying out in surprise, ecstatic, and stood up, running around.

“Everyone don’t move!” Lin Hai saw this and hurriedly loudly shouted.

Although the pirates on the surface have been eliminated, there are no pirates, and no one knows!

“Where did the bastard come from, no matter how dare to gossip about it, I couldn’t get tired of it!”

Just at this time, suddenly a sound of rage sounded in space.

Lin Hai was startled, looked up in shock, and suddenly turned wild!

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