Chapter 1060 Water Repelling Bead

Lin Hai went up and down, followed the fire, and after a short time, they went to the other side of the desert island.

After hiding in a tree, Lin Hai carefully moved towards the fire, and his nose almost crooked.

“Your uncle!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, seeing the fire, and thought that there were other people on the island, but when he came to see it, it was A’hua who was grilling fish!

Thanks to himself, he was worried that the dead dog could not get out of the sea.

A few steps, Lin Hai rushed over, A’hua heard the sound and turned back suddenly.

“I depend, father, what nose do you have, you can smell it all the way … oh!” A’hua was kicked back to the sea by Lin Hai before he finished speaking.

“What the hell, don’t say, this dead dog grilled fish is pretty fragrant!” Lin Hai picked up and smelled the fish A’hua was grilling, and it seemed to taste good.

“What kind of fish is this big?” Lin Hai noticed that the fish had a length of half a meter, a swollen belly, a small head and a pointed tail. It looked very strange and never seen it. Too.

“Regardless of it, eat before talking!” Lin Hai opened his mouth and ate.

Eating halfway through, Lin Hai stopped abruptly without biting.

“What the hell, so panic!” Lin Hai couldn’t help but move towards the fish’s body, then his eyes suddenly flashed.

“Fuck, pearl!” I saw an egg-sized white bead radiating rays of light in the belly of the fish, and it was a baby!

“Haha, I also made a small fortune!” Such a big jewellery can definitely sell for a good price. Although Lin Hai has more money at this moment, who thinks he has more money?

Lin Hai reached out and took the white bead out of the fish’s belly.

Ding dong!

Suddenly, the sound of information ascending in my head.

Congratulations, get Water Repelling Bead x1!

Water Repelling Bead: A well-known aquatic inner Dan, who wears it without fear of water waves.

“Fuck, this is actually the Nei Dan of the Aquarium?” Lin Hai couldn’t help but be shocked. Both the Aquarium and the Nei Dan, he had seen these two words in the novel.

“In this world, there are really aquariums!” Lin Hai couldn’t help looking at the vast sea in front of moved towards it. Is there really a well-known arowana shrimp in this seabed?

I don’t know why, Lin Hai’s mind flashed the shadow of Little Ying.

“Since there is a Monster Race on land, it is not surprising that there are aquariums in the sea.”

“I often read in books that the seabed is all treasures. With this Water Repelling Bead, I have time to go to the sea to see it!”

Water Repelling Bead was an unexpected delight. Lin Hai thought of it and took it to the sanctuary. The two of them ate the grilled fish in their hands.

“Father, have you finished my grilled fish?” Just after Lin Hai finished, A’hua climbed wetly from the beach with a look of grievance.

“No, this doesn’t leave you with fish bones. Here you go, let’s eat. Don’t be polite!” Lin Hai threw the leftover fish bones under A’hua’s feet, his face thick and thick with a smile.

“Bone? People want to eat meat !!!” A’hua suddenly made a terrible misery.

“Aren’t dogs all eating bones? I said A’hua, we can’t be picky eaters, picky eaters affect development, listen to me and tell you the dangers of picky eaters …”


An hour later, Lin Hai carried his hands on his back and walked back with a sense of accomplishment. A’hua followed behind, his eyes were dull, his head turned and he walked away.

“A’hua, what’s our slogan?”

“No picky eaters, start with me!” A’hua said, tears shed.

“Well, good dog!”


The vast in the sky, Little Hong soared, Lin Hai and Lu Mingxian, and A’hua, two people and one dog, sitting on Little Hong’s body, looking down at the blue sea below, looking carefully for clues.

Little Hong’s speed is also extremely fast, comparable to airplanes. Looking at the one by one island below, Lu Mingxian frowns, constantly identifying.

Finally, when he saw a larger island, Lu Mingxian’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“Find it!” Said, Lu Mingxian reached out and moved a finger towards the island.

“Seeing that the island is not there, after that island, let your eagle go further in the south-east direction and fly over 500 nautical miles to the entrance of Penglai Immortal Island!”

Lin Hai heard that, and suddenly flashed before her, and hurried to communicate with Little Hong through ideas.

“Little Hong, go south-east direction, hurry up!”

Little Hong screamed, his wings waved, and his speed accelerated again, turning into a black spot in the blink of an eye and disappearing into the sky.

“Stop!” Suddenly, Lu Mingxian shouted, Lin Hai hurriedly made Little Hong stop and hung in the air.

“Lower it down to about ten meters from the sea!”

Lin Hai, according to Lu Mingxuan, instructed Little Hong to descend from high altitude.

“Did you see the stone below?” Lu Mingxian suddenly pointed at a protruding rock on the sea, and moved towards Lin Hai said.

Lin Hai bowed his head, and looked towards below, but he saw this reef spread all over, of different sizes. I didn’t know what Lu Mingxian was pointing at.

“Go down!” Lin Hai loudly shouts, and then he landed on the harp, jumping from ten meters high.

As soon as his feet touched the water, Lin Hai immediately secretly lifted Zhen Qi, constantly stepping on the soles of his feet, floating his body above the water.

“Which stone are you talking about?” Lin Hai moved towards Lu Mingxian asked.

“Go inside, the largest piece in the middle!”

Lin Hai moved at his feet and walked on the water. In the blink of an eye, he reached the front of the reef with a height of more than two meters.

“How come in?”

Lu Mingxian opened his mouth, stopped talking, and then smiled bitterly.

“Penglai Immortal Island, the entrance opens every 7 days, and if I remember well, there are 3 days left until the next opening!”


Lin Hai heard that Zhen Qi almost broke up and fell into the sea.

“Are you kidding me?” Lin Hai exclaimed Lu Mingxuan, raising his head.

Lu Mingxian suddenly lost one’s head out of fear, and waved his hands again and again.

“No, no, I dare not dare to play Sect Master Lin!” Lu Mingxian is also understood now. Lin Hai has created Sea Moon Sect, which is a Sect’s Master, and he is also called Sect Master for Lin Hai.

“Then why didn’t you say it earlier, did you let the big brother float on the sea for 3 days?”

“I, I was nervous, I forgot!” Lu Mingxian looked at Lin Hai with a horrified look, timidly.

“Your sister!” Lin Hai was so speechless that he put Lu Mingxian down angrily.

“Then what do you say now?”

“Not far from here, 30 nautical miles south, there is a small island. Every time we go out of the island, we are there, waiting for passing ships. Why not go there and rest for 3 days?”

Lin Hai gently exhales one breath saying. This place is extremely far away from the mainland. If you let Little Hong fly back, it will take 5 6 hours, and it will not be a toss.

There is no way, it can only be so!

“Go!” Lin Hai moved towards Little Hong and whistleed, Little Hong swooped in, his huge body was rubbing across the water, Lin Hai leapt and jumped onto Little Hong’s back.

Little Hong’s wings fluttered and moved towards the small island Lu Mingxian said.

The distance of 30 nautical miles, for Little Hong’s speed, is just a few breaths, and in a blink of an eye I can see the island in front, lush and green, lush trees, and the area is not small.

“Well, there seem to be people on the island!” Far away, Lin Hai saw that there were two big ships docking on the shore.

As he approached a little, Lin Hai’s heart jumped, and he noticed that a huge black skeleton was painted on the sail of one of the ships!

“Fuck, pirate!” Lin Hai cry out in surprise!

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