Chapter 1043 If he does not come, take responsibility for the consequences!

“Oh?” Lin Hai hesitated. “Where does this come from?”

“Old Brother, I don’t know!” Oriental Dragon Dragon sighed, “Since the day when Human Race and Monster Race fought, Human Race also lost a lot, Nascent Soul’s power has fallen, Golden Core Late. There are only ten surviving Stages, and the sword Demon Path is one of them! “

“These ten Golden Core Late Stage, watching those powerful people, each and everyone dies in front of them, inevitably if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, feel the heart, and forge a covenant!”

“In the future, ten of them, any one of them will be in danger. The other 9 people must rescue each other. If someone falls, the other people must revenge with all their strength.

Lin Hai finished listening, could not help frowned, nodded.

“Unexpectedly, is there such a covenant?”

“Yeah!” Dongfang Youlong faced with hidden worries. “They also saw the power falling, and they were afraid in their hearts, and they clung together to form the greatest force in the world in case of an accident. After the alliance, ten of them The master of the Golden Core Late Stage has already made the world known and supervised by everyone. “

After Lin Hai listened, a flash of ingenuity flashed in his eyes, and he understood the meaning of Oriental Yulong.

“You mean, the remaining 9 Golden Core Late Stage masters will find me and take revenge for Lu Qian?”

“Nice!” Oriental Dragon said and said, “After all, they have a covenant first. If the people of Qingcheng Sword Sect come to your door, they have no reason not to show up!”

“Although Brother Old Lin, you are strong, but if you are alone in the face of the 9 Golden Core Late Stage masters, I am afraid there is no excuse!”

“Big 9 Golden Core Late Stage masters!” Lin Hai was silent, and indeed felt a little tricky in his heart!

Although I have now reached the Golden Core Early-Stage, I am not as powerful as before, and I do n’t know how much more powerful, but if I really want to be a master of the 9 Golden Core Late Stages, Lin Hai is still not very sure.

If one by one of the nine Golden Core masters comes, Lin Hai is naturally not afraid, and even has confidence to leave them all, but if the nine come together and beat themselves up, I am afraid they have nothing to escape.

“Many thanks President Dongfang reminded me that I’m understood!”

Afraid is useless. Silent for a while, Lin Hai already has a decision in mind.

If there are really 9 people coming together, then you can only ask for help from Leng Yueru again. At that time, the two people will shoot together. It may not be impossible to kill these 9 people!

The Oriental Yulong slowly slowly nodded, and there was helplessness in her heart.

Although he is very optimistic about Lin Hai and wants to bring Lin Hai into his family, but with his strength, facing the masters of Golden Core Late Stage, he can’t help at all, and can only remind Lin Hai And it all depends on Lin Hai himself.

“President Dongfang, I don’t know where the other messengers are. Where can I live? Can Lin Lead the way?” Lin Hai didn’t forget his purpose, and other Golden Core masters who wanted to win their own, must have prepared a lot. jade stone, right?

“My husband is fine, so I will take you there!”

“Many thanks President Oriental!”

The two went out of the house and walked side by side, their feet seemed very slow and fast, and soon came to a single villa located halfway up the mountain.

“Mei Niang, Dongfang Youlong is here to visit, still not coming out to welcome you?” Dongfang Youlong took a step forward, secretly transported Zhen Qi, the voice was loud, and it sounded over the entire villa.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no response, and the Eastern Dragon could not help but hesitated.

“Aren’t you home?”

Thinking of this, the Oriental Yulong’s eyes flashed, and the atmosphere was instantly released, covering the whole villa, but found that it was empty inside.

“Weird, Mei 2 isn’t even here?” The oriental tour dragons slightly wrinkle, the cultivation base is their realm, except for the god cultivation technique, there are few things that can raise their interest.

Therefore, these people, they usually practice at home, they may not go out once a month, didn’t expect today so coincidentally, just to catch up with Mei 2 mother.

“Brother Old Lin, Mei 2 is not at home, maybe you are looking for jade stone for you, let’s go to the next one first.”

“Okay, everything goes to Cháng’ān to listen to the East!” Lin Hai nodded agreed.

The two left, and half an hour later, they reached the top of another hill.

“Large black tower, no at home, Oriental Yulong came to visit!”

After waiting for a while, no one agreed, and Eastern Dragon could not help raising a hint of doubt.

“Strange, the big black tower is not there?”

Lin Hai’s brow also wrinkled slightly. With this big black tower, he had the impression that he almost never spoke, and was a dumb person.

Such people are generally more dwellings and rarely go out. Why is it so coincident today that they are not at home?

In Lin Hai’s mind, I don’t know why, suddenly there was a bad feeling.

“President Dongfang, let’s go to the next one!”

“Okay! Go to Ge’s home. He has nothing important and will never go out. He must be there!”

The two came down the mountain and came to a large manor in the suburbs.

“Well, President Dongfang, are you here?” As soon as he arrived at the door, a 4-50-year-old man greeted him with a smile and greeted him warmly.

“Lao Zhang, is Ge Lao at home?”

“Oh, unfortunately, my Master is not here.” Old Zhang Xiaoyi said.

Dongfang Youlong was suddenly shocked. If Ge Lao wasn’t there, it would be a little abnormal.

“Then do you know where Ge Lao went? With whom?”

“I don’t understood this.” Old Zhang shook the head.

Lin Hai listened, frowning secretly.

“President Dongfang, don’t you have their phone or WeChat?”

The Oriental Yulong heard a bitter smile.

“Without concealing you, Brother Old Lin, we are older people who still maintain some of the ancient Chinese style of behavior. The technology of mobile phones has not always been used!”

Lin Hai listened for a while and was speechless.

Fuck, this is too old-fashioned, even Divine Immortal of Heavenly Court, the yin division of the local government, now uses WeChat, these old guys don’t even use it, don’t they know to keep up with the times?

“President Dongfang, is there anything else?” Zhang asked, suddenly.

Would the Oriental Yulong not understand that this is a drop off, and moved towards Lao Zhang laughed.

“It’s all right, now that Ge is not here, I’ll wait to say goodbye!”

“Chairman Dongfang, walk slowly, I won’t give it away!” Lao Zhang hurriedly accredited them with a smiling face.

Dongfang Youlong and Lin Hai, after taking a few steps, Lin Hai suddenly flashed a doubt on his face, and he could not help but look back towards the old one.

With “en?” Lin Hai’s eyebrows were raised suddenly.

Although Lao Zhang was still standing at the door and watching them with a smile on his face, Lin Hai clearly saw a hint of drama in his eyes.

“No, weird here!” Lin Hai was startled!

“Chairman Dongfang, wait a minute!” Lin Hai stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong, Brother Old Lin?”

“President Dongfang, this old Zhang, who is Ge Lao?”

“He is the steward of Gefu, following Ge Lao for many years, he is very respected by Ge Laoqi, and has a high status in the government!”

“Have a high status?” Lin Hai couldn’t help sneering, and the problem was even bigger.

“The president of the East, Zhang Steward, everyday all like now, is waiting at the door waiting for guests?”

“How is that possible, but …” The Oriental Yulong spoke for half, then came to an abrupt halt, then looked at Lin Hai with a shocked expression.

“Brother Old Lin, do you mean, there is fraud here?”

“Nice!” Lin Hai glanced at him, nodded. “There must be something wrong here!”

Dongfang Youlong’s heart also sank. Reminiscing before, Mei Niang and the big black tower were not at the same time at the same time, and her complexion suddenly changed.

“Are they conspiring against the old man?” A moment of anger appeared on the face of Dongfang Youlong.

They are both the Golden Core Realm and the ambassadors of the Earth Immortal world. They always discuss things together and never conceal them. However, today’s situation can not help but cause doubts in the Eastern Dragon.

“Hmph, it must be so!” Lin Hai suddenly had a hunch, and these people gathered together, probably related to themselves!

Lao Zhang saw Dongfang Yulong and Lin Hai, who had already left, but suddenly stopped and could not help but change his face.

“President Dongfang, is there anything else?”

Dongfang Yulong hasn’t spoken yet, but Lin Hai turned around, took a step forward, and spoke coldly.

“Don’t pretend, I know Ge Lao is at home, you go in and tell him, and say Lin Hai waits at the door, give him ten minutes, come out to see me, if he does not come, take responsibility for the consequences!”

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