Chapter 1042: Trouble Is Immediately

Lin Hai listened with a bitter laugh.

“It’s not easy to want a child now!”

There is a record in the medicine king inheritance learned by Lin Hai. Once the Golden Core Human Immortal is reached, the chance of pregnancy will be greatly reduced. Besides, Liu Xinyue ’s cultivation base is much higher than Lin Hai at this moment. Lin Hai wants to let Liu Xinyue Pregnancy is even more difficult.

Lin Hai told the situation to Liu Xinyue, and Liu Xinyue’s face suddenly changed.

“God wants to separate us, but even a child won’t leave us?”

“Xinyue, don’t be too pessimistic, things may not be what you think!” Lin Hai saw Liu Xinyue’s sadness, a pain in her heart, and quickly got comforted.

“Trust me, no matter who you are, don’t want to separate us. If you really leave me someday, you must wait for me, I will go to you!”

“En! Husband, i believe you!”


This night, Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue both lost sleep, and the shadow of separation was shrouded in the hearts of the two, so that they were confused!

On the second day early in the morning, Liu Xinyue returned to the company in advance. She devoted all her energy to the acting business she loved. Only in this way could she completely eliminate the cluttered ideas in her heart.

Lin Hai ’s thirst for strength also climbed up again, and he got Guangtou Qiang and the others directly after getting up.

“Oriental dragons, have they been in the past few days?”

“No!” Guangtou Qiang shook the head.

“Since he doesn’t come, then I will come to him!” One month and two days before the appointment, but Lin Hai couldn’t wait. He had the same idea as Liu Xinyue and had to keep himself busy , Hurry up all the time to improve your strength!

Before Lin Hai, Hou Jianying took to Dongfang Youlong’s home, and with no difficulty came to the door and sent out a strong breath.

The Oriental Yulong is practicing, suddenly awakened by this powerful breath that suddenly invades. “Which friend is visiting? Orient excuse me for not going out to meet you!”

With a loud sip, the Oriental Yulong silhouette flashed out of the room, crossed the courtyard wall, and went directly to the door.

“It’s me!” Lin Hai carried his hands on his back, no grief or joy on his face, and said lightly.

“Brother Old Lin?” After seeing Lin Hai, Dongfang Youlong couldn’t help but be shocked. He stared at Lin Hai with surprise, and suddenly looked shocked!

“Brother Old Lin, you, have you broken through to the Golden Core?” Lin Hai didn’t hide his breath at this moment. The Oriental Yulong immediately felt the huge changes that happened to Lin Hai.

“Yes, just broke through a few days ago!” Lin Hai nodded replied lightly.

After getting a positive answer from Lin Hai, Dongfang Youlong made a wrong expression, lingered for a long time, and it took a long time for him to react, and then with a grin on his face.

“Brother Old Lin, I don’t know how to describe you. Seeing your cultivation speed, I really feel that my age is living on dogs.”

“Chairman of the East, don’t have to be embarrassed. Everyone has a chance. You can have today’s achievements, why not in ten-thousand does not have one genius?”

“Haha, compared to Brother Old Lin, it’s almost stupid!” Dongfang Youlong laughed at himself and then waved his hand.

“Brother Old Lin, please!”

Lin Hai was also very kind. After following the dragon body of the Oriental Tour, he strode in. After the two people took their seats, the Oriental Dragon asked.

“I don’t know Brother Old Lin’s sudden visit. Any advice?”

Lin Hai glanced at the Oriental Dragon, faintly smiled, straight straight to the point.

“Chairman of the Orient, Lin previously agreed with a few of your emissaries, which one sent me enough jade stones, and the Earth Immortal world will be opened the next day, and which one will be introduced by them. The jade stone will be delivered on a monthly basis. Long, how are you preparing? “

Dongfang Yulong’s face changed. Lin Hai’s behavior of asking for a door was really deceiving, but Lin Hai could not take care of that many.

“I had a two-day deadline. I was planning to send it to the government. Since Brother Old Lin is here, I will deliver it to you today!”

The Oriental Yulong has a city palace, and the uneasiness in the heart is fleeting, and a quick promise is made, so that the jade stone collected is presented.

“Brother Old Lin, Frankly, in Yanjing, there are very few such good jade stones. Old Brother, I took a lot of effort, but only collected hundreds of pieces!”

Lin Hai stared at the glittering jade stone in front of him.

Oriental Dragon is indeed the chairman of a special section. In just one month, hundreds of pieces have been found, much stronger than its own connections!

“Many thanks President Dongfang, then Lin will be rude!” Lin Hai waved his arms, and these jade stones disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing the Eastern Dragon, the pupils shrank sharply, and a shock flashed in their eyes!

However, the Oriental Dragon Dragons are old and sophisticated, knowing what to ask and not to ask, why the jade stone suddenly disappeared without mentioning it, but frowned, talking about another thing.

“Brother Old Lin, that day in Cuifeng Mountain, you cut the road with a thousand strokes, and you shot Nascent Soul, the power of Qin Tian, ​​with rays of light ten thousand zhang in one palm. You are invincible, and the old man is shocked to heaven!”

Thinking of the scene from that day, Oriental Yulong feels a little weird until now. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it. Lin Hai’s Fake Core Late Stage could even kill Nascent Soul Realm. !!

This completely violates the law of cultivation. According to common sense, let alone Qin Tian who killed Nascent Soul Realm is a golden core late stage, and killing Fake Core Realm cultivator like Lin Hai is like stepping to death. An ant is as simple as that.

To this end, Oriental Dragon also specifically persuaded Lin Hai to let him run away. As a result, Lin Hai not only did not escape, but also fully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers. He really went to Cuifeng Mountain to fight.

At that time, the Oriental Yulong felt that Lin Hai was a teenager, and did not know the immensity of heaven and earth. Some were too arrogant. Going to the Cuifeng Mountain and the sword Demon Path is a perfect match. It is tantamount to seeking dead end!

However, not only did Lu Qian die in the hands of Lin Hai, but even Nascent Soul’s powerful Qin Tian that came out later made Lin Hai clean up. By the way, there was a big news, and he was dominated by Xiliang. For many years, Tiandang Mountain was actually destroyed by Lin Hai not long ago!

This one after another major event has already shaken the Oriental Yulong, but I don’t know what to say. Although he already saw that Lin Hai has great potential, he never imagined that this potential was terrifying!

“The President of the East has won the prize, but it’s just a fluke.” Lin Hai faintly smiled. The battle was so fierce that Lin Hai remembered it, and also boasted.

If it were not for Leng Yueru and Little Ying, if it was not the Buddha’s Palm sealed by the Tathagata Buddha within the body, I would have been killed by Qin Tian.

Even so, I suffered a very serious internal injury. Eventually I relied on Leng Yueru and Little Ying to lose my strength and heal my injury. I was blessed by misfortune, but broke through to Golden Core Realm!

“However, Brother Old Lin, although you are powerful and can kill even the power of Nascent Soul Realm, the old man still wants to remind you.”

“Oh?” Lin Hai froze. “President Dongfang, please!”

“You killed Lu Qianjue and Qin Tian, ​​I’m afraid it will cause you some trouble!” Oriental Yulong frowned slightly, his face seemed a little worried.

“What trouble? President Oriental will just speak up.”

“Tiandang Mountain was destroyed by you. Even Qin Tian of Nascent Soul Realm was killed by you. The Earth Immortal world will open in the future. If the news reaches Thunder Clouds Sect, I am afraid they will not give up!”

“However, this is a year later, the key is that you killed Lu Qianjue, I’m afraid the trouble is in front of you!” Said Dongfang Youlong, and his face suddenly became serious.

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