Chapter 1029 Human Ghost Fairy, all 3 articles are familiar!

“I said, would you like to see your ex-wife again?” Lin Hai asked again solemnly.

At the other end of the phone, Xiao Qingshan’s rapid breathing sound came.

“Xiaohai, is it really okay?”

Although Xiao Qingshan had known for a long time that Lin Hai was a strange man, he never really thought about it, and he could let the dead person come out to meet him, shaking with excitement.

“I’m not too sure. Tell me the details of your ex-wife, let me try it!”

“Okay, I’ll tell you!” Xiao Qingshan hurriedly told Lin Hai about his ex-wife.

Lin Hai secretly wrote down, and after confirming with Xiao Qingshan, he spoke calmly.

“Xiao Lao, I can’t guarantee whether it will be successful. I hope you will be at ease!”

Hanging up the phone, Lin Hai opened WeChat and found Chu Liner’s WeChat.

Little confused: What are you doing, Xian’er Princess?

Chu Liner: Ahhhhh! Who asked you to send a message at this time has caused me to lose a blood! !! !! (Behind is a crazy expression)

“Well … what about pesticides!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, and I really don’t know if King Chu Jiang saw his daughter become an internet addicted boy, would he count the charges on himself?

Little confused: ask you something?

Chu Liner: After this game, I will be resurrected immediately!

Little confused: Hang up!

Chu Liner: You’re stupid, the chance is reported!

Little confused: Rest assured, at your level, hanging up is helping your teammates! They will thank you! (Behind is a smile with a mouth covering)

Chu Liner: Ahhhh, what do you mean by that? (Behind is an angry expression)

Little confused: I do n’t know yet, do n’t forget that you are the King of Glory, what is the King of Glory? That ’s the most powerhouse. Just stop in the spring water and just have to act as a deterrent. For example, your father is the king of the land government. Have you ever seen your father and other little ghosts?

Chu Liner: I have n’t seen it before, I ’m fathering to that stop, and the ghosts are scared!

Little confused: So let’s say the same thing, you go to the spring and the other side sees that you are the King of Glory, and you are so scared that you wo n’t do it! On the contrary, if you want to do it, they can only desperately.

Chu Liner: It seems to make sense. (Behind is a confused expression)

Little confused: Of course it makes sense, do n’t forget, it ’s the king I helped you, can I lie to you if I am so high? Kings are usually on-hook!

Chu Liner: Really? Then I believe you once and then hang up. Say, what’s up?

“Hahaha!” Lin Hai couldn’t help but laugh out of nowhere, this silly girl, so easily fooled by herself.

Little confused: I have an elder’s lover who died decades ago. The elder is very sorry. Would you like to see her deceased wife again? This is her message!

Lin Hai told Chu Liner the information of Xiao Qingshan’s ex-wife’s name, place and date of birth, approximate time and place of death.

Chu Liner: It’s been a long time since I died. It’s hard to say. It should have been reborn long ago. I’ll help you check it now. You can wait for my news!

Little confused: OK, many thanks, Liner Princess!

咚dong dong!

Suddenly someone knocked at the door.

Lin Hai jumped out of bed and opened the door, but saw Leng Yueru and Little Ying standing at the door.

Lin Hai was frightened and jumped back, both hands crossed near chest, with a look of vigilance.

“Hey, won’t you come and hit me again?”

Leng Yueru directly gave Lin Hai a grimace and looked disgusted.

“It’s Little Ying, come to say goodbye to you!”

“Farewell?” Lin Hai hesitated, and quickly put away his joke, with a look of perseverance.

“Little Ying, why are you in a hurry?”

“Lin Hai big brother, since you are no longer in danger, Little Ying should go home.”

Little Ying bowed her head, her face turned red, and her two little hands kept pinching the corners of her clothes. After experiencing the previous embarrassment, she did not even have the courage to look up at Lin Hai.

Lin Hai’s heart moved and an idea came up.

“Little Ying, I have now established the sect and set up Sea Moon Sect. You see you alone in the cold moon peak, lonely and lonely, why not join me in the Sea Moon Sect, everyone is together every day happy!”

Little Ying heard her brow, but soon she resolutely shook the head.

“No, thank you Lin Hai big brother for your kindness, but Little Ying, you must guard Han Yuefeng!”

Having said that, Little Ying was afraid that Lin Hai would be unhappy, and hurried to add another sentence.

“Of course, if Lin Hai big brother is in danger, Little Ying will immediately arrive!”

Lin Hai listened and sighed softly. At the same time, his heart moved, but it was not good to keep it.

“Okay, I’ll send you!”

“No way!” Little Ying hurriedly waved her hands again and again. “I don’t have to worry so much, I can just go by myself!”

“So Lin Hai big brother, Little Ying is gone!” Little Ying suddenly felt sad, could not help liftings the head, and looked at Lin Hai.

“En?” Lin Hai shuddered and stopped Little Ying.

“Little Ying, why are you so ugly?”

“It’s okay, I’m okay!” Little Ying ducked her eyes and hurriedly.

Lin Hai’s face suddenly changed.

“what happened?”

“It wasn’t the time to heal you, it hurt you.” Little Ying didn’t speak, Leng Yueru next to her mouth suddenly spoke, Lin Hai glanced blankly.

“Hurt, shit, say it early, big brother can cure it!”

When Lin Hai found that he had successfully broken through to Golden Core Realm, he received two messages in his mind.

One is a ghost article that has learned the medicine king inheritance, and one is a fairy article that has learned the medicine king inheritance!

These two are the branches of Iron Crutch Li’s Medicine King inheritance. At the beginning Lin Hai cultivation base was not enough. Only the mortal chapter was learned. Now it becomes the Golden Core Human Immortal, and the ghost and fairy chapters are automatically learned.

At this point, Iron Crutch Li’s medicine king inheritance, Lin Hai can be completely inherited.

“Follow me, I will help you heal!” Lin Hai said, pulling Little Ying into the room.

“Are you sure you can do it?” Leng Yueru gave Lin Hai a surprised look, with a doubt on his face.

“That must be dripping!” Lin Hai was smug with pride on his face, and then slammed the door shut.

“Lin Hai big brother.” Only Lin Hai and Little Ying were left in the house. Little Ying suddenly became tense. Since the shame happened to heal Lin Hai before, when Little Ying sees Lin Hai, his heart jumps around. , Very shy.

“Haha, don’t be nervous, big brother, I’m an old driver, uh … old doctor.”

When Lin Hai reached out and grabbed Little Ying’s wrist, Little Ying trembled and hurriedly lowered his head.

Lin Hai took the pulse for Little Ying and then released his hand.

“Yuan Qi’s loss is not small, but for the big brother, it’s nothing!”

Lin Hai thought about it, and a medicine pill appeared in her hand and handed it to Little Ying.

“Eat the medicine pill first!”

“Oh!” Little Ying had complete trust in Lin Hai, and without asking anything, swallowed the medicine pill.

“Sit down, I’ll give you a needle!” Lin Hai said, taking out the needle bag.

After Little Ying sat down, Lin Hai withdrew a gold needle, and Zhen Qi perfused it. The gold needle immediately straightened and trembled slightly.

“Eh …” Lin Hai suddenly showed an awkward smile, “Little Ying, you have to take off your clothes and show your back!”

“Ah?” Little Ying’s pretty face turned red instantly, and her head was almost buried in her breast.

“Cough cough!” Lin Hai coughed slightly, concealing his embarrassment.

“Little Ying, I am now a doctor, a doctor and a patient, without gender distinction!”

“Oh!” Little Ying blushed, and took off her clothes with a shy expression, revealing a snowy white spine!

Lin Hai’s eyes flashed brilliantly, and the gold needle in his hand fell quickly, piercing Little Ying within the body!

Then, picking up the gold needles again, one by one, in the blink of an eye, there are gold needles all over Little Ying’s back!

“Well, after an hour, your energy will be restored!” Lin Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead, slightly tired.

The treatment for Little Ying is obviously more tired than Mortal. Rao is that Lin Hai has arrived at Golden Core Realm. Due to fatigue, his fingers still tremble slightly.

“Thank you Lin Hai big brother!” Little Ying whispered.

“You’re welcome, you healed me before, now I am healed for you, both of us are …” Lin Hai said half of the words, but stopped abruptly, then looked shocked and looked at Little Ying’s back!

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