Chapter 1028 Do You Want To Meet Her Again?

“Daoxing! It must be Daxing!”

Lin Hai was so agitated. Before that, whether it was the sword Demon Path Qian Jue or Qin Tian, ​​the terrifying formidable power during the execution of the road had impressed Lin Hai extremely deeply.

And Sun Wukong and Leng Yueru both said that the practice of Daoxing started from Golden Core Realm. Now that I have just broken through to Golden Core Realm, this magical power appears in the body. That is not Daoxing, but What could it be?

“Ask Sun Wukong!” Thinking of this, Lin Hai took out his phone and found Sun Wukong’s WeChat.

Little confused: Great Saint, here or there, ask you something!

Sun Wukong: Ah, virtuous brother, you say!

Lin Hai told Sun Wukong about the subtle feeling of controlling Heaven and Earth that suddenly appeared within the body.

Little messy: Great Saint, isn’t this okay?

Sun Wukong: ah ha ha, of course Daoxing, every cultivator, when you reach Golden Core Realm, you have to get in touch with Daoxing. Brother, if you can face the projection and mana can come, why do n’t you understand these basic things? (Behind is a questioning expression)

Little confused: Uh … I did n’t tell Great Saint last time. Secret Realm is special. Just treat me as a cute little boy who just started practicing and does n’t understand anything. (Behind is a sweaty expression)

Sun Wukong: Xiao Mengxin on a par with Rulai? ah ha ha ha! virtuous brother say so again, I want to let Thor’s green fur turtle find you!

“Why did Thor ask me?” Lin Hai hesitated, and then suddenly thought of a word.

“No pretense, pretending to be struck by lightning!” Fuck, the monkey thought he was pretending to be pretending!

Lin Hai couldn’t explain. He was a mortal secret. Even Sun Wukong didn’t dare to tell. Who knows the consequences of speaking this secret?

Little messy: How about Great Saint, how do you cultivate?

Sun Wukong: Daoxing is extremely mysterious, and the practice methods are different between different people. Generally, when you reach the Golden Core Late Stage or Nascent Soul Early-Stage, you will realize it by yourself. However, some people are strong and others are weak. It ’s a force, oh! (Behind is an expression shaking his head and sighing)


After reading the information, Lin Hai almost fell to the ground. Fuck Sun Wukong said that he was a weak player. How can others live?

But Lin Hai also understands that this sudden and magical feeling is really Daoxing, but unfortunately, his current realm ca n’t be understood yet, and Daoxing ’s cultivation ca n’t help anyone, it seems that Wait until the Golden Core Late Stage.

“I haven’t been a big brother for many years …”

Immediately after the conversation with Sun Wukong, Lin Hai’s phone suddenly rang. At first glance, it seemed that Xiao Qingshan called it. Lin Hai hurriedly picked it up, and Xiao Qingshan’s anxious voice sounded.

“Xiaohai, there was a major event at Cuifeng Mountain, were you there?”

“Yes, Mr. Xiao, I am indeed present!” Lin Hai did not know what Xiao Qingshan was looking for himself, and answered truthfully.

“Then I ask you, Jingyun Fairy was at the Taoist Temple, was she okay?”

Lin Hai obviously felt that Xiao Qingshan’s breathing was quicker. It seems that there is a secret between Jingyun and Fairy!

“Xiao Lao rest assured, Jingyun fairy master and disciple are all safe, just left me!”

“Oh, that’s good, that’s good!” Xiao Qingshan then put his heart down, put out a long breath, muttered.

Lin Hai couldn’t help but be curious in his heart and asked on the phone.

“Xiao Lao, you and this Jingyun Fairy seem to have a bad relationship?”

“Hehe.” Xiao Qingshan smiled bitterly on the phone.

“Xiaohai, you are not an outsider, I might as well tell you, Jingyun Fairy, she is my biological daughter!”

“What!” Lin Hai snapped!

Although he had long guessed that the relationship between Xiao Qingshan and Jingyun Fairy seemed unusual, but what he wanted more was what men and women had between them. After all, Jingyun Fairy often hangs on his lips. Without a good thing, it is easy to make people think!

But how didn’t expect, they turned out to be a father-daughter relationship!

“Xiao, what’s going on?”

“Oh!” Xiao Qingshan sighed, seemingly remembering the sad past, his voice sad.

“Jingyun Fairy, whose real name is Xiao Jingyun, was born to me and my first wife.”

“At that time, it was still in the war years, when soldiers and soldiers were in chaos. I took the army to fight guerrillas with the enemy. I had no place to stay, and their mother and daughter were with me. It was very inconvenient and very dangerous!”

“So, I sent someone back to their hometown. Jingyun’s mother didn’t want me, so I had to tell her that when the situation was better, I went home to pick her up and let her wait for me at home!”

Having said that, Xiao Qingshan’s voice suddenly choked and his tone became extremely sad.

“How did I didn’t expect, that time, my separation from my ex-wife turned out to be farewell!”

Lin Hai heard this, heaved in his heart, and Xiao Qingshan continued.

“After sending them off, I took the army and played half of Huaxia. At the same time, as my position became higher and higher, my shoulders became more and more responsible. Every day I was full of war, and I couldn’t care to pick them up. Mother and daughter come back. “

“Until I won, I took off and took someone back to my hometown to pick them up. At that time, my mood was really exciting and shy, with one’s heart set on speeding home, I can’t wait to see them immediately!”

“But I have so far been unacceptable. When I got home, it was a terrible news! My ex-wife had been brutally killed by the enemy just a year ago!”

“Listening to the folks in the village, my ex-wife was still thinking about it till the moment of death, Brother Xiao, I miss you, why don’t you come to pick me up !!!”

Xiao Qingshan’s painful, hoarse, roaring and sobbing came over the phone, making Lin Hai feel a sore nose, his emotions were infected, and he almost fell into tears. From Xiao Qingshan’s words, he felt a deep sadness, Responsibility and regret!

“Xiao Lao, you mourn!” Lin Hai advised.

It took a long time for Xiao Qingshan’s mood to recover.

“Hehe, Xiaohai, let you laugh, and you are crying.”

“I later learned that Jingyun, just 5 years old, watched her mother and died under the enemy’s bayonet. Not only was she not afraid, she went mad and rushed to the enemy!”

“Fortunately, at that time, a Taoist aunt suddenly appeared and killed all the enemies. After knowing the situation of Jingyun, he took Jingyun away!”

“After that, I took 4 people to search, and I almost searched the whole China, but I couldn’t find the whereabouts of this Taoist and Jingyun. At that time, the country was in a state of waste and there was still a lot of work waiting for me There was no way to do it, so I had to send someone to look for it, and I returned to Yanjing and put into work. “

“With the passage of time, the sadness in my heart gradually faded. Later, I was introduced and married my current wife, gave birth to 3 children, and the family lived a happy life!”

“Just when I almost forgot about my ex-wife and Jingyun’s affairs, suddenly one day, a daunt, who claimed to be Jingyun Fairy, came to me, and her channel number surprised me suddenly, and immediately thought of my lost for many years. Daughter, hurry to meet her! “

“Didn’t expect, this Jingyun Fairy is actually my daughter who has been separated for many years. The two of us cried with headaches and recognized each other, but when Jingyun knew that I had become a family again, suddenly the complexion changed greatly! “

“She said that her mother was waiting for me to pick her up until she died, but I became an official in Beijing, married someone, and abandoned their mother and daughter. There is no good thing for a man, and she will not forgive her in this life. Me! “

“After speaking, Jingyun didn’t listen to my explanation and retention at all, so she left with anger. I sent someone to search at 4 places in Yanjing. I saw her again at a jade stone auction and saw that she liked jade stone. Take down all jade stone and give it to her! “

“And Jingyun seems to have figured it out during this time. Things didn’t all blame me. I finally had a hearty conversation with me, but I didn’t want to call me father again because her mother’s death left her behind. The deep shadow, she felt that her mother’s death had a great relationship with me. For mother, she could not forgive me! “

“But I can see that her heart is also extremely miserable. Finally, she left me a business card and went to the Cuifeng Mountain alone. The Cuifeng Mountain was steep and dangerous. I was too old and unable to climb. From then on, Never seen Jingyun again! “

After listening to Xiao Qingshan’s story, Lin Hai couldn’t help but sigh, no wonder that Jingyun Fairy always said that the man didn’t have a good thing, so there was such a knot in his heart.

However, from the perspective of Lin Hai, Xiao Qingshan was not wrong, and Jingyun Fairy was not wrong. If you are wrong, you can only say that it was the wrong of that era.

“Xiao Lao, Jingyun Fairy refuses to recognize you, in the final analysis, here with your ex-wife?”

“Yeah!” Xiao Qingshan sighed, “I’m sorry their mother and daughter, it’s all my fault!”

Listening to Xiao Qingshan’s voice, it seemed that all of a sudden became much older, Lin Hai’s heart was not a taste, his heart moved, and he suddenly spoke.

“Your ex-wife didn’t wait for you until death. It really makes people feel sorry and heartache. Xiao Xiao, would you like to see her again?”

“What did you say !!!” Lin Hai immediately excited Xiao Qingshan, and his voice trembled with a sharp startle!

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