My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 320: Blind date

"Let me go, I've killed someone!" The little girl was caught by Xu Qingmo and shouted anxiously, but her voice was suppressed and very low, and she was afraid of being heard by others.

Naturally, Xu Qingmo won't let go. She grabbed both hands of the little girl, and then raised it up. She was pinched like a chick, and it was futile to kick the girl with both feet.

"Stop it!" The bracelet woman furiously behind, Xu Qingmo hands on a little girl, she is very angry.

Xu Qingmo gently put the little girl down. He was in control from the beginning. The little girl was not injured.

The little girl who escaped from Xu Qingmo was like an injured stray cat, and quickly hid behind the bracelet woman, hiding something. The bracelet woman was like an old hen, protecting the little girl.

Looking at such a bangled woman, Xu Qingmo had a headache, but still said, "You misunderstood. I'm really not a thief. At that time, I saw that she was stealing something and shot ..."

"Shut up!" The bracelet woman yelled at Xu Qingmo: "At first glance you are not a good thing. Dressed like this, maybe the neuropathic hospital ran out, and I still want you to believe you? Are you still worried about being heard again? Grab it. "

The bracelet woman burst out of her powerful strength that was not shown on the bus. She opened her mouth toward Xu Qingmo, spraying Xu Qingmo dumbly.

"Sister thank you, I'm leaving, or my mother will be anxious." The little girl looked at the hospital door in fear, and then dragged the woman's clothes to the bracelet.

"Uh-huh, you're going home, the outside world is too dangerous." The bracelet woman turned to the little girl's head in silence and said with a smile.

"Ah, when ..." Xu Qingmo said to remind the bracelet woman.

"I told you to shut up, did you hear me!" The bracelet woman's voice immediately rose eight degrees, suppressing Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo swaggered, shrugged, and stopped talking.

After the little girl ran across the street and disappeared into the far corner. The bracelet woman was still angry at Xu Qing.

Xu Qingmo hasn't spoken yet. Suddenly the face of the woman in bracelets changed suddenly, from being just overbearing and fierce, to being meek and polite, and a little embarrassed to take care of her hair.

"Cui'er, you're here." The voice of an aunt came from behind, and Xu Qingmo turned around and saw the aunt who was in a ward with Lao Xia.

"Mom." The bracelet woman was well-behaved in front of her mother.

The aunt saw Xu Qingmo, and she was also happy. The expression on her face was very complicated. It was both a surprise and a joy.

"Mr. Xu! You know each other!"

The bracelet woman looked at Xu Qingmo in surprise, but did not expect that Xu Qingmo and her mother still knew each other, but she did not have a good impression of Xu Qingmo, and immediately hummed.

"Well, I just met on the road." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"Haha, just know, just know." Aunt said happily, then rubbed her hands, "Then you talk, I'll go shopping."

"Mom!" The bracelet woman was surprised, took a step forward and grabbed Aunt's hand, asked in confusion, "Don't you say that you can't be paralyzed in the bed and can't move? Let me hurry to see you, why ..."

Aunt smiled and pulled the bracelet woman to the side: "You workaholic, otherwise, would you come over?"

"Then you can't lie to me!" The bracelet woman was a little upset.

"Don't say that, the purpose of my coming to you is to introduce you to Mr. Xu." Xu Qingmo touched his nose, and the two were not far away. He could hear the words of the aunt. I don't know if this is intentional or unintentional.

"He?" The bracelet woman's voice was very complicated.

"What kind of tone do you have? I observed it for a few days. This Mr. Xu is a good man with a good look. He looks handsome and works well. The key is good character. Marrying him is guaranteed, and you will be happy." Said the aunt.

"Mom!" The woman in the bracelet choked angrily.

"Don't tell me what you do. You do n’t have to decide. You look at how old you are. You have crow's feet. If you work like crazy, you will be older than me. It ’s hard to meet such a good single man. You Still do not seize the opportunity. "Aunt bitterly said.

"You can't lie to me like that!" The bracelet woman angrily.

"I don't care. You talk to Mr. Xu more today. It ’s not appropriate and you have to say it later. Do n’t play with me!" Aunt patted the back of the woman with the bracelet and then backed to Xu Qingmo. Waving and turned back.

It's still Xu Qingmo and the bracelet woman, but the atmosphere is different now. Xu Qingmo knows the bracelet woman's mother, and she is not good at talking to Xu Qingmo like before.

"You ..." Some bracelet women don't know how to speak. She knows that although her mother is worried about her marriage, she is still very reliable. Since she says that Xu Qingmo is good, Xu Qingmo is not a thief. .

Xu Qingmo also knew the bracelet woman's psychology at this time, so she took the initiative to say, "Where's your wallet?"

The woman froze the bracelet, then reached out and touched her belt, suddenly surprised: "My wallet is gone!"

"Stolen." Xu Qing Mo said.

"But didn't I get it back in the car?" The bracelet woman said.

"I said it was just here, when you were protecting her behind." Xu Qingmo said with a quibble.

"She's really a thief! Why don't you remind ..." The woman in the bracelet stopped halfway and suddenly remembered that Xu Qingmo did remind her, but she closed her mouth.

"I have a lot of documents in my wallet, and I will use them tomorrow at work." The bracelet woman anxiously, looking around.

Xu Qingmo hadn't spoken yet, and suddenly there was a few familiar voices over the hospital entrance.

"Yes, I didn't read it wrong, it was the girl, and the elder brother was with her when she had an accident."

"She usually belongs to her spooky spirit. Seeing her ghostly appearance just now, maybe she is still dead, want to run, chase quickly!"

"I went there. We drove over. The entire Jinling has our eyeliner. She can't go to the sky! This time I went back and interrupted her leg to make her long memory."

Xu Qingmo turned her head and saw the pair of dogs and men in the green belt talking and pulling away the small van on the side of the road, listening to their conversation, thinking of the little girl, and her phrase "I have killed someone", Xu Qingmo Brows suddenly frowned.

The little girl was panicked here just now, I'm afraid he wasn't afraid of him, but she should have seen one of the pair of dogs and men over the hospital, and avoided the direction of the hospital when hiding behind the woman with the bracelet.

Well, the little girl was forced into a thief by these two guys!

Xu Qingmo watched the minivan leave, and immediately said to the woman who picked up the bracelet of the mobile phone: "No need to call the police for the time being, I'll help you chase it back."

"Really? Can you catch up?" The bracelet woman looked at Xu Qingmo in disbelief, even though the other party was a little girl, but she had run so far.

Xu Qingmo didn't answer. He reached for a taxi. Naturally, he wouldn't say that when he just caught the little girl, he talked about the smell of snake spirit flowers on her hand.

In this bustling city, the smell of snake spirit flowers is still easy to distinguish for him.

Xu Qingmo greeted the taxi, and then three or four taxis ignored him and went away.

Xu Qingmo looked down at the sick clothes on his body, shook his head, and she was wearing this clothes, and it was hard to hit the car.

The woman with the bracelet walked over to stop a taxi, then sat in and looked at Xu Qingmo. Xu Qingmo also sat in, opened the window, and showed the driver directions.

The driver's complexion along the way, looking at Xu Qingmo from the rearview mirror, stuck his head out of the window, and then showed him the way, very uneasy, opened his mouth several times, and finally couldn't help it. "Is your husband okay? Would you like to go back to the hospital? I can't take responsibility for the accident in my car."

When the bracelet woman's face became angry, she almost slap on the driver's head, and then took another look at Xu Qingmo, and it was strange to see Xu Qingmo still carefully smelling the wind outside the window.


Xu Qingmo said suddenly, then didn't stabilize, he got off the taxi, looked along the street, and finally turned into an alley with two people side by side.

The bracelet woman also chased in, and looked at Xu Qingmo with some doubts.

Xu Qingmo crossed the alley and came to a river, where the river was flowing, and the sawn logs floating from the upstream came over.

Snake Linghua's question extended to here, and then disappeared!

Xu Qingmo looked at the round wood on the river and smiled, "She was also followed, so she came up with such a method."

"What did you say?" The woman from the bracelet asked.

Xu Qingmo said, "Take a taxi by yourself and walk down the river."

"how about you?"

"I go first."

Xu Qingmo laughed, suddenly jumped and jumped into the river.

"Ah, watch out!" The bracelet woman yelled.

But Xu Qingmo did not fall into the water like she imagined, but stepped firmly on a log in the river and turned her head to wave her hands.

The bracelet woman looked at the center of the river standing still on the log, and quickly moved along the stream to the downstream. She was shocked and couldn't shut her mouth. By the time she returned, Xu Qingmo was long gone. Figure, so quickly ran to taxi.

The smell of the snake spirit flower in the river was much lighter. Xu Qingmo could only smell it in front of him. Following the smell, he went all the way down to the suburbs. There were no people on both sides of the river. I saw a bridge in front lying on the river.

Under this bridge hole, it is the favorite shelter of all kinds of homeless people. Looking far away, you can see various shacks built with ragged clothes and thatched sacks. Before the shack, a dozen children were sitting or sitting Or stand around it.

The smell of snake spirit flowers is right in the middle of this crowd!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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