At any time, there are many people in the hospital, but most of them are patients and relatives in a hurry and anxious faces. Although Xu Qingmo is all wet, but no one has attracted attention. He quietly walked out of the hospital. Now first All you have to do is change into a clean suit.

"Ah oh wow, you have to get better, how can I live without you!"

Just after Xu Qingmo stepped out of the hospital entrance, he saw a group of people rushing forward, several nurses and doctors pushing a stretcher, on which a man was lying, his body was full of blood, and a little nurse was holding an infusion bottle while running, apparently This is an emergency patient, followed by a woman in her forties, crying and crying, very distressed.

The woman's cheekbones are very high, giving a very mean feeling, but at this moment crying sparsely, very affectionate, next to the two elderly and a middle-aged person, also trying to catch up with tears but legs and feet too Slow, can only be followed by young people.

There are so many such things happening in the hospital every day. Xu Qingmo sighed, ran out, and then looked for a clothes store nearby.

However, it is not like a hospital outside. As soon as Xu Qingmo went out, he was pointed by passersby and avoided him.

"Neurosis, have you fallen into the water?"

"It doesn't look like it should be a neurosis from a nearby hospital."

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Xu Qingmo's nose was silent and she was so wet that it was estimated that no store would sell her clothes.

As a result, Xu Qingmo turned around and returned to the hospital. Looking around, he found a set of patient clothes drying.

The blue-striped patient suit was fairly clean. Xu Qingmo found a place where nobody was there and quickly changed it. This was only an expedient measure. He had to wear this suit to buy new clothes. Although this was a patient suit, it was better than wet. The clothes are good.

Xu Qingmo could not enter or leave the hospital at will while wearing this suit, so she turned to the sparsely green belt and tried to cross the wall. However, as soon as Xu Qingmo approached the green belt, she heard the voice of Qingqing and me.

"Why, kiss one." This was the voice of a man.

"What are you kissing, do it quickly, finish it with a few poke, and work."

"What is it, the boss finally died, my second child naturally has to enjoy it."

"Don't bullshit, he's not dead yet."

"Quick, even if it is not dead, it is a disability and does not prevent me and my uncle ..."

"Shut up, is it because you made him?"

"No, I swear to God, although I have been salivating to you, but I will not do anything to my own brother. He is self-reliant, and was hit by a car while teaching a little girl."

"He's such a savvy person, this kind of thing can happen, which is a bit weird."

"It's a weird shit, bend down a bit, you're breaking me!"

Xu Qingmo's frosty frowns. These are two cheating, but also uncle?

Xu Qingmo didn't pay much attention, and quietly left from the side, just a glance at Jinghong, and then stopped.

This pair of men and women, I have seen myself!

This woman was a mean-faced woman who was crying on the stretcher before the hospital, and the man was the young man who supported the two elderly people!

The moment before, the two of them still looked sad and angry, turning around and hiding behind this green belt.

So the man in their mouth is the one on the stretcher?

The world is chilly, and anything disgusting can happen.

Xu Qingmo shook her head and turned out.

Walking on the road outside the street, passers-by's strange eyes still surround Xu Qingmo's body all the time, but I think there are several hospitals nearby, and Xu Qingmo's appearance is not particularly surprised.

Xu Qingmo touched the python horns in his clothes, thinking that it is impossible to go through the subway security check. He can only take a taxi, and there are no clothes shops nearby.

When Xu Qingmo was about to take a taxi, he saw a little girl squatting by the side of the road. She was eleven or twelve years old. Her clothes were a little shabby, but she was clean. She had two buns in her hand and was gorging.

The buns are not big, but the little girl almost choked and had no water. She looked very hungry.

"Woohoo ..." A stray little stray dog ​​was attracted by the smell of buns, sobbing towards the little girl.

The little girl finished eating a bun, looked at the puppy, and suddenly yelled at it, scaring the little stray dog ​​back quickly.

The little girl continued to pick up the buns, but the little stray stood distantly and looked at her.

The little girl hesitated, or tore off a small piece of bun and handed it to the little stray dog. The little stray dog ​​ran over to eat the bun, and after eating it, looked up at the little girl.

The little girl tore the last bit of buns in her hands in half, shoved half into her mouth, and half threw it to the puppy. She said, "This is the last point. It's gone. Just now the guy is a poor guy. Wear Decent, only a few bucks in the wallet! "

After hearing this, Xu Qingmo frowned slightly. She originally thought it was a simple story of a loving girl feeding a stray dog, but it seems that there is still a secret behind it?

The little girl was done eating, stood up and walked to the next bus stop. A bus came just right, she looked around, and hurried into the car.

Xu Qingmo thought and followed, and saw the little girl pull out a men's wallet from her pocket, flip a coin out of it, and throw it in.

Not her wallet! interesting.

There were a lot of people on the bus, the location was gone, and there were four or five people standing.

"Now move in." The driver shouted openly with a loud voice.

The little girl shuttled through the crowd like a swimming fish. Xu Qingmo followed, clearly watching the little girl clip a wallet from the pocket of a man in a suit and leather shoes, and next to him was a floral coat. The aunt carrying the basket, her purse was in the basket, but the little girl turned a blind eye.

Still a little hair thief who steals the rich but not the poor! Xu Qingmo smiled and didn't take the first time to catch the little girl.

In the end, the little girl stood at the back door of the bus and lowered her head, but the light in the corner of her eye was looking at a woman around her early.

This woman is about thirty years old, and she is not wearing high-end clothes, but she wears a jasper bracelet on her wrist. She looks warm and beautiful.

The little girl's eyes were tangled in this bracelet. It is estimated that she could not judge the woman's family situation, and did not know whether she should start.

Xu Qingmo was standing next to him, staring at the little girl. The little girl was very sophisticated as a thief. Heared six ways and watched in all directions, but naturally she could not find Xu Qingmo.

Finally, the little girl pursed her lips, still classified the bracelet woman as a wealthy class, and started to do it.

Watching the little girl's sophisticated technique, she easily took out the bracelet woman's money, and Xu Qingmo finally shot. It was simple and grabbed the little girl who had just clipped the wallet.

However, what Xu Qingmo did not expect was that although the little girl was startled, she responded very quickly. She actually turned a backhand into the hands of Xu Qingmo, and then shouted, "Thief!"

The passengers in the car looked over.

"He stole this aunt's purse, I caught him, he was going to hit me, I'm afraid!" The little girl said immediately, and in a word, transferred all the anger to Xu Qingmo.

The bracelet woman turned around, hurriedly grabbed her wallet, and then pulled the little girl behind herself, staring at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo swaggered and was about to explain. The man in the suit and leather shoes in the front of the car also came over and shouted, "My wallet!" My wallet is gone! "

"Here!" The little girl pointed at the ground.

The man in the suit quickly picked it up and looked carefully: "Yes, this is mine!"

"It must be that he stole your wallet, and when I shouted it, he threw it to the ground, and saw that the wallet was closest to him!" The little girl pointed at Xu Qingmo again.

Xu Qingmo smiled. This little girl was a bit ghostly. Even herself didn't notice when she left her wallet.

"You stole my wallet! I want to call the police and call the police to catch you. You scum, you have to go into the prison and reflect!" The man in a suit pointed at Xu Qingmo and shouted, "I also have to pay for my lost time. , Mental loss fee! "

Xu Qing Mo Le is happy, the first sentence of the man in the suit is still righteous, and the latter sentence has not told himself that the "thief" should give him money quickly, otherwise he would call the police.

For this kind of person, Xu Qingmo didn't like it. He stared directly at him. The man in the suit immediately urged him, squeezed his wallet tightly, and walked to the front of the car dingy.

Xu Qingmo turned her head and looked at the little girl: "You're a bit powerful."

"He is threatening me, and he definitely wants to get revenge on me!" The little girl shouted directly no matter what Xu Qingmo said.

But the passengers just saw that the suit man was frightened by Xu Qingmo. At this time, they also checked their wallets one by one, and no one spoke.

"You don't want to run!" Finally, the bracelet woman spoke, staring fiercely at Xu Qingmo, not afraid at all.

Xu Qingmo shrugged, "You misunderstood. I am not a thief. She is a thief. I arrested her."

"You lied, I'm a kid, how could you be a thief? You look so bad, and you're wearing a sick suit, maybe it's a neurosis that ran out of the hospital!" The girl said again.

Hearing the neurosis, the surrounding passengers suddenly avoided it, very afraid. Only the bracelet woman opened her hands to protect the little girl and glared at Xu Qingmo: "So many people here, don't want to mess around."

Xu Qingmo reluctantly, this little girl's appearance is the best camouflage, she simply convinced everyone.

"Well, you guys have to get off the bus!" The driver in front said, as long as things didn't happen in his car, he would be fine.

Just when the bus arrived at a stop, the little girl hurried down.

"Stop!" How did Xu Qingmo just let the little girl run away and chase it out.

"Worry!" The bracelet woman followed. The phrase "worry" was concerned that the little girl would be bullied by Xu Qingmo.

When she got out of the car, the little girl's face changed, and Xu Qingmo was also stunned. This is the Chinese hospital he just came out from, but he just turned in from the side of the hospital, and the bus opened to the main door again.

"Don't run!" Xu Qingmo held out her hand and grabbed the little girl's wrist. This time she won't let her run again.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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