Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 600: Who is your father

The most important thing is that he can accurately call out He Jingyao's name...

Adam looked at the little boy's delicate face and was really curious. What does this child have to do with the president?

He Jingyao frowned, picked up the little boy, and asked coldly, "Child, who are you? What are you doing with me?"

"My name is Xiaobao." He flattened his mouth. "I don't want to do anything with you, I just want to stay with you anyway."

He Jingyao looked at him for a while, put down the child, pulled his arm out of his arms, and looked at Adam: "Try to get him home."

After he finished, he walked towards the office.

However, just after he took a step, his calf was embraced by the little boy.

His brow jumped and looked down at him.

The little guy looked up at him with difficulty, his face tight and tight.

He Jingyao said coldly: "Let go."

He has taken out all his patience with this child who does not know where it came from.

"I won't." He sniffed in grievance, "I'm just going to stay with you anyway."

He Jingyao thought for a while and squatted down to make an equal gesture: "Who is your father?"

The little guy glanced at him and said nothing.

"How about your mother?" He Jingyao asked.

His face collapsed: "Mom doesn't want me..."

"How do you know my name? Huh?" He Jingyao continued to ask.

"Anyway, I just know." He hugged him tightly, and he refused to let go, "I know you are a good person, and you won't ignore me."

…Is he wronged? Or a little boy only a few years old?

"You're wrong, I'm not a good person." After that he picked up the little guy and stuffed it into Adam's arms. "When you take this child home, when will you solve it and when will you come back to work."

Adam hugged the child's soft body, his face stunned.

"Wow!" The little guy saw He Jingyao really ignored him, angry and wronged, and began to cry.

Adam coaxed him helplessly: "Child, where is your home? I'll take you home?"

"I don't want, my father doesn't want me, my mother doesn't want"

When Adam saw his grievances and cried, his heart softened, and he couldn't help looking at He Jingyao: "Sir, otherwise let this child stay here for a while, maybe his parents will find it in a moment."

He Jingyao gave Adam a displeased glance.

Adam immediately murmured and dared not speak again.

The little guy was still crying, the crying little face flushed, and began to hiccup.

He Jingyao suddenly remembered what Huo Yanzhao had just said.

He may not have children anymore.

Thinking of this, his heart softened slightly and nodded coldly: "Let him stop crying."

This is to allow this child to stay!

Adam rejoiced: "Okay. Rest assured, I will not let him affect your work."

After he finished, he bowed his head to coax the little guy: "Mr. He said you can stay here, he didn't care about you, don't cry, okay."

He nodded while choking.

Adam looked funny, took him to the bathroom, and wiped his face.

He couldn't help wondering. This child is really beautiful. If he grows up, he might lose to the president.

"Do you want to watch cartoons, I will use your mobile phone to show you?" Adam coaxed him.

The little guy shook his head and pointed to the sofa: "I'll just sit here. Uncle, you work, don't worry about me."

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