Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 599: I will not have children

With this stock, it means that he will not have to worry about his livelihood in his life, and if HI manages well, his daughter will not have to worry about livelihood in his life.

"Not much." He Jingyao smiled faintly. "If it wasn't because the procedures were too troublesome, I would have planned to give you a third."

"You are too real." Huo Yanzhao shook his head funny. "If I haven't been successful in research, would you be so generous?"

"If you still have no results within five years, I will definitely drive you home." He Jingyao frowned, "Of course, there will still be shares, but the proportion will be less."

"Finally, I'm not disappointed." Huo Yanzhao took the glass and sipped. "But there is something, you need to be mentally prepared."

"Huh?" He Jingyao looked at him.

"Your illness is mainly an allergic reaction. You know this very well." Huo Yanzhao bent his finger and tapped the table. "It took me three years to figure out the principle and a year to figure out a solution... so I can basically be sure that after implanting this trait gene, it will likely affect your fertility."

"Fertility?" He Jingyao expressionless, "What are you kidding?"

"Hey, don't worry, you are all normal, just because the implantation of this new gene fragment may make it difficult for your sperm to combine with the egg..."

"That is to say, I will not have children?" He Jingyao's fingers clenched a little.

Huo Yanzhao nodded: "You think about it, do you want to freeze some sperm before the operation, and when necessary, artificial insemination is not impossible."

He Jingyao was silent for a while, shaking his head gently: "No need."


"Who knows if my child will inherit this disease?" He Jingyao frowned. "It's better to solve this hidden danger from the beginning than to take risks."

Huo Yanzhao gave him a helpless look: "If Uncle knows, he will probably kill me with anger."

He Jingyao laughed noncommittally: "When can surgery be done?"

"Again...give me half a month, for the sake of insurance." Huo Yanzhao thought and said.

"Okay." He Jingyao nodded. "After the operation, you can go home."

Huo Yanzhao smiled and looked at the pictures hanging on the wall. On the pictures, the little girl's smiling face was sweet.

His eyes softened.

"Jing Yao, you will be well." He said softly, "I promise."

He left for four years, not so as to help Jing Yao, but rather to give himself a chance.

Time is the best medicine, and he firmly believes in it.


In the afternoon, He Jingyao returned to HI Group.

He came out of the elevator and was about to enter the office. Suddenly, a little figure rushed over not far away, like a small shell.

He frowned slightly and bent down to reach out to his chest. As a result, the child who didn’t know where he was was hugged his arm and wowed, "He Jingyao, you finally came back!"

The man's eyebrows throbbed cheerfully.

At this time, Adam hurriedly came to him, with an awkward explanation: "Sir, this kid came an hour ago. He said he would not wait for you if he wanted to wait for you."

Although Adam felt wrong, the child appeared to be only three or four years old, and he appeared alone, and he could not treat him like that.

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