Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 586: Don't worry, I will make you comfortable right away

"...Are you saying that my **** have really become smaller?" She was very sensitive to this question.

He Jingyao breathed heavily and his eyes glowed.

He slowly lifted her belt, unbuttoned her coat, and reached into her sweater, a piece of creamy softness fell into the palm of her hand.

"Itchy..." Zhi Xi grumbled dissatisfiedly and reached out to push him subconsciously.

The man's throat rolled up and down, catching her tumbling hand: "Let me check it, and I know if it gets bigger or smaller, eh?"

His voice was almost whispered.

Zhi Xi froze for a moment, looking confused.

After a long time, she nodded reluctantly: "Well then..."

He Jingyao laughed hoarsely, leaned over, and looked at her from the top.

The blush on the woman's cheeks is heavier, and the fog in her eyes also gathers layer after layer, like a sweet and tempting snack.

It's been too long since he's seen her like this. It's been so long that those past lingers have become blurred in his memory.

When it was determined that she was still alive, he had a hatred in his heart, hating the woman's cruelty. But at this moment, he was only glad that she was still alive.

The body was still soft and warm, and did not turn to ashes in the explosion.

He Jingyao never believed in fate, but at this time he couldn't help but think that this was the cruelty of fate and its kindness.

With a low sigh, he lowered his head to cover her lips.

"Xiaobao...Don't make trouble..." she said softly.

Now she is in a state of going to sleep or not, the whole person is a little floating, she does not know what the man is doing, but she feels instinctively uncomfortable.

He Jingyao paused: "Who are you talking about?"

She mumbled, and her voice became more ambiguous: "...Don't make trouble."

The man took a deep breath and did not plan to endure anymore. He bit her lips again, grinding them patiently, and tempted her to hum low.

Then, the man kissed her chin again, then the cheeks, earlobe, neck... Soon, the woman under him twisted gently.

"Is it uncomfortable?" His voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of temptation.

"...Um." She responded in a trance.

"Do you want to be comfortable, eh?" he asked, biting her earlobe.

"Think." She responded without hesitation and licked her lips.

He Jingyao's eyes dimmed, and a hand swam slowly and forcefully on her body: "...don't worry, I will make you comfortable immediately."


On Lugang 17, Lu Qixi asked the assistant to bring dinner and lead Xiaobao to eat together.

The little guy smiled sweetly: "Thanksgiving, every time I eat, my mother will play your song for me, so I will eat more."

Lu Qixi threw a smile.

One night, she was sulked by the little guy. Although she has a lot of loyal fans, none of those fans add up to the happiness that Xiao Bao alone brings to her.

Perhaps it was because the love and admiration in this little guy's eyes almost overflowed, making her feel warm.

"Okay, then I will also sing you a song." Lu Qixi said, took out his phone, and tuned out his album.

Halfway through the meal, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Maybe your mother came to pick you up." Lu Qixi touched Xiaobao's head and stood up to open the door.

But when she saw the man standing outside, she was stunned.

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