Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 585: I want to do something for you, even if I can’t be with you

The woman in the bed had flushed cheeks and watery eyes.

He Jingyao's throat rolled a few times, and suddenly grabbed her hand and put a soft kiss on her lips.

"...... Why are you still in my house?" She suddenly whispered.

Perhaps because of drinking, her voice is very slow, a little more hoarse, and has an unspeakable sex-sense.

"Because you haven't removed makeup yet, I will help you." He responded softly.

She thought about it for a while, and nodded gently: "Yes, you need to remove makeup, or it will grow wrinkles..."

He Jingyao's eyes became gentle, he gently lowered her hand, went to the bathroom and took a hot towel back, leaned over and wiped her face.

After four years, her skin is still pink and hydrated, with no traces of years.


The man's fingertips fell to the corners of her eyes, where there was a shallow scar, which could not be seen at all if you did not look closely. In fact, such traces still appeared on her nose and chin.

"Zhi Xi?" he murmured.

The woman responded slowly, and it took a long time before "Ah?"

"It's okay." He laughed and waited for a long time before asking softly, "Why come back?"

Since hiding for four years, why should you come back at this time?

"Because..." She thought hard for a while, "Because... lonely..."

"Huh?" The man caught a keyword and continued to coax, "Because you are lonely?"

She shook her head: "He..."

"Because, you think He Jingyao will be lonely?" He Jingyao repeated slowly, once again grabbing her hand.

"Um..." she responded lowly, "I think..."

I want to... do something for you, even if...can't be with you.

The man's throat rolled a few times.

"So why didn't you come back?" he asked lowly. "You know he will miss you."

"Because..." Her voice is getting lower and lower, "Because I am ugly... Because I don't want him to be dragged down by me, he must live to be eighty."

"Ugly?" He Jingyao leaned over, and her fingertips fell again on the corner of her eyes, "Because of that explosion?"

"Well..." she whispered, "I'm ugly...he will despise me when he sees it."

"He won't." The man's voice has been stained with a little husky. "You know he won't."

Zhi Xi was at a loss for a moment, and then nodded, approving his words: "Yes, he won' this is just... an excuse."

Without such an excuse, how could she prevent herself from returning to his side?

He Jingyao sighed softly, bit her lip, and kissed abnormally softly.

"...Who are you?" She frowned in confusion.

"Guess?" The man smiled lowly.

"...I'm fooled again." She exclaimed abruptly, "I'm always fooled by him, why do I always be stupid."

He Jingyao laughed again.

"It's not that you are stupid, nor how clever his means are." The man's fingers touched her lips, and her voice was gentle as water. "Because you still love him, you can't bear him still want to give Give him a chance."

She thought hard for a long time before gently nodding: "You are right...but he dislikes me and my chest becomes smaller."

The man's gaze lowered and fell to her chest with a hoarse voice: "No, he doesn't dislike it."

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