Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 580: She's lucky, hard backstage

Lukang 17.

Lu Qixi opened the door and walked in, put Xiaobao on the ground and said with a smile: "Do you eat snacks? I have chocolates and cookies here."

Xiaobao shook her head cleverly: "Mom won't allow me to eat chocolate... Tanabata, I like you so much."

The little guy repeated this sentence over and over, and his bright eyes were full of rejoicing and obsession, making Lu Qixi's mood very good all the way.

She couldn't help but hold his little hand: "Then I will show you a cartoon and wait for your mother to pick you up."

"Okay." Xiao Bao raised his smile, "Qi Xi, let's watch together?"

"Okay." Lu Qixi agreed with a smile.

She held Xiaobao on the sofa, turned on the TV, and found the children's channel for a long time.

She can't remember how long she hasn't been watching TV at home. As a diva-level singer, she has countless times on TV, but she has no time to watch her own programs, let alone other programs.

Lu Qixi turned her head and saw the little fellow sitting straight, watching TV, and turning her head to look at her again, as if she looked better than TV.

Lu Qixi couldn't help laughing, reached out and rubbed the little guy's head.

At this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang, and Lu Qixi took it out and saw it, which was the agent's phone.

She sighed and took a hello.

"Tanabat! Where are you from?" The agent's voice was anxiously corrupted. "As I asked thousands of times, the dinner at night is very important. They are all the people in the circle. Do you want to put me pigeons again?"

Lu Qixi glanced at the little treasure next to him, and his voice was full of boredom: "I don't want to go."

The agent took a sigh of relief: "My elder lady! When do you want to be self-willed? It's a dinner, knowing and knowing friends, and not making you laugh with the wine, are you?

"Trouble, too lazy to go." Lu Qixi frowned.

The agent was also annoyed: "Lu Qixi, I know that you have a hard background, and people do have strength, but some people in this circle can’t offend, so you’ll be capricious, if one day you kill yourself, I see what you do. do!"

After that, he hung up the phone forcefully.

Lu Qixi's look remained the same, and threw the phone aside.

She was suddenly in a trance.

In the past four years, she started as a trainee of Xingyi, then debuted, made records, participated in various competitions, and finally became a hit...Now she has won the prize and is soft, winning both art and business , Along the way, I do not know how much hardship and **** tears.

However, everyone said that she was lucky and the backstage was tough... Actually it is true to say so.

If it wasn’t Ning Yichen, she might have lived in a low-rent house and looked for opportunities in various bars, how could she become the queen of heaven today?

If it wasn't that night that the man did that kind of thing to her, how could he give her so many opportunities, and still indulge her waywardness, and smooth out those troubles for her countless times?

She has got everything she dreamed of, but why is she still not satisfied? Even, began to get tired of all this bright and beautiful.

Thinking of the man's always polite but detached attitude, she smiled bitterly and reached out to touch her heart.

A small, soft hand suddenly pulled her sleeve.

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