Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 579: Does her **** become smaller?

"Or, is Miss Gu interested in my proposal?" He raised the corner of his lips. "If that is the case, I'm always welcome."


Gu Zhixi froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

She was angry and angry: "No, I'm not interested at all! Sorry, I should go back."

"Miss Gu." Every time the man calls her like this, he likes to pull the tone very long. It always sounds a bit joking. "My house has not been packed up, it is messy everywhere, there is almost no place to stay, I wonder if I can go to your house to disturb for a while?"

"No," she refused stubbornly. "I... I just moved in, and the house is very chaotic. I'm afraid it's inconvenient to entertain you."

"So, can I disturb a supper?" The man seemed to not hear her rejection at all, and continued to ask with a smile.

"Without supper, I didn't have to eat it myself!" Zhi Xi cut the nail.

"That's it." The man smiled faintly. "Since you don't have to eat, how about I invite you to dinner at night? The cooks in my house are pretty good."

Gu Zhixi froze for a moment, and looked at it subconsciously, which just happened to meet the man's eyes with a smile.

She throbbed her heart and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"No, I lose weight and don't eat dinner." She was determined not to be fooled.

The man raised his eyebrows, his gaze fell on her chest, and seemed to sigh a little regretfully.

Zhi Xi noticed his gaze, subconsciously protecting his chest, and stuttered, "You... what are you looking at?"

"I'm sorry, I took the liberty." He quickly looked away and said sincerely, "But I think it's better not to lose weight, Miss Gu."

What... what does it mean that this man thinks her **** have become smaller?

Although he didn't say it clearly, that meaning... she had fully realized!

She blushed, shy and angry, and had to bear the urge to lift her clothes and look down.

Obviously...after she gave birth to Xiaobao, her **** had grown bigger.

"No... it's none of your business!" She stared at him in a lack of energy.

"Well, it really doesn't matter to me." He said indifferently, "Sorry, I'm lost."

After that, he smiled politely and turned away.

Gu Zhixi stared blankly at the man's straight back, but did not react for a while.

What does he mean? Disgusting her, her **** have become smaller, so she has no interest in molesting her?

Zhi Xi gritted her teeth vigorously and urged to urge him to question him until she walked in next door before she slowly exhaled.

...Tonight, eat papaya and drink trotter soup!

...No, she didn't want to return to him, whether he disliked her!

In her mind, these two thoughts pulled back and forth, and finally the latter thought prevailed.

All the routines, all the routines of this man!

She thought of the history of blood and tears before, and admonished herself again and again.

Only after returning home, looking at the messy toys, she remembered that her son was still there in Lu Qixi.

Zhi Xi patted his head.

But if you pick it up now, He Jingyao might have discovered it by accident.

This man lived next door, and it was too dangerous... She thought about it and had to call Pei Yuanchen to let him pick up Xiaobao at night.

I knew it would be better to continue to live in the state hotel, at least He Jingyao will not suddenly become her neighbor... she thought angrily.

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