Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 548: Must be a prank

"I don't understand!" Ning Yichen's heartbroken roar, "I don't understand why only Zhi Xi is still in the car!"

She is clearly participating in such an event for the first time.

Whether it was a terrorist-terrorist attack or a murder against Mr. President, it had nothing to do with her!

Thinking of this, Ning Yichen started to tremble.

"Yichen, I know you are sad, and I..." Ning Ruixin's throat choked, "But now is not the time for sadness!"

"I can't do it, sister." Ning Yichen's voice laughed at himself and was hoarse. "So I can never be you."

Ning Rui took a deep breath and ignored him and calmly began to deal with the scene.

The unconscious Mr. President and Mrs. President have been taken to the hospital.

The entire area where the explosion occurred was blocked.

Vice President Zhuo Yuwei stood up temporarily to preside over the overall situation and appease the people. After all, the news that Mr. President was still alive was a dose of strength, which calmed the original public opinion.

The burning car wreckage finally extinguished completely.

Ning Yichen walked over step by step, squatting beside the car wreckage, which was only a third of the size, and shook his hand.

However, apart from the darkness, he could see nothing.

No corpses can be seen, and no evidence of living people.

He scratched his hair painfully and suddenly regretted why he didn't get closer.

Why didn't he rush over to rescue her immediately.

It now appears that the first explosion did not have lethality, but just let them pass out, since Mr. President and his wife are both alive, then at that time, Zhi Xi must also be alive.

But for the second time...

Ning Yichen closed his eyes decadently.

I don't know when, suddenly a slight footstep came from behind.

Ning Yichen seemed to feel something, stood up, turned around, and saw a dark and upright figure.

He Jingyao.

There was no expression on his face, no sorrow, no panic, as if dissociated from the world.

But his eyes fell on the wreckage.

Ning Yichen opened his mouth and tried to say something, only to find that he couldn't say that at all.

Zhi Xi is dead.

Impossible, even he did not believe it.

Just now, she smiled and waved to everyone, how could she be dead?

It must be... a huge joke that God gave him.

He Jingyao came over step by step, standing in front of the wreckage.

It's empty.

He leaned over and picked up a piece of burnt black iron sheet with his bare hands, still no expression on his face.

It's too quiet, he thought.

Everything is too quiet, and the flow of the whole world seems to stop at this moment.

He Jingyao felt that he must be dreaming.

Closing his eyes, Su Zhixi's sweet smile to the camera was still so clear.

So, this must be a prank.

After all, she was still reluctant to stay with him and saw him die prematurely because of her, so she came up with such a decisive solution just to let him die.

It must be so.

This silly woman.

But it's okay, I will find you out, no matter where you hide or go into the sky, you can't escape my palm.

How did I put you beside me step by step, did you forget? When are you my opponent?

Too stupid.

He gently raised the corner of his lips, and laughter overflowed from his throat.

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