Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 547: Exploding fire

With a "bang" loud noise, the car carrying the three of the president's family suddenly rose a huge fire!

He Jingyao had already turned around, and when he heard this voice, he paused at once.

When I look back, the live broadcast comes to an abrupt end!

"Young... Master..." Li Bo's heart thumped, turning his head to look at He Jingyao, his eyes suppressed with deep panic.

He Jingyao found that his heartbeat was exceptionally stable, and the flow from the stable to the whole world was so clear.

"Go to the presidential palace!" He uttered these words in a low voice, and suddenly turned around and strode out.

Li Bo froze for a moment and hurriedly followed his steps!

Mrs. Young...Don't be okay!


The last explosion on TV has been broadcast to thousands of households through live broadcasts. Although the live broadcast ended in less than a second, the news of the blockade is no longer possible.

The location of the explosion was less than 100 meters from the presidential palace. Fortunately, there were no ordinary people except the security guards.

"Mr. President!" Ning Rui quickly ran to the still smoking car, "Quick! Save Mr. President and Miss Lady! Quick!"

Ning Ruixin is in charge of the security work for today's celebration, and the whole person is crazy! She roared with the intercom, and the scene didn't fall into collapse!

Before she ordered it, a bodyguard stepped up and took down the unconscious Mr. President who was sitting on the side, and then the President’s wife, Ning Ruixin saw this scene, and he was still not relieved at one breath. I saw a flash of light from the car.

Her pupils suddenly enlarged, desperately roaring: "Everyone backs down! Hurry!"

Almost at the time when her words fell, the car that had already exploded once again made a loud bang, and the fire burst into the sky, splitting!

She fell to the ground all at once, and the whole person was a little dazed.

At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly stood up next to him, and quickly ran towards the wreckage of the burning car!

"Yichen!" Ning Ruixin shouted.

Ning Yichen turned a deaf ear and rushed past insanely, looking for him with a pale face.

Both Mr. President and Mrs. President were rescued in time. Although the injuries were not light, they were also in a coma, but... at least alive.

But what about Zhizhi?

"Su Zhixi!" Ning Yichen shouted heartbreakingly, his temples jumping suddenly.

No, it's impossible... no!

Seeing that the bodyguards who had been lying on the ground stood up one after another, Ning Yichen quickly rushed over, grabbing the collar of one of them casually, and roared: "Zhi Xi! Where is the girl!"

"I...I don't know..."

Ning Yichen shivered all over, and her teeth were uncontrollably trembling: "Where is Zhixi! Who of you took her down?"

The scene suddenly fell into a strange quiet.

Ning Ruixin also walked over, step by step toward the car wreck, with a hoarse voice: "...At that time, she was still inside."

She saw with her own eyes that Mr. President and his wife were carried out one after another. When it was Chi's turn, the car exploded for the second time.

"Impossible..." Ning Yichen laughed hoarsely, "Impossible!"

"Yichen, calm down!" Ning Ruixin closed his eyes, his face pale as white as paper. "The key now is not who is alive and who is dead! The key is... what's going on! It's a terrorist attack, Or the murder-killing of Mr. President... If we can’t calm down, the country will be chaotic, do you understand!"

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