Every handful of grass in her mind is attributed to Zhong Meilan.

Zhong Meilan said that all this was done for her.

But the book says that parents who love their children have far-reaching plans.

She just wanted her brother to find a well-matched woman to help him in his career, but she never thought about the interests tied to marriage. Once the marriage breaks down and those help disappears, how can her brother gain a foothold in the company?

She said that the dowry should be generous for her so that she would not be bullied in her husband's family, but if that man married her for the dowry, how could he love her?

She had never seriously thought about their brother and sister's future, she only thought about her own future.

Gu Jingyang took a deep breath and asked hoarsely, Are you really doing it for me? Isn't it for yourself to continue to enjoy everything in the Gu family and enjoy the wealth and glory that Mrs. Gu has brought to you?

Bastard! Zhong Meilan's expression changed, and she raised her hand and slapped her, Gu Jingyang, I've spent so much money raising you over the years, even a dog knows who's nice to her, but what about you? You're blinded by lard. Xin, you and Han Ruoxing teamed up to deceive me. If I raise you, I might as well raise a dog!

Continue to stay in your quagmire. Look, without me, who would still treat you as nothing? He paused and sneered, Do you think they will be grateful to you for doing this? Just because of you If Han Ruoxing is sent to Gu Jingran's room, even if Han Ruoxing is willing to let you go, the Song family will not let you go lightly!

After saying that, he no longer looked at Gu Jingyang, turned around and left in a stride.

Gu Jingyang's tears fell down, and she reached out to wipe the tears on her face. However, more and more tears flowed, and she couldn't help but squat down and choked out.

Gu Jingyan leaned outside the door, listening to the crying inside, feeling sour in his heart.

He took out his cell phone and sent Lin Shu a message, Come to pick up your partner and take him home.

Lin Shu?

What is Mr. Gu referring to?

My sister.

Lin Shu pursed his lips, Miss Gu and I have only dated three times, and we haven't reached that point yet.

Gu Jingyan, Are you coming?

Lin Shu was silent, Mr. Gu, please send me the address.

Gu Jingyan immediately moved over to take a position.

Lin Shu got up and went back to the room to change clothes.

After changing out, I bumped into Lin's mother coming out of the kitchen. Seeing him changing his shoes, she hurriedly asked, Xiao Shu, are you working overtime?

No, Lin Shu said while changing his shoes, I'm picking up the eldest lady.

Mother Lin was surprised, Jingyang is asking you out.

It's not an appointment, Lin Shu didn't know how to explain, so he said, Maybe the driver is on vacation.

Wait for me for a while, Mother Lin said, and hurried back to the kitchen. After a while, she brought out a basket of steamed buns, packed them again and again, and said to Lin Shu, Last time we had dinner together, I saw that kid from Jingyang was very tall. She likes crab roe buns. I steamed some today. Just take them out of the oven and see if she likes them. If she likes them, mom will make them for her later.

Lin Shu was startled, looking at the busy old mother, and moved his lips, Hey, Mom, don't be busy, I just went to pick up someone. What time is it, she must have eaten.

What he actually wanted to say was that Gu Jingyang was born in the Gu family and grew up in fine clothing and fine food. He had never eaten or seen anything. The eldest lady probably didn't like these things. He didn't want his old mother's feelings to be ruined. .

If you eat it, just ask her to take it home and let her eat it at home. What mom tasted is similar to what she ate at Gu's house last time. It just doesn't look as good as the one made by other aunties. I'll just practice it. Our family Without the Gu family's conditions of wealth and wealth, if you really marry Jingyang, she will marry into our family, and we can't compare with her in other aspects, at least in terms of food, we can't wrong her.

Lin Shu pursed his lips.

Gu Jingyang was good-looking, had a good family background, and was several years younger than him. Mrs. Gu introduced her only granddaughter to him. Her mother was both happy and scared, for fear of neglecting her.

Mom, do you like Gu Jingyang?

Lin Shu asked.

Mother Lin smiled and said, You are asking this. You should ask yourself if you like Jingyang. As long as you like it, I will like it. After all, Jingyang and I have only met that one time. I don't know that child. But Mom believes in your vision, and as long as you like her, Mom will treat her as your own daughter.

Lin Shu smiled and hugged Mother Lin, I'll take a look at everything, but don't have such high hopes. There's a big gap in family status, so it may not work.

Mother Lin patted his back and handed the things to him, Be careful when driving on the road.



Tang Xiaoxiao and Shen Qingchuan entered the room together.

After entering, he saw Han Ruoxing sitting on the sofa eating fruit. Tang Xiaoxiao turned around and walked out, I was dazzled. I saw A Xing eating something covered in blood.

Shen Qingchuan grabbed her and said, No flowers, I also saw her eating.

Tang Xiaoxiao turned around and stared, Are you desperate for your life? Are you still in the mood to eat at this time?

Han Ruoxing sighed, I'm so hungry that I can't bear it.

Tang Xiaoxiao asked, Will you be hungry if you lose too much blood?

Han Ruoxing...

Shen Qingchuan picked out a bloody bag from the trash can, Sister-in-law, you used this blood bag a little too much. If you fall, it will be like a ruptured artery.

Tang Xiaoxiao? ?

Han Ruoxing said shyly, I made the blood bag myself. The materials are limited. I originally wanted to squeeze it in a little, but when I applied force, it made a big hole. I couldn't hold it in, and the blood flowed out. I had to rely on my acting skills to save it.

Shen Qingchuan let out a tsk, The acting is so good that I didn't pay attention. Just the pool of blood almost scared Gu Jingyang to his knees on the spot.

Tang Xiaoxiao finally came to his senses, Is the blood fake?

Shen Qingchuan hooked her shoulder, Of course it's fake. A normal person would faint if he shed so much blood. Did you smell blood at the scene just now?

That's not true, but where Han Ruoxing fell, the trash can was also knocked over. There was some toilet aromatherapy smell inside, which spread strongly in the stairwell, so she didn't think anything was wrong.

Everyone at the scene was similar to her. They were frightened by the sight of Han Ruoxing covered in blood. Who would have thought it was fake.

Axing, you didn't fall?

Han Ruoxing's eyes turned cold, I really did fall. I'm afraid I will lose my life today.

As early as when Gu Jingyang behaved so abnormally at home because she was coming to attend the wedding, she felt that something might happen tonight, and the culprit was 100% Zhong Meilan.

She heard Gu Jingyang and Zhong Meilan talking on the phone before. Gu Jingyang was arranged to go to the Royal Garden. Zhong Meilan was focused on getting rid of her child. She probably didn't expect that Gu Jingyang would betray him, or that there was no progress on Gu Jingyang's side. , she was anxious, so she wanted to take action at Mrs. Chen’s daughter’s wedding. (End of chapter)

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