I lie to you?

Zhong Meilan sneered and suddenly walked over. When she was in front of Gu Jingyang, she suddenly raised her hand and slapped her hard.

The force was so heavy that Gu Jingyang's left ear buzzed for a moment, and his face became numb with pain.

She raised her head and looked at Zhong Meilan in disbelief, Mom?

Zhong Meilan's face was solemn and her voice was sharp, Don't call me mom! Gu Jingyang, who is lying to whom?!

Did Han Ruoxing really quarrel with your brother? Your brother really didn't want to see her mother? Did you really put medicine in the fruit vinegar she drank? I trust you so much, and you just fooled me like this! You were also fooled by Han Ruoxing's Has the vixen lost her mind?

Gu Jingyang's face turned pale, Mom, that's my brother's child too, your grandson. Why do you have to let it die? Is your hatred for Han Ruoxing really that difficult to wipe out?

So you betrayed me? Zhong Meilan said with a ferocious expression, Do you think that if you don't attack Han Ruoxing, she will let you go? Do you think that if you do a good thing, they will forget what you did before? Okay? Open your eyes and take a look, I just made a show, look at your brother, look at Han Ruoxing, look at each of them, which one of them didn't suspect you first?

Gu Jingyang looked at the person in front of him and suddenly felt as if he had never known her in more than 20 years.

When she came out of the detention center and her grandma let her live in the old house, she had no relationship with Zhong Meilan. No matter what Zhong Meilan looked like in the eyes of others, she absolutely loved her to the extreme. Yes, Zhong Meilan has always satisfied her unconditionally.

After her father passed away, she and her brother were raised separately, so in her heart, Zhong Meilan was more important than Gu Jingyan.

Zhong Meilan doesn't like Han Ruoxing, not since she entered the house. She knows that she only wants her brother to marry a socialite whose family background is worthy of the Gu family, so as to help him in his battle for power.

And Han Ruoxing could not give him these, so her mother hated Han Ruoxing, and she also hated her. How could Han Ruoxing be a good match for her brother who was so good.

She lured Han Ruoxing to Gu Jingran's room on her wedding night just to prank her and scare her.

But when she saw Gu Jingran returning to his room, she became scared. At that time, she didn't know whether she was afraid that something would happen to Han Ruoxing, or she was afraid that the matter would be revealed and she would be punished, so she ran to tell Zhong Meilan.

But Zhong Meilan said it was okay and Jingran was sensible.

It wasn't until Han Ruoxing injured Gu Jingran and ran back that she realized that it was not all right.

Han Ruoxing was extremely angry and wanted to tell the old lady, but Zhong Meilan refused her idea of ​​exposing the matter because of the reputation of the Gu family.

At that time, she just felt lucky that her mother helped her to tell the truth. Otherwise, her brother and grandma would not be able to spare her if they knew about it.

Probably because she was not punished for this matter, she became unscrupulous.

Every time she heard Zhong Meilan sigh and say that if Gu Jingyan had followed her arrangement and married a wealthy family, he would not have been bullied by your second uncle in the company, her dislike for Han Ruoxing deepened.

During the years when she and her brother were married, she often bullied her behind his back. Han Ruoxing would sometimes give in to her for her brother's sake, and sometimes he would resist. But every time, no matter right or wrong, her mother would always be there for her. She I feel more and more that I am right.

Yes, if he hadn't married Han Ruoxing, his brother would have been Jiang Sheng's heir. Why did he work hard in the company for so many years and be suppressed by his second uncle everywhere?

She thought her mother didn't like Han Ruoxing because she felt sorry for her brother and felt that she had delayed him.

But now, Han Ruoxing is the only daughter of the Song family, and she is even pregnant with her brother's flesh and blood, but her mother still cannot tolerate her.

She suddenly understood that it was never Han Ruoxing that Zhong Meilan could not tolerate, but any obstacle that stood in the way of her glory and wealth.

She should have understood since her brother's accident and her eagerness to divide his property.

Blood is thicker than water. In the eyes of mother, it is probably not as important as the luxurious life for the rest of her life.

She suddenly thought, when her mother insisted on raising her by herself, was it because she really couldn't let her go, or was it because she was holding a descendant of the Gu family so that she could easily ask for money from the Gu family?

If he really loved her, how could she do such a shameful thing, yet frame it on her without blinking an eye?

She couldn't understand, she just felt a tearing pain in her heart.

She said in a trembling voice, Mom, we are a family. Is it necessary to fight to the death? You know that your brother is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, but he will not ignore you -

Zhong Meilan interrupted her sharply, Your brother can't do it, but Han Ruoxing can! I made her drink Chinese medicine for so long, how could she let me go? If she marries your brother again, there will be no way for me to survive!

Gu Jingyang was startled, Chinese medicine? That's not what you asked someone to prescribe. Give her supplements-

She said and her eyes widened suddenly, Isn't that medicine replenishing the body?

Zhong Meilan looked at her coldly.

Gu Jingyang finally understood why his brother had kicked Zhong Meilan out of the Gu family without asking for mercy. So that was it!

After thinking about this, I finally understood why the mother had to get rid of Han Ruoxing's child, a person who almost made her lose the qualifications to be a mother. How could Han Ruoxing let her stay in the Gu family? Her brother now has amnesia and has little affection for Han Ruoxing. This This is her easiest opportunity to strike.

The child died in the hands of the Gu family, how could Han Ruoxing still marry her brother?

And she framed everything on her, firstly to avenge her betrayal, and secondly, Mrs. Chen provided a cover for her so that she could successfully exonerate herself and continue to enjoy everything she had as Mrs. Gu.

Gu Jingyang felt cold all over his body.

She couldn't accept that her mother was such a selfish and cruel person.

Zhong Meilan said nonchalantly, Don't blame Mom for being cruel. Aren't I doing all this for the future of our mother and daughter? You don't know anything. If Mom doesn't prepare a thicker dowry for you, how will you be able to do it after you get married? Husband’s family straightened up? It was because my mother’s family was too weak and your grandma didn’t like me everywhere.”

You did so many bastard things to Han Ruoxing in the past, how can she not hold a grudge against you? If she becomes your brother's wife, how will she care about your life and death in your husband's family?

Everything she said had its own truth, but it only sounded ridiculous to Gu Jingyang's ears.

Especially the phrase you can't do anything.

It turns out that in her eyes, she knows nothing, and she turned a blind eye to all of Jiang Sheng's progress. In her eyes, a woman should reflect her own value by the power of the man she marries.

No wonder Lin Shu asked her before why she suddenly came to Jiangsheng. When she said that she had a job and wanted to get married, Lin Shu looked at her with disbelief and said that her mind was full of grass. (End of chapter)

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