As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Gu Jingyang's figure flashing past in the corridor.

Qiao Ruoxing was in a hurry to go to the bathroom, so she didn't pay much attention.

On the other side, Gu Jingyang was carrying something, waiting for Zhong Meilan to come over for a long time. She looked at the time frequently, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

Her mother sent her away to do something to Qiao Ruoxing, right?

Mrs. Chen has a good relationship with her mother. If she really wanted to take advantage of the wedding, Mrs. Chen would help cover it up.

Thinking of this, Gu Jingyang couldn't stay still. She turned around and wanted to leave. As soon as she opened the door, Zhong Meilan was standing at the door, about to come in.

Seeing that she was about to go out, he paused, looked at Gu Jingyang's appearance, and asked, Where are you going?

No, Gu Jingyang stepped back and whispered, Mom, you asked someone to call me over, but you never came, so I thought you had something to do and couldn't come over.

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said, Mom, why did you call me?

Zhong Meilan sat down and asked her to sit down too, There's nothing wrong. I just wanted to ask, have you made any progress after living in Yuyuan for so long? Didn't you say that there was some medicine in the fruit vinegar? Qiao Ruoxing drank it for so long. What's the matter? Reaction?

Gu Jingyang's back stiffened. She clenched her sweaty hands and whispered, Qiao Ruoxing is very cautious. After drinking it once, she felt it tasted wrong, so she refused to drink it again. I'm still thinking of other ways now.

Looking from Zhong Meilan's perspective, Gu Jingyang looked as usual, completely gone from the nervous look he had when he lied in front of her.

Anger rose in her heart, and Zhong Meilan's expression became calmer.

She pondered for a moment and said, Forget it, I was overwhelmed by hatred earlier. Our Gu family is very thin. Although I still hate Qiao Ruoxing, the child she is carrying in her belly is your brother's child after all. You My brother is not young anymore, it is not easy to have a child, and your brother doesn’t remember her now, and he may not marry her even if she gives birth, so why should I risk my grandson’s life?”

Gu Jingyang was stunned for a moment, a little unable to recover, and after a while he said, Mom... do you really think so?

Zhong Meilan sighed, stretched out her hand to tidy up her hair at the temples, and said warmly, Actually, I have thought so for a long time. I was afraid that you would have any complaints. After all, your brother had locked you up so much for Qiao Ruoxing. God, I can't get over this hurdle in my heart. I want to regret it, but I'm afraid that you think Mom won't vent her anger on you. Jingyang, you won't blame Mom, right?

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes, and his eyelashes trembled slightly, Mom, it's been so long, I don't feel anything anymore, and I did go too far at the time, but it didn't cause too serious consequences. My brother It’s not all because of Qiao Ruoxing, he has loved me since I was a child, and it would definitely be uncomfortable for him to send me in.”

Zhong Meilan said warmly, It's great if you think so. I was worried that you had a grudge, and I never dared to talk to you.

Mom, since my brother's accident, I have figured out a lot of things. No matter how good he is to Qiao Ruoxing, the blood relationship between us will never be broken. He values ​​love and righteousness. He will go through fire and water if something happens to his friends, let alone us relatives? I If my brother can come back alive, what do those things that happened in the past matter? I just want him to be safe and happy now. I don’t want him to be like my father, who can only live in my memory.

Gu Jingyang said that the circles under his eyes were red.

Zhong Meilan took a tissue and gently wiped away her tears, You are right. Mom was so overwhelmed by hatred before that she almost made you do something irreversible. Fortunately, fortunately...

The two talked for a while, and then Gu Jingyang remembered what Zhong Meilan had called her to bring when he came up.

She handed the bag to Zhong Meilan, Mom, you asked me to bring food. Are you hungry?

When she just went upstairs, Zhong Meilan asked her on the phone to bring a piece of dessert. She originally wanted to bring it directly with the plate, but Zhong Meilan asked her to ask the waiter to pack it up.

Gu Jingyang felt a little strange, so he asked casually.

Zhong Meilan said warmly, The ceremony hasn't started yet. The bride has been waiting a bit long. She's hungry. The banquet hasn't started yet. It's not good to have it served directly and so many people are watching.

Gu Jingyang thought, couldn't the kitchen send it directly? But she was immersed in the illusion of family harmony, so she didn't ask any more questions, and said in a soft voice, I specially selected the dessert you like. You can try it.

Zhong Meilan touched her face and said, Mom's love for you is not in vain, you are the most considerate.

The stone weighing on Gu Jingyang's heart lightened slightly. It was really great that his mother could understand.

There was a rhythmic sound of footsteps at the door. Zhong Meilan paused, raised her head and said, Jingyang, please go back to the banquet hall. The ceremony will start soon. Mom, go and say a few words to Mrs. Chen.


When Gu Jingyang was about to go out, Zhong Meilan stopped her again, handed her a packed bag at hand, and said warmly, Take this bag of garbage and throw it away for mom. After that, she warned, Take the stairs from the west. Go down, the bride will pass by the east side soon, there are many people, don’t get hit.

Gu Jingyang smiled and said, I understand, Mom.

After that, she walked out the door with the bag, walked straight to the east stairs, threw the bag in her hand into the trash can, and went downstairs with her skirt in hand.

After Gu Jingyan came back, he saw neither Qiao Ruoxing nor Gu Jingyang at the table, and he felt a little uneasy.

He turned to Shen Qingchuan and asked, Where are Jingyang and the others?

Shen Qingchuan is calculating with Tang Xiaoxiao how much pension insurance to pay in a month. It is most cost-effective to receive a pension when you are old.

Hearing Gu Jingyan's voice, he raised his head and said, It's the bathroom. Jingyang went out not long after you went out. After a while, Qiao Ruoxing also went out. Didn't you meet them when you came out of the bathroom?

Gu Jingyan frowned, his expression obviously not there.

With a sullen face, he took his mobile phone and dialed Qiao Ruoxing's number, but the voice rang from the bag on the seat next to him.

She didn't take her phone.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and dialed Gu Jingyang's number again. This time, before the call was made, Gu Jingyang came back.

Gu Jingyan put away his phone and waited until she sat down before asking, Where have you been?

Gu Jingyang thought of the conversation he had just had with Zhong Meilan, so he lied, I went to the bathroom.

When she said this, she didn't look at him, and her hand unconsciously grabbed the hem of her skirt, pressing her thumb against her index finger and rubbing it gently. This was a small gesture she made when she was lying.

Gu Jingyan's eyes turned cold for a moment, and he asked in a deep voice, Then did you see Qiao Ruoxing? She also went to the bathroom.

Gu Jingyang's eyes suddenly drifted and he hesitated, See... see, she will be out in a minute.

She didn't go to the bathroom, so naturally she didn't see Qiao Ruoxing, but after telling one lie, she could only continue to tell a second lie to fulfill the first lie.

Gu Jingyan obviously heard that she was lying, and his expression became even more ugly. Just as he was about to speak, there was sudden commotion at the door, and someone said, Someone fell in the stairwell, and there is blood everywhere.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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