This was said with perfect accuracy.

How could such a rigorous person say that I forgot just now without being so rigorous?

Han Ruoxing put down the cup and looked up at Mo Mingxuan.

The latter noticed her gaze and turned back to meet her eyes.

Han Ruoxing smiled at him with a gentle expression.

Mo Mingxuan's eyelashes trembled slightly like crow's wings, and his eyes suddenly softened.

Gu Jingyan noticed the two people looking at each other, his eyes darkened slightly, and his hand under the table unconsciously tightened on Han Ruoxing.

Han Ruoxing paused, raised his other hand, arched his fingers, and lightly scratched the back of his hand. Gu Jingyan quickly retracted his hand with panic in his eyes.

Han Ruoxing said tsk.

I'm a coward, I want to pretend to have amnesia, but I can't control my jealousy, I'm going to die from it.

She thought, then reached out her hand and pinched Gu Jingyan's thigh.


So solid!

Gu Jingyan was so frightened that he stood up suddenly. His movements were so big that the table shook twice.

The others all looked at him.

Han Ruoxing raised his eyes calmly, What are you doing, so surprised?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips tightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He just said, I'm going to the bathroom.

Go to the bathroom after pinching your thigh?

A little too sensitive, right?

Han Ruoxing was in a happy mood.

Not long after Gu Jingyan left the table, a waiter came over and said a few words in Gu Jingyang's ear, and Gu Jingyang also stood up and left.

Han Ruoxing was bored and turned to watch Shen Qingchuan read Tang Xiaoxiao's palm.

Baby, you see, your career line only becomes deeper in the middle. It was very shallow before, and it only deepens after it intersects with the marriage line. This means that your career will only explode after you get married.

Huh? After getting married, that means I have to wait another ten years before my works can become popular? Tang Xiaoxiao looked distressed.

Shen Qingchuan was stunned, Ten years? Do you plan to get married after thirty-five?

I actually planned to get married when I was fifty. You see, I can retire at fifty and still get a pension without having to work. Then I will find a fifty-five-year-old man who gets a pension. Neither of us will do it. Go to work, eat every day, go for a walk in the park, do housework together, and don’t have to argue about who contributes how much to the family. Anyway, if you don’t go to work, the work will be shared equally. Menopause at fifty years old, you don’t have to have children, you don’t have to have children. I don’t have grandchildren. If I don’t have grandchildren, I don’t have to work as hard to take care of my grandchildren. Moreover, after I retire and get married, I’ve saved almost all my money. I don’t need to take out a loan to buy a house. I can just buy a house in full and don’t give the bank any interest. It’s an opportunity to save a lot of money.”


This sounds a bit outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, it is actually a bit unreasonable.

It's a pity that the retirement age has changed now. I did the math. When it's our turn, we will probably retire at the age of 60. If I retire at 60, I will probably retire before I receive my pension. The pension I paid before The insurance can only refund part of it. I have worked hard to pay for it for so many years, and when I can't get the money, I go to the coffin first. It's really a loss, so I thought about it, why don't I compromise, I will be thirty-five It is best to get married after the age of 40, and it is best to have children at the age of 40. When the child is 20 and it is time to go to college, I will be retired and unable to walk. If I can’t walk, I won’t have to take care of my grandchildren. I still have a pension, which is barely enough. Being strong is not bad. Even if you don’t live to be sixty, the money in your pension account can be returned to your children, so it’s not a waste.”

Shen Qingchuan's mouth twitched, Is this pension necessary?

Ah, otherwise, what will I spend when I am old and can't do anything?

Shen Qingchuan's lips trembled, You want me to be your father at 45, can you bear it?

Forty-five is indeed a bit old, Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, Can you still have a child at forty-five?

Absolutely not. How old is forty-five? Why don't we go forward fifteen years?

Tang Xiaoxiao pretended to think about it seriously and said, Forty-five, you are so old, it is really difficult for you to have a child? Didn't you say that my career will explode after marriage? In this way, when you reach forty-five, I will first I’ll marry you, and when I blow up, we’ll get a divorce, and I’ll find a young and healthy guy to have a baby with, and we’ll get remarried, so you’ll have a wife, son, and money, what do you think?”

Shen Qingchuan was shocked, is there such an operation?

He suddenly hugged Tang Xiaoxiao and whispered, Little bandit, I don't want money, I just want to marry you. No matter if I am thirty, forty, or fifty, I will marry you.

Tang Xiaoxiao was originally joking with him, but who would have thought that this guy would confess his love directly in front of so many people. This made her so embarrassed that her face turned red like pig liver.

Shen Qingchuan kissed her on the cheek and said, If you marry me, I will pay you a personal pension, which will provide you with more security in your old age.

Tang Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and then he really started thinking seriously.

Opposite Yang Yuwei burst into laughter.

One thousand a month, you can cheat a wife into your home. Mr. Shen's game is really loud.

Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and shook off Shen Qingchuan, I asked you why you are so generous, a thousand a month, you really have the nerve to say that!

Shen Qingchuan argued, Baby, it's you who likes pensions. Am I not following suit?

Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, I also like Gu Jingyan's Bugatti, why don't you buy me one?

Baby, that Bugatti is for wealthy young people like Gu Jingyan. How many times has he driven it? That car looks stylish, but it's not practical. You said that when we have children in the future, what can we do with a two-seater car? Give it away. There is nothing I can do about having a child, so it is better to be an old man. When we get married, I will buy an old man's car and pick up the children at work. How about you drive a Bentley and be your fashionable white-collar worker?

Then will you be laughed at by the company employees if you play old man music? You are still a small boss after all. Tang Xiaoxiao was confused by Shen Qingchuan's sweet words, and he began to worry about whether playing old man music would affect Shen Qingchuan's image in the company.

Shen Qingchuan hugged her tightly and chuckled, They will only be envious and jealous.

Han Ruoxing sighed. If Gu Jingyan had such eloquence, both of their children would be in trouble.

After drinking too much water, Han Ruoxing said hello to her friends and went out.

When I arrived at the bathroom door, I found a sign saying it was being cleaned next to it.

A waiter happened to be passing by, and Han Ruoxing called out to him, I'm sorry, is there another restroom on this floor?

The waiter said, There is a bathroom upstairs that you can use. I will take you up.

Han Ruoxing thanked her and followed the waiter upstairs.

Not long after she went up, she took away the Under Cleaning sign with one hand. (End of chapter)

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