Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 957 Try the feeling of climbing a high branch

Lin Shu felt very sad. He had actually guessed the reason why the old lady insisted on letting him stay for dinner and called his mother.

It was nothing more than the marriage between him and Gu Jingyang that she mentioned before, but he declined politely, and the old lady refused to give up and organized this blind party again.

But she didn't say clearly. She just said that she was afraid that the mother and son would be deserted during the New Year, so they had a meal together, which blocked his refusal.

His mother was frightened, fearing to offend his boss and make his work difficult. Even if he was offended, she still smiled and comforted him. This made Lin Shu even more sad, and the eyes he looked at Gu Jingyang became a little colder.

Gu Jingyang was stung by the coldness and felt confused. Then he thought again, maybe because of his reputation as arrogant and domineering, Lin Shu thought she was deliberately embarrassing Mother Lin.

In fact, she really didn't...

Gu Jingyang was not very good at apologizing, so he clenched his hands, picked up the serving chopsticks and gave Mother Lin a piece of chicken wing, and said in an unnatural tone, Aunt Meng, I...I...actually, the rapid graying of hair may be related to genes. My second aunt is in her forties and has a lot of white hair, and the back part is always dyed black.”

Gu Jingyan...

Song Qingyun, who was far away in the horizon, couldn't help but sneeze.

Mother Lin thought to herself that this child is not bad. Why did Xiao Shu say he was so arrogant before?

Just as Mother Lin was about to say thank you, Lin Shu said calmly, My mother doesn't like chicken.

Gu Jingyang's eyelids twitched, and the eldest lady suddenly became angry, If you don't eat it, throw it away!

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little subtle.

Mother Lin glared at Lin Shu, Who said I don't want to eat? You are always busy with work, how could you know my preferences.

She couldn't understand why her son, who was usually obedient and sensible, suddenly became unstable at the family dinner he led today.

Mother Lin couldn't think too much and just wanted to put things to rest. Her son had studied for so many years and finally took root in Jiangcheng. She was afraid that he would lose his job because he offended his boss. After all, it was so difficult to find a job now.

Mother Lin obviously didn't know that with Lin Shu's abilities and education, he could still do well even if he wasn't in Jiang Sheng.

Lin Shu pursed his lips and said nothing.

The old lady smiled and said, If you don't like it, don't eat it. Xiao Meng, my granddaughter just says whatever comes to her mind. She was spoiled when she was a child. It's not malicious. Don't mind. She said to Gu Jingyang, Here you go. Aunt Meng, apologize and don’t speak so recklessly in the future.”

This frightened Mother Lin, No, no, no, Jingyang didn't say anything...

The old lady looked at Gu Jingyang calmly.

The latter flattened his lips, stood up and bowed to Mother Lin, I'm sorry, Aunt Meng.

Lin Shu looked at her in surprise. This was not like Gu Jingyang's style. After all, for Gu Jingyang, apologizing and admitting his mistake was the same as killing her.

I didn't expect it to be so straightforward this time, so what's wrong with holding it back?

Lin Shu looked at Gu Jingyang, who noticed his gaze and raised his head to glare at him.

Lin Shu...

Mother Lin was very uncomfortable and almost stood up and bowed to Gu Jingyang, but luckily Lin Shu held her down.

Mother Lin finished the meal in great uneasiness.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Aunt Qin made tea again, prepared some homemade snacks, and took Mother Lin to see her vegetable garden.

Because I heard that Mrs. Lin had contracted vegetable plots when she was young, I wanted to ask her to see why the leaves of the vegetables she planted always turned yellow before they grew up.

Once the two elders left, only brother and sister Gu Jingyan and Lin Shu were left in the living room.

Gu Jingyan looked at his phone absentmindedly, while Gu Jingyang sat on the sofa and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

Seeing those familiar skit actors, I immediately grimaced and said, Isn't it going to be 'Let's all eat dumplings together' again this year?

As soon as Lin Shu took a sip of water, he choked and coughed at Gu Jingyang's words.

Gu Jingyang's phrase Let's all eat dumplings together was so well learned that Lin Shu naturally thought of the annual Eating Dumplings Spring Festival Gala, which happens once a year.

Gu Jingyang glanced at him and ignored him.

Gu Jingyan stood up and said to the two of them, I'm going to make a phone call.

After that, I took my phone and went upstairs.

Now only Lin Shu and Gu Jingyang were left in the living room.

Lin Shu thought for a while and spoke first, Miss Jingyang, how do you feel about me?

Gu Jingyang? ?

What does it feel like?

Gu Jingyang was a little confused.

Lin Shu said, The feeling between men and women.

Gu Jingyang was startled, and his ears suddenly turned red, You are sick, who has feelings for you?

She hasn't been against him recently. She thinks she likes him? Is this person sick?

Lin Shu seemed to be relieved and said calmly, That's good. When the old lady asks you later, you must answer in the same way.

Gu Jingyang frowned, What are you talking about? What does it have to do with grandma?

Lin Shu looked at her with clear eyes, The old lady wants to be a matchmaker between us, don't you see?

Gu Jingyang was stunned and subconsciously retorted, How is that possible?

Lin Shu said nothing and looked at her quietly.

Gu Jingyang calmed down and remembered that the old lady had been asking her about things in the company from time to time recently, and occasionally talked about Lin Shu.

Lin Shu is always full of praise whenever he talks about it.

She had never thought anything of it before, but now that Lin Shu mentioned it, she thought about it again, the problem was huge!

Her grandma never praises people easily, unless it's someone she likes. For example, she used to praise Han Ruoxing, and Han Ruoxing became her brother's wife. Now she loves to praise Lin Shu, and Lin Shu——

Gu Jingyang's eyes widened, There is absolutely no chance between us. Don't think that if grandma likes you, I will choose you, so give up the idea of ​​climbing up the tree as soon as possible!

Lin Shuqi smiled.

Is he a very mean person?

Don't worry, I think so too, Lin Shu said sarcastically, If the old lady wants to ask about it later, please ask Miss Gu to refuse sternly and don't leave her with any illusions.

These words made Gu Jingyang a little unhappy.

She could reject Lin Shu, but why should Lin Shu reject her?

A little wage earner!

Don't worry, I will definitely reject it outright. But you, don't talk nonsense outside. It would be embarrassing for me if people knew that all my blind dates are of your caliber!

Lin Shu raised his molars, and the belated rebellion suddenly surged in his heart at this moment.

He laughed and said lightly, Really? Then I really have to try what it feels like to climb a high branch.

Gu Jingyang? ? ?

What do you want to do?

Lin Shu ignored her, got up and walked straight to the back garden.

Gu Jingyang frowned, stood up and followed him.

The old lady had a great conversation with Lin's mother, and took the opportunity to ask Lin Shu about his experiences from childhood to adulthood.

In fact, when the old lady decided to lead the two of them, she had already sent people to check and check again. The drawer of her bedside table was full of Lin Shu's information.

Mother Lin is a kind person, without any ill-conceived ideas, and very honest. She will tell whatever the old lady asks, and her answers are almost the same as what the old lady investigated, or even more detailed.

Finally, when Lin Shu's emotional problems were mentioned, Mother Lin sighed, It's not that I didn't persuade him, but he always said he was busy, busy, busy. The first two points were given because he was busy with work, but no matter how busy he is, he can't take the initiative. There is no distinction between priorities. Isn’t work just to serve life? You can’t put the cart before the horse.”

After Mother Lin finished speaking, she suddenly realized that these were the family members of her son's boss. Her son was busy for their company, and they definitely didn't want to hear employees' family members complain about being busy at work. (End of chapter)

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