Lin Shu's voice was not loud, but his tone was neither humble nor arrogant, and there was even a hint of sarcasm at the end.

Gu Jingyang was stunned. She had always thought that Lin Shu was a person without a temper.

Over the years around Gu Jingyan, he has always been tactful, talking nonsense to others. She sometimes has a bad temper and calls Lin Shu the dog of their Gu family, but Lin Shu never refutes.

She really didn't like Lin Shu, a softhead who only wanted to suck up to his boss.

So much so that a few months ago, when she was demoted to Jiangsheng's grassroots department, she knew that Gu Jingyan had asked Lin Shu to take care of her, and she openly and secretly vented her anger on him.

The tasks he assigned to her were always heavier than others. When she handed in the same document, other people's Lin Shu would just click a few sentences. When it was her turn, Lin Shu would circle the pen and say, The data comparison is like this. Did you do it? Where did you list it month-on-month and year-on-year?

The title is well written. They are all Chinese characters. Why can't I understand them when they are put together?

Is your graduation thesis pass rate 100%? Otherwise, I really can't figure out how you slipped through the cracks.

Don't write my name as the reviewer below, don't kidnap me morally.

Gu Jingyang has always been favored when she grew up. Although she has her brother Gu Jingyan Zhuyu in the family, but with the same genes, although she is not as good as Gu Jingyan, she is not too bad. When she was in school, her grades were basically stable in the middle or upper reaches.

Among the group of sisters she was playing with, some of them were serious students. Aren't they all with similar diplomas? When the time came, they would go home and follow the family's arrangements to inherit the family business?

If someone like her didn't fail the exam and had a decent grade point, she was considered excellent.

As a result, he was reduced to worthless in front of Lin Shu.

When Lin Shu first took her, she almost hated Lin Shu to death.

However, she took the initiative to do it from the grassroots level. Before she went, her grandma told her that no matter how hard she went, she would have to endure it. If she couldn't bear the hardship and wanted to come back, she could do it, but from now on she would have to endure it. Stop thinking about entering Jiangsheng.

Gu Jingyang still had some integrity, so even though she was targeted miserably by Lin Shu, she didn't say goodbye to her grandma.

When she came out of the detention center, she just had nightmares at first. She frequently dreamed about the experience of being bullied in the detention center during those few days. She hated both Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan.

However, none of this could compare to the heart-wrenching feeling of having her former friends say those sarcastic words behind her back after she came out.

They said, Gu Jingyang is really stupid. If I were her, I would have become best friends with Han Ruoxing a long time ago. Who can't see that Gu Jingyan still has lingering feelings for Han Ruoxing? If she praises her sister-in-law, shouldn't Gu Jingyan just let her spend her money?

How about saying she is a fool? She fights Han Ruoxing every day, hoping that they will divorce, so what if they are divorced now? She never dreamed that just because of that glass of water, Gu Jingyan would personally throw her into the detention center, right?

My brain is not that good, but fortunately I can reincarnate. No matter what happens, don't we still have to call people Miss Gu?

Everyone laughed, and then someone joked, My brain is not that good, but my face is still pretty. If it weren't for Gu Jingyan's usual strict control, I would have seduced that fool. Calling her Miss Gu, I really thought I am a princess now, if it weren’t for Jiang Sheng who is behind Gu Jingyan, I wouldn’t even want to be my concubine!”

Okay, be careful when the little princess starts crying. After all, you are her salvation in her eyes.

The man laughed and said, Wait for my good news.

Word after word of humiliation came to his ears intermittently. People who were used to being arrogant and domineering ran away after hearing these comments in the box that day.

She no longer went to those parties and afternoon teas with the ladies to show off their wealth. She stayed with her grandma and listened to her talk about Gu Jingyan's childhood every day.

Sometimes people are very strange. When they are excited, they quarrel and make trouble beyond recognition. But when they calm down, those past memories of childhood flow into her heart little by little along with grandma's narration.

Why did she and her brother become like this?

Is it really just because of Han Ruoxing?

She still remembered the words she scolded Gu Jingyan when Gu Jingyan sent her in that day. She said he was blind-sighted and lost his mind because of being fascinated by Han Ruoxing. He didn't even care about his biological sister.

At that time, her brother looked at her with a disappointed look on his face, and he asked her, When you were a child, you were so distressed that you shed tears when you saw the old man scavenging. Why did you become like this? Gu Jingyang, how did you become like this?

Every sentence is heart-piercing.

It's just that she had a stiff neck at that time and refused to admit her mistakes. She insisted that her brother would see Han Ruoxing's true face one day, and he would regret his decision to drive her mother out of the house.

However, Gu Jingyan has never regretted it, and Han Ruoxing jumped out without hesitation after her brother fell into the river, which was like a slap in the face.

The confrontation between her and Lin Shu also happened to make peace on that day.

Something happened to her brother, and Lin Shu was busy leading the team to deal with her second uncle. Looking at everyone busy, she felt for the first time that she was so useless and could do nothing to help.

She began to do every job assigned by Lin Shu seriously. Those words that Lin Shu once thought were ridiculing her were actually used by her little by little in the subsequent work.

What Lin Shu taught her was never useless. It was then that she understood why her brother asked Lin Shu to take care of her.

She was in Jiangsheng as the eldest daughter of the Gu family, and everyone who met her had to respect her. No one would really teach her practical things. Even if she made a mistake, they would always say it doesn't matter.

Only Lin Shu couldn't. He only listened to her brother from beginning to end. Only by following him could she truly learn.

She was no longer as nervous about Lin Shu as she was at the beginning, and what she just said was just out of curiosity.

Gu Jingyang grew up in an environment where he was surrounded by famous families. The wealthy ladies were well-maintained and looked as if they were in their fifties or sixties as they were in their thirties or forties. No one was as old as Lin Shu's mother, so she subconsciously thought Mother Lin is over sixty.

The eldest lady always speaks straightforwardly and asks questions as they occur to her. She doesn't take that into consideration, so naturally she doesn't know how hurtful the sentence Lin Shu was born only in his forties is.

Lin Shu's rude words made Gu Jingyang stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was mocking her, and his face immediately turned ugly.

Mother Lin was panicked. For fear of offending her son's boss, she immediately slapped Lin Shu to smooth things over, Miss Jingyang just asked casually, I do look old. How can anyone like me have gray hair at the age of fifty? With so many, it’s normal for Miss Jingyang to think so.” (End of Chapter)

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