The waiter spoke very rudely, and his tone seemed to be quite familiar to her. Song Tianjun was far away, but he still heard a few insulting words. The woman looked embarrassed, so she must have understood.

Song Tianjun observed for a while, then stood up and walked over, Hello, is this Ms. Sun Ye?

The woman turned her head and saw Song Tianjun, a little surprised and wary, Who are you?

Song Tianjun said calmly, The person who made an appointment with you.

The woman was startled, then looked at Song Tianjun carefully, and then her eyes widened, Are you that little boy back then?

Song Tianjun did not answer, but made a gesture of invitation and said, Sit down and talk.

The woman felt very uncomfortable and timidly followed Song Tianjun into a box.

In addition to Song Tianjun, there was also a white man in the box. He was expressionless, but he had a strong physique and looked very hard to mess with.

The woman's heart suddenly lifted.

Ms. Song, please sit down.

Song Tianjun spoke calmly, and the woman hugged the bag in her arms tightly and timidly sat opposite Song Tianjun.

Song Tianjun asked her what she was drinking, and the other party said, I don't drink anything, so I'm just asking if the money you promised me counts?

Song Tianjun smiled slightly and said, It depends on whether the clues you provide me are valuable.

The woman didn't believe him. Even though the bodyguard behind him looked really scary, she still said boldly, You have to give me money first, otherwise I won't say a word.

Song Tianjun looked at her for a while, then raised his hand. The man behind him put his handbag on the table, opened it, then opened the zipper and took out ten wads of US dollars.

He raised his hand and pushed half of it in front of the woman.

This is what I promised you before, he said, pointing to the remaining five bundles, these depend on the value of the clues you provide.

The woman's eyes glowed greedily. She quickly opened the bag in her arms and put all the money in front of her. Then she hugged her tightly, her eyes staring at the money in front of Song Tianjun, and whispered, You What do you want to ask?

Who instigated my sister's exchange?

Song Tianjun got straight to the point and didn't answer any riddles.

The woman was stunned, Do you know?

Song Tianjun curled up his fingers and tapped the table gently, Answer the question.

The woman took a deep breath and said, I have never met that person. The person who contacted that person was Zhao Yidan, the anesthesiologist who performed the surgery that day. I am responsible for caring for newborns.

After I picked up the baby that day, I first took it out to show the family members, but the family members were not there, so I took it back. When I came back, Zhao Yidan found me and gave me a dead baby, asking me to lie that it was a dead baby. A child born to a mother.”

I asked her why, and she only said that someone paid a sum of money to buy the baby girl. I refused at first, and she threatened me with using my position to resell prescription drugs. I was very scared at the time, and she added After everything is done, give me one million, one million in 1997, who can refuse? I will, I will agree to her.

Under Song Tianjun's cold gaze, the woman's voice trembled unconsciously.

Song Tianjun clenched his hands, veins popped out on the back of his hands, but he did not get angry. He raised his hand and pushed over a wad of bills, Who did you give the child to?

After we handed the dead baby to the mother's family, Zhao Yidan went out. I was very afraid that the family would find out what happened, so I went over to ask her when she could give me the money. What if she was discovered? I We have to discuss countermeasures with her.

She went to the rooftop alone. I saw her talking to a man. I wanted to call her, but the man asked Zhao Yidan if the child was dead? I was shocked and hid.

Zhao Yidan said that the child was dead and that he was born a stillborn baby, and then asked him when he would send the money. Only then did I realize that it was not someone who wanted to buy the child, but someone who wanted the child's life.

She seemed to be recalling what happened back then, and she was still frightened. She shook her hands, picked up the water on the table and took a few sips, After Zhao Yidan gave me the money, he took the baby girl away. I don't know where she was taken. , I didn’t dare to spend that money, and I worked in the unit in fear every day. One day, Zhao Yidan suddenly found me and two other doctors and nurses who were in the delivery room at the time, and asked us to leave Jiangcheng and go as far away as possible. Someone was investigating this matter. .”

We were so frightened that we resigned from the hospital one after another. Zhao Yidan and I are both locals in Jiangcheng. We were afraid of hurting our families and did not dare to go home to hide. She asked me to go abroad, and I took the one million she gave me at that time. , came to country M.

Life abroad is not that easy.

Her visa was a tourist visa and she could not stay abroad for too long, but she did not dare to come back for fear of being imprisoned, so in order to obtain permanent residency, she married a white man.

What she was thinking at the time was to fake the marriage and get a divorce after getting her green card.

At that time, she had made an agreement with the other party before getting married, but she didn't know that the other party had already set his sights on her.

It's easy to get married, but not so easy to leave.

The other party is a rogue in the local area. He has nothing to do every day and specializes in doing things like chickens and dogs.

She was too anxious to find someone to marry, so she didn't see through the other person's disguise at all. She thought he had a job, status, and good character.

When the marriage certificate was obtained, the man's true colors were revealed. Not only did he refuse to divorce, he even beat and scolded her. He refused to help her get a green card. In order to avoid being beaten, she had to keep giving money to him.

In just two years, all her savings were squandered by the man. Without the money, the man became even more aggressive towards her. She was pregnant with a child at the time and could not return to her country, so she could only accept her fate as time passed by.

She finally waited for the man to die, but her son became addicted to drugs again. She sold everything she could at home to exchange for drugs. If it hadn't been for the time when there was really no other way, she would not have told anyone about the dark past.

Thinking about it now, everything was retribution. If she hadn't been greedy for the one million at that time, how could her life have ended up like this?

The woman wiped her face. She was not yet fifty, her temples were already gray, and her face was full of ravines left by the years. Song Tianjun had to use great control to restrain himself from attacking a woman who was nearly fifty years old. Take action.

He pursed his lips and asked, Are you sure the person talking to Zhao Yidan is a man? Do you still remember what he looks like?

The woman shook her head, It's been too long and I can't remember clearly. It should be quite ordinary and nothing memorable.

Where's Zhao Yidan? Did you keep in touch later?

The woman shook her head again, After we went abroad, we went our separate ways and agreed not to contact each other again for the rest of our lives. I don't know where she went.

Song Tianjun pushed all the remaining money over, Last question, was the difficult childbirth an accident or man-made? (End of Chapter)

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