Gu Jingyan stared at it for a while, then pressed the answer button.

At the other end of the video, a head with dyed yellow hair was exposed. The other person was still fiddling with his hair, trying to put on a look that he thought was cool.

But when he looked up, he saw a rather handsome mature male face appearing across from him, and he was dumbfounded.

Opening his mouth, his voice changed in tone, Sister?

Gu Jingyan looked at him coldly, Are your eyes bad? There is no distinction between men and women?


No, uncle, were you talking to me using the voice changer in the game just now?

The young man looked speechless, Are you pretending to be too similar? I haven't said that you lied to my innocent boy's heart.

Gu Jingyan said with a stern face, What did you call me?

The young man was startled and reacted instantly, Brother, big brother!

Gu Jingyan's face brightened slightly.

The young man didn't seem to care whether he was cheated or not. He was very optimistic and could talk to anyone.

Brother, are you also a fan of Sister Xing?

Gu Jingyan said, I am her ex-husband.


Then I am her current ex-husband, whom I have admired for a long time.

Gu Jingyan...

Gu Jingyan looked strange and thought to himself, is this kid stupid?

What the young man was thinking was, good guy, is there anyone who is more enthusiastic about chasing stars than him, his ex-husband? How dare you think! He could only dream of being a younger brother.

Brother, your face doesn't match your operation. Looking at your face, I thought you had at least a hundred stars of glory, but it turns out you are a star. Are you too old and can't keep up with your hand speed?

Gu Jingyan paused and said calmly, I'll let you.

The young man immediately became furious, That's not a bad tone. Come on, let's open a room and try it out. Let's see who is better, you, the ex-husband, or me, the current one.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Take the number.

Gu Jingyan sent an invitation from WeChat.

The young man asked, Why don't you use the number you just used?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Small account, please remember to delete it later. I will play the large account from now on.

All right.

The young man quickly deleted Han Ruoxing's game friends, added Gu Jingyan's friends instead, and entered the room with him.

Brother, there must be rewards and punishments in the game, right? What if someone loses?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, If I lose, I will pay for your reservation. If you lose...

He paused and said slowly, Change your ID.

Huh? That's it?


The young man was also happy, Okay, but I think you are more likely to bleed. I am young.

Gu Jingyan said nothing, and the game began.

The young man's skills were very good, but Gu Jingyan was not bad either.

After all, he was also involved when Fengshen was written at the time. He was very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of each hero. He and Shen Qingchuan tested it many times during the internal beta. He even helped with the sensitivity of the buttons. For debugging.

Gu Jingyan's reaction may have been worse than that of the young man, but he used the advantages and disadvantages of tactics and heroes so well that in the later stages, the young man could no longer kill him, so he returned in defeat.

Fuck! You really know how to pretend!

Teenagers grind their teeth.

Gu Jingyan looked calm and said, Change your ID.

The young man was furious, No, I have to play another round. The hero I chose first just now, you suppressed me too much.

Gu Jingyan paused and said, You can't afford to lose, can you?

The boy was furious again, Of course not!

Then change it.

The young man felt aggrieved and finally said reluctantly, You win today. Let's continue tomorrow. I will definitely beat you.

Change it quickly.

The boy didn't reply. After a while, Gu Jingyan saw that Han Ruoxing's outsider husband had become Han Ruoxing's current husband.

Gu Jingyan's eyebrows jumped sharply.

What did you change?

The young man said innocently, You asked me to change my nickname, but you didn't tell me what to change.

Gu Jingyan grimaced and said nothing.

The young man smiled and said, Brother, at your age, you are too obsessed with chasing stars. Are you jealous if I just write a random name?

The word jealous entered Gu Jingyan's ears, and he suddenly understood his inexplicable actions tonight.

Instead of answering that question, he asked, How can you change it?

The boy raised his lips and said, Play another round with me. If you win, I will change whatever you ask me to do.

Just at this time, Han Ruoxing came out of the bathroom, and Gu Jingyan hurriedly replied tomorrow and then turned off the phone.

Han Ruoxing's hair had been dried. She sat on the edge of the bed and gently combed her hair.

When she saw her phone was on, she took it over. Just as she was about to exit the game, she suddenly discovered that the netizen named Han Ruoxing's outsider husband had deleted her as a friend.

Han Ruoxing...

Didn't you say you'd help her improve?

Sure enough, men's mouths are deceitful, young and old alike.

She quit the game, charged her phone, lifted the quilt and got in.

The fragrance of her body after bathing came in waves. Gu Jingyan sat next to her, his throat a little tight.

He looked away and pretended to flip through the book.

Han Ruoxing lay down and turned over to face him.

Do not you go to sleep?

Her voice was soft and a little tired.

Gu Jingyan didn't dare to look at her and whispered, Sleep later.

Han Ruoxing yawned and murmured, Then remember to turn off the light.

Gu Jingyan responded, and soon he felt the person next to him breathing steadily.

He turned his head and saw that Han Ruoxing had fallen asleep.

Half of his face was buried in the pillow, his bright features glowing softly under the light, and he felt weak for no reason.

Putting down the book, his eyes passed over her facial features inch by inch, and finally landed on her hand pressing on her lower abdomen through the quilt.

Gu Jingyan paused, gently picked up her hand, lifted the quilt and put it in. Then he tucked the corners of her quilt, dimmed the lights, and lay down.

The surroundings were very quiet, except for the sound of his own heartbeat, which seemed particularly abrupt in this night.


He suddenly spoke, and the name he called out made him stunned for a moment.

Han Ruoxing seemed to have heard it and responded softly. Then she shrank into his arms out of habit and muttered, Why do you work overtime so late again? You think you are young...

Gu Jingyan had a lump in his throat and his eyes suddenly felt hot.


Country M.

Song Tianjun waited at a coffee shop at the agreed address.

Twenty minutes have passed since the appointed time, and still no one has come.

He held his cell phone and was about to dial the number when he saw someone entering the coffee shop.

The other person is a Chinese, about fifty years old, wearing ordinary clothes, his face is a little sallow, and he is not in good spirits.

After she opened the door and came in, she looked around, and then negotiated with the waiter in the store in less than fluent English. (End of chapter)

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