Of course I can film you making your wish come true, but, he paused and looked at Tang Xiaoxiao, Are you willing? Are you willing to just spend money to increase the popularity of your work?

Of course I don't want to, Tang Xiaoxiao curled his lips and muttered in a low voice, If this happens, my mother will laugh to death.

She herself had made bold claims that she would become one of the most popular screenwriters. If she relied on money to improve her grades, what was the difference between that and cheating?

She doesn't care about those false reputations. She wants to stand on the podium and win the glory based on her strength.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and hugged her neck, I don't know you yet? If I spend money to buy your copyright back, I'm afraid the first thing you will do is break up with me, right?

We broke up a long time ago, okay? Tang Xiaoxiao said, patting the back of his hand hard, Don't always suppress me like this! You are the one who suppressed me!

Really? Shen Qingchuan leaned close to her ear, hot air sprayed on her earlobe, and whispered, I just pressed one arm. From now on, if I press my whole body, won't you be shorter?

Tang Xiaoxiao was indifferent and had not yet reacted, Are you sick or dead? Do you still want to press your whole body on me? No matter how strong I am, can I carry you to the hospital?

Shen Qingchuan was startled, and then he chuckled. His eyes were watery, and he whispered, Who asked you to carry me? Can't you face me face to face?

Face to face?

Then how...

Tang Xiaoxiao froze and reacted suddenly, then his whole body turned red.

Shen Qingchuan was itching uncontrollably and continued to talk flirtatiously, It's fine if you turn your back, but you don't have to carry it. It's so heavy. Just lie down... um——

Before he could say the next dirty words, Tang Xiaoxiao blocked his mouth with the apple that his eldest brother had stuffed just now.

You shameless guy! Tang Xiaoxiao said angrily, her cheeks flushed, biting her lips, Can't your dog's brain think of something serious?

She was almost moved by his words just now, but then he turned around and started to complain to her!

Shen Qingchuan took a bite and took the apple out of his mouth, Baby, I want you to know in advance what kind of animal a man is. No man will not have that kind of desire when facing the woman he likes, but some people restrain it. Some people are wanton. Even if you choose someone other than me in the future, you must be more careful when coming into contact with the opposite sex. Not everyone is as gentle as me.

I can't bear to eat it even if it's brought to my mouth.

Tang Xiaoxiao rubbed his hot ears, gritted his teeth and said, You are such a gentleman, you are the most shameless!

Shen Qingchuan sighed in his heart, he was shameless enough, if he were shameless, he would have tricked people into sleeping with him long ago.

Tang Xiaoxiao ignored him and strode outside, still rubbing his beating heart with his hand, feeling secretly ashamed.

Wait for me.

Shen Qingchuan caught up and put the apple to her mouth, Try it, the apple is so sweet, I'll peel off the skin for you.

Tang smiled, feeling something bad in his heart, and asked in a low voice, How did you tick it?

Shen Qingchuan smiled, showing his white teeth, You're picky.

Tang Xiaoxiao punched his head!

Why does Ah Xing like a boss like Gu Jingyan, but she likes this thing?

You have to be more careful about getting back together, or at least find someone with a sane mind, right?


Lin Shu looked at the rearview mirror, glanced at Gu Jingyan, and then at Han Ruoxing.

The two of them were sitting in the back row, one leaning against the glass on the left and the other leaning against the glass on the right, as if they wished they could be thousands of miles away from each other, which inexplicably reminded Lin Shu of the quarrel they had before their divorce.

Is this about starting a new relationship?

It took Mr. Gu half a year to catch up with his wife before. How long will it take this time?

Thinking of his purpose before coming, he cleared his throat and asked, Madam, are you pregnant?

Han Ruoxing said hmm and looked uninterested.

Gu Jingyan paused while flipping through his phone, raised his eyes and said to Lin Shu, Don't tell anyone about her pregnancy. Don't tell anyone.

Lin Shu nodded, and then asked, Mr. Gu, are you still going to the company now?

Gu Jingyan rubbed his temples and said, If I don't want to go, I'll send her back to the Song family first.

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said, Say hello to the Royal Garden and ask someone to clean the house again. We will go back to live tomorrow.


If you're pregnant with a baby, you don't have to chase her?

No matter how Lin Shu looked at it, she felt that her wife was not that easy to talk to, but she did not object to what Mr. Gu said.

With anxiety, Lin Shukai went to the Song family.

When they arrived at the place, Han Ruoxing picked up her things. Before getting off the car, she glanced at Gu Jingyan and said, Tomorrow, come pick me up in person. If you don't come, I will...

Gu Jingyan raised his eyelids, Cry, make trouble, and hang yourself?

Han Ruoxing curled her lips and smiled, confusing all living beings. She said casually, Pregnant women's emotions are unstable. Please understand.

After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Gu Jingyan stared at her back for a while before asking Lin Shu, She was like this before?

Lin Shu coughed and said, I have restrained myself a lot now. In the past, when you made her unhappy, she would lock you out and not let you in. Now at least she doesn't punish you corporally.

Gu Jingyan...

He couldn't believe it, I used to be so used to her being lawless?

Lin Shu said quietly, Ten men and nine colors, look at my wife's face and ask yourself, are you willing to bear it?

Gu Jingyan...

He couldn't help but think of what he had been thinking about in the hospital elevator today, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

I have no interest in skins.

Lin Shu nodded, Yes, after all, you married a Yanba, so it's normal that you are not interested in other people.

Gu Jingyan...

He corrected, I like the spiritual resonance.

Lin Shu continued to nod, It resonates very well. When your wife shows off your wealth, you throw away money, and when your wife kills someone, you pass the knife. There is almost no need for communication. You can know what each other is going to do with just one look. It resonates very well.

Gu Jingyan...

I mean intellectual resonance.

You two alumni are both from T University. My wife was admitted with the top score in the performance department. You are also the top one, so we resonate with each other.

Gu Jingyan...

She was very vulgar.

Lin Shu said, You used to praise her for her true nature.

She also likes to lie.

Lin Shu said, You said he was lively and clever.

Gu Jingyan closed his eyes, What about her beating someone?

Lin Shudao, You said that beating means kissing and scolding means loving.

Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment, looking at Lin Shu, and after a long time he said, Did she pay you extra to put in a good word for her?

Lin Shu smiled and said, My wife can't bear to spend an extra penny, but you, whoever praises my wife, you want to reward the other person with a bonus.

Gu Jingyan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, Aren't we going to quarrel? (End of Chapter)

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