I'm already in my thirties. If I don't get pregnant, I might never be able to get pregnant. What's wrong with me being selfish? Are you concerned?

You said you would wait until you succeed in starting a business before you have children. It has been ten years since I graduated and your company has made some progress. Why don't you let me have children?

Do you not want the child or do you not want me? If you don't want me, let's get divorced! I will raise the child by myself!

People around were talking a lot.

This man is too selfish if he refuses to give birth to a child after he is over thirty.

If the business is successful, then someone outside must have given birth to him. Otherwise, if he is pregnant at this age, who would not let his wife have a baby?

So, don't accompany a man to start a business. The former planted trees and the next will enjoy the shade. You will suffer with him, and he will find the girl he likes to enjoy the blessings.

It's so stupid, I don't want to get divorced...

Does this kind of man deserve a wife?

Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched as he listened to the pointing sounds around him.

He stepped forward with a dark face and took Han Ruoxing's hand, If you talk nonsense again, I'll shut your mouth!

Han Ruoxing cried for a while, and then cried even louder, You are still cruel to me~~My life is so miserable~~

Gu Jingyan...

It's so outrageous. It's not easy to be pregnant in your thirties. What kind of attitude does this man have?

You look very talented, but why do you speak so unappealingly?

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, bent down to pick up the things she threw on the ground, took her hand, gritted his teeth and said, Go home!

Han Ruoxing didn't move. With a pair of rabbit eyes, she said pitifully, My feet hurt.

Gu Jingyan was so angry that he was splashed with dirty water, but when he looked into those eyes, he couldn't express any anger at all. With a sullen face, he threw his bag and clothes into her arms, bent down and picked her up.

Is this ridiculous? It's not easy for a woman to get pregnant, yet she dares to show off her face.

Children can be taught.

Maybe it's just the young couple who are having trouble.

Gu Jingyan looked down at the woman in his arms who had succeeded in her scheme, narrowed his eyes and said coldly, Do you really like acting?

Han Ruoxing nodded, After all, if you are an acting professional, you will feel uncomfortable if you don't play the right role for one day.

Gu Jingyan laughed angrily, You feel uncomfortable, so you just make fun of me?

Han Ruoxing blinked, I'm pregnant.

Gu Jingyan? ? ?

Han Ruoxing said quietly, Pregnant women's emotions are affected by hormones. I can't let myself get angry because it will be bad for the baby, so I have to do something to divert my emotions.

Is that why I'm angry?

Han Ruoxing patted him on the shoulder, You don't suffer from postpartum depression. What's wrong with being angry?

Gu Jingyan looked into her cunning eyes and said slowly, Aren't you afraid that I will throw you out?

Han Ruoxing glared at him, How dare you!

Try it. As he said that he was about to let go, Han Ruoxing was so frightened that she quickly hugged his neck like an octopus.

Normally, it would be fine if she fell into trouble, but now that she has a baby, she doesn't dare to gamble.

Of course, Gu Jingyan did not let go, but pushed her upwards. A smile flashed in his eyes, and he raised the corners of his lips and asked in a low voice, What are you afraid of? I won't really throw you.

Han Ruoxing realized that he was trying to scare her, and was so angry that she hit him twice.

Tang Xiaoxiao poked his head out of the window upstairs, I'll go, Ah Xing is so awesome, he actually let Gu Jingyan carry her away.

Shen Qingchuan pressed his chin on Tang Xiaoxiao's head and looked at the scene downstairs with her, How come Jingyan was so eaten up by her before? Your best friend is very capable.

Hey, your brother is a doctor in this hospital. Ask him to help ask whether Ah Xing is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Shen Qingchuan said, That's not a good question. It doesn't matter whether he is a boy or a girl. Don't you want your godson?

Tang Xiaoxiao pursed his lips, That's not true. I want a goddaughter more, but if I really want to give birth to a godson, it will definitely be just as painful. I'm just curious.

You'd better be curious, you can be curious, such as how much assets I have, how much real estate and cars I own.

Tang Xiaoxiao was confused, Why am I curious about that? It's not mine.

Shen Qingchuan raised his lips to her ear, It's true that it's not yours now, but if you marry me, won't it all be yours in the future?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about it and turned to look at him, Then tell me how much you have?

It's a long story.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyelids twitched, and he did this again!

Seeing Shen Qingchuan's continue asking expression, Tang Xiao smiled and said, Oh, It's a long story, so don't say it.

Saying that, he turned around and left.

Shen Qingchuan...

Shen Qingchuan hurriedly caught up, No, you ask me, I'll tell you if you ask me.

Tang Xiaoxiao glanced at him, Don't ask, I'll choke you to death!

Shen Qingchuan laughed, put his arm around her shoulders and said with a smile, A new script killing shop has opened in the new district. Do you want to go and play together?

Tang Xiaoxiao took his hand off his shoulder, No, I'm writing a script.

Just to help you write this script, I took you to play script killing.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at him and said, You are just wasting my time and preventing me from submitting the manuscript.

Shen Qingchuan sighed, Why do you always think of me so bad?

Tang Xiaoxiao detailed his crimes, Last time, I was almost on deadline. You told me that there was a Japanese food restaurant that was very delicious. I said we would go there after I finished writing. You said that the discounts would be gone after I finished writing. Okay. I went with you to write on site, but my computer was stolen.”

Shen Qingchuan...

Didn't you get it back later?

Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, That little thief sold it to me on the black market, and all the data was wiped out by me. Why would I want to come back with a notebook with nothing on it?

Shen Qingchuan said with a guilty conscience, Then you wrote a better one later, but it didn't sell.

Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, You still have the nerve to say it!

Shen Qingchuan...

This time there will definitely be no surprise like last time. The boss of this script-killing company is an insider. Their themes are all written by others. They are not the kind of bad street ones. You go and experience it. I will wait for you to experience it. Come out, I will take you to meet their screenwriter, you can talk to him, he has written suspense mystery scripts before, so he is more experienced.

Tang smiled and said, How do you know I'm writing suspense themes recently?

Shen Qingchuan said, Didn't your library card ask me to borrow books for you before? When their system was updated, I also linked my mobile phone number. Whatever books you borrowed, I can read them here. arrive.

I see that you have been reading The Collection of Redress of Wrongdoes recently, and you are also reading about anatomy and psychology. I feel that you want to write about this kind of subject, so I want to help you find inspiration.

Tang Xiaoxiao had a strange feeling in her heart. She turned her head and glanced at Shen Qingchuan, If you want to help me, why don't you just buy my copyright and use it to shoot? (End of Chapter)

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