He just makes people unable to be cruel to him for no reason.

I don't know if the Mo family's education always placed him in the least important position, so he was used to putting himself in the least important position, even if the fault was not due to him.

When Mo Mingxuan heard what she said, his eyes gradually became hopeful, and he asked softly, Is it true?

Han Ruoxing didn't look into his eyes, Didn't you see that my dad is kinder to you than to my brother? He is like this because he likes you.


Mo Mingxuan wanted to say something else, but Han Ruoxing said hurriedly, Move the car quickly, it's blocking the road.

Mo Mingxuan had no choice but to stop talking, turned around and got into the car.

After turning the car around, he lowered the window and said, Call me if you need anything. Take care of yourself.

Han Ruoxing nodded and watched him leave.

On the other side, Lin Shu was carrying Gu Jingyan, who tensed his jaw and didn't speak much the whole way.

When he was approaching the imperial garden, he suddenly said, Lin Shu, what are progesterone capsules?

Lin Shu said while driving, Just take hormone supplements.

Progesterone... seems to be a hormone, I'm familiar with it, but I can't remember what hormone it is.

Gu Jingyan took out his mobile phone and entered progesterone capsules in the search engine box. The next second, his pupils shrank.

Mr. Gu, it's rare to go to my wife's house, why don't you stay a little longer.

Lin Shu asked while waiting for the traffic light, not noticing the expression on Gu Jingyan's face in the back seat.

Seeing that Gu Jingyan was silent, Lin Shu asked again, You still don't think of her at all?

Gu Jingyan rubbed his temples, his expression seemed a little anxious, and he murmured after a long time, Why does she need to take birth control pills?

Lin Shu was startled, Who? Madam?

Gu Jingyan didn't say anything, and it took him a long time to say hmm.

Lin Shu! ! !

He asked carefully, Madam and Lawyer Mo have children?

Gu Jingyan's face darkened.

Can't it be mine?

Lin Shu was too shocked. Hearing Gu Jingyan's words, he subconsciously said, How could it be yours? You had a sterilization.

Gu Jingyan's expression was astonished.

Am I sterilized?

At this moment, he had completely forgotten the fact that Gu Jingyan had lost his memory. Seeing that he had let it slip, he simply confessed everything.

Not only did you perform a sterilization, you also performed it for your wife. She was not in good health, and you were afraid that her unexpected pregnancy would damage her roots, so you performed a sterilization.

After saying that, he started to mutter again, How could my wife be pregnant? How could my wife be with Lawyer Mo? My wife is obviously obsessed with your face, and she would jump into such a cold river for you... He said After a pause, he suddenly said, Mr. Gu, has your wife been insulted?

Gu Jingyan seemed to have not yet accepted the fact that he had performed a sterilization for Han Ruoxing. Hearing these words, his face turned dark immediately.

She has sharp teeth and a violent tendency. Who can bully her?

Then whose child is she carrying?

The CP was about to collapse, and Lin Shu was even more anxious than the main character.

Gu Jingyan calmed down, Han Ruoxing's cunning eyes flashed in his mind, he clenched his fists and whispered, Maybe I saw it wrong. If she is pregnant, why didn't she tell me?

Lin Shu exposed his delusion, Because she is not pregnant with your child, you had a sterilization.

Gu Jingyan...

Shut up!

Lin Shu said Oh and thought to himself, how could a good CP break up so easily? Who dares to believe in love after this?

Gu Jingyan was restless. Although he didn't show it obviously, Lin Shu could infer some of his emotions at the moment from his frequent checks on his mobile phone.

He thought for a while and called, Mr. Gu, let me send someone over to check to see if my wife is really pregnant or if you are mistaken. If she is really pregnant, take advantage of the small month to make sure you two can get pregnant again. …”

Shut up and drive your car!

Gu Jingyan's face was green and green, looking as ugly as possible.

Lin Shu had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, but he was still thinking in his heart. His wife was deeply in love with Mr. Gu, so why was she pregnant with someone else's child?

I don't know how long it took, but Gu Jingyan suddenly asked, Lin Shu, are you sure my sterilization was successful?

This question confused Lin Shu.

This... only you know. When you entered the operating room by yourself, I was the only one who accompanied you when you came out. You couldn't stand up at that time, and you stayed in the hospital for a day. Two weeks later, you went to have the sutures removed. If it doesn’t work, what stitches will you remove?”

Sew a slit on top. Does it look good?

Based on Lin Shu's understanding of his boss, he didn't have the brains to do a fake surgery to deceive his wife. His 24K love brain couldn't figure out these twists and turns.

Gu Jingyan's face was sullen and his expression was as cold as ever. After a few seconds, he said, Turn around and go to the hospital.

Lin Shu originally wanted to ask Gu Jingyan if he felt uncomfortable, but when he saw the look in Gu Jingyan's eyes, Lin Shu's heart was suddenly shocked - could it be that the operation really was not successful?

The examination was very fast, how fast it was. The nurse gave Gu Jingyan a manual and sent him into the room. Within a quarter of an hour, he submitted the collected body fluids, and the results came out not long after.

As far as the survival rate and mobility are concerned, according to the doctor, as long as the woman is healthy, having two children in three years is not a problem.

In short, Gu Jingyan's ligation operation failed.

He didn't know exactly which link had gone wrong, but Lin Shu knew that Gu Jingyan's face was really ugly after seeing the test results.

This ugliness lasted for a whole day. When Lin Shu took him to the company the next day, he felt that Gu Jingyan's face was still as ugly as yesterday, or worse, with dark circles under his eyes.

Lin Shu considered and said, Mr. Gu, why don't you postpone your visit to the company for a few days? After you come back, Mr. Hai will be at peace for the time being. New results will be released soon. He doesn't dare to act rashly for the time being. You can completely treat your body. Go after cultivating yourself.

After Lin Shu finished speaking, Gu Jingyan didn't reply for a long time. When he looked in the rearview mirror, he saw that Gu Jingyan was in a daze.

Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu! Lin Shu shouted tentatively a few times before finally calling Gu Jingyan back to his senses.

What's wrong?

Lin Shu...

He didn't even hear a word of what he just said.

I mean……

Lin Shu repeated what he just said, and Gu Jingyan said, No, go to the company.

Lin Shu had no choice but to agree.

But the car didn't drive too far when Gu Jingyan's cell phone rang.

He glanced down and saw that it was Shen Qingchuan's call, and hung up without thinking.

This guy had been nagging Han Ruoxing in front of him a lot lately, and he usually just let him go, but at the moment he was distracted and really didn't want to hear that name mentioned in his mouth.

Shen Qingchuan did not give up, and continued to call after being hung up. Gu Jingyan hung up three times in a row, and Shen Qingchuan simply called Lin Shu's mobile phone.

Just when Gu Jingyan was about to tell him not to answer, Lin Shu turned on the speakerphone.

Lin Shu, is that heartless bastard Gu Jingyan with you?

Lin Shu...(End of this chapter)

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