Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? Han Ruoxing's eyes mocked, If you want a hero to save a beauty and commit yourself to it, you have to see if the other party is willing.

Although she fell in love with Gu Jingyan's face because of the life-saving grace, she didn't think too much about the situation at that time. If she hadn't met Gu Jingyan when she was forced to marry by Qiao Xusheng, she thought, that time The car accident was probably the only intersection between them.

Song Jiayu's face didn't look very good. After all, after more than ten years of love, it probably wouldn't look good for anyone to call it wishful thinking.

She took a deep breath and whispered, Brother Gu is a person who will be loyal to the end once he commits to a relationship. In the past, his loyalty was to you, but now, he doesn't remember you. How can you be sure that he Aren't you attracted to me?

The day Brother Gu woke up, he actually didn't remember most of the things, but he recognized me at a glance. When people are most helpless, they rely on the first person they see after waking up. Over time, who knows if it will turn into attachment?”

Han Ruoxing observed her expression and didn't miss any of her subtle expressions. You mean, he will fall in love with you?

However, Song Jiayu stopped talking and just raised the corners of her lips and said lightly, Brother Mo is still waiting for you downstairs. Aren't you going to see him off?

After that, he turned and left.

Han Ruoxing frowned and stared at her back, thinking about what she just said, wondering why Song Jiayu was so confident this time?

She cleaned up and went downstairs to see Mo Mingxuan off.

Mo Mingxuan was playing chess with Song Wanqian.

The two were very serious when they were fighting, and they didn't even notice Han Ruoxing's appearance.

She stood aside and watched for a while, and found that Mo Mingxuan was really good at understanding people's hearts.

The old father likes to play Go very much, but his chess skills are really not very good, but he is like her, he is good at playing, loves to play, and has a very high self-esteem.

To put it simply, if you beat him, he will be unhappy and feel that his skills are poor; if you beat him, he will be even more unhappy and feel that the other party looks down on him.

After Han Ruoxing played with him twice, she didn't want to play with him anymore and found excuses to run away every time.

Gu Jingyan knew how to deal with things and always gave way to him, but this humility could not make Song Wanqian happy.

Being given over, doesn't it just mean that your skills are inferior to others? Of course her old father, who was as obsessed with face as she was, didn't want to admit it, so he either blew his beard or glared at Gu Jingyan.

Mo Mingxuan didn't give in to him, no, to be precise, he gave in in such a way that it was impossible to tell.

Han Ruoxing had many years of experience watching chess next to Gu Jingyan. Mo Mingxuan had already had several chances of winning, but he always maintained a back-and-forth situation. In the end, it ended in a draw.

Song Wanqian said proudly, Mingxuan, your skills are just average.

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, I haven't played for a long time, so I'm a little unskilled.

But it's not bad to be tied with me.

Han Ruoxing...

Dad, stop bragging, I'm so ashamed for you.

Mo Mingxuan said very humbly, Uncle Song plays so well, do you have any tips?

Hey, you just have to play this thing a lot, so practice makes perfect, Song Wanqian said with interest, But I did study how to break some games.

Mo Mingxuan said seriously, I would like to hear the details. I am also very interested in this.

Just as Song Wanqian was about to make an impassioned speech, Han Ruoxing said, Dad, Mingxuan has something to do this afternoon, so don't waste his time.

Are you leaving in such a hurry? Song Wanqian was a little regretful. It was rare for him to meet an opponent and he still wanted to compete.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, The law firm still has something to do.

He paused and then said, Uncle Song, I have a friend who runs a teahouse. There are many people playing chess there. If you are interested, I will show you later.

Song Wanqian was just about to agree, but then thought of his Schrödinger chess skills. Afraid of embarrassment, he coughed and said, I prefer to play chess in a cleaner place at home. When are you free, come with me again? Let’s play a couple of games.”

Mo Mingxuan said, The day after tomorrow, I have nothing to do in the afternoon.

Song Wanqian was very happy, The day after tomorrow! Remember to come then. By the way, Mingxuan, tell Ruoxing what kind of food you like to eat, and I will know what to prepare when you come back next time.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, Okay.

So the time for the next visit was quickly decided.

Han Ruoxing had a vague feeling that Mo Mingxuan was saving the country in a curve - first conquer her family, and then conquer her step by step.

Han Ruoxing had a severe headache, and he kept sighing for a short period of time as he sent Mo Mingxuan away.

Mo Mingxuan asked her what was wrong.

Han Ruoxing hesitated to speak, and finally said, Mingxuan, what do you think of my dad?

Mo Mingxuan was startled, not expecting that she would ask such a question.

After thinking about it, he said, Uncle Song is kind, informal, humorous, and caring about the younger generation. He is a very good elder.

Han Ruoxing asked, Do you want to recognize my dad as your godfather?

Mo Mingxuan...

Han Ruoxing regretted asking.

Mo Mingxuan was so smart, he would naturally understand what it meant when asked.

Yesterday, she told him that if Gu Jingyan couldn't remember, she would give him a try and turn him into her godbrother today. Isn't that obvious?

Sure enough, Mo Mingxuan's smile faded and his eyes became gray.

His Adam's apple slid slightly, and he asked after a long time, Ruoxing, have I made you hate it?

Han Ruoxing said in her heart, it's not annoying, it's troublesome.

But facing Mo Mingxuan's affectionate eyes, Han Ruoxing only had one thought in her mind - I really deserve to die.

If this were Jiang Mingqi, she would be kicked out.

But Mo Mingxuan...he is sick.

When she refused, she had to think about minimizing the harm.

I... Han Ruoxing opened his mouth and racked his brains to round out his words, I just think you two are quite compatible. Just ask, if you don't like it, forget it.

Mo Mingxuan lowered his eyes, and Han Ruoxing suddenly discovered that his eyelashes were really long, and they could cast a shadow under his eyes when they were lowered.

Han Ruoxing vaguely knew why he always felt intolerable to Mo Mingxuan, because no matter what happened, he always looked for the reason from himself first.

This is a very strange way of thinking.

She is different, like losing in mahjong.

She will suspect that the wind direction is not good where she is sitting today, the weather is bad today, she is in a bad mood today, and she is unlucky today, but she will not suspect that there is something wrong with her playing skills.

Hmm... maybe this example is not appropriate, but most people shirk responsibility when they make mistakes, but Mo Mingxuan always takes responsibility immediately. (End of chapter)

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