Han Ruoxing frowned and said nothing.

What kind of medicine can be so powerful and have immediate effects?

She suppressed her doubts and walked up to Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed, looking much weaker than before.

Han Ruoxing asked him in a low voice, How are you doing? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?

Gu Jingyan opened his eyes, looked at Han Ruoxing standing in front of him, pursed his lips and said, It won't feel uncomfortable if you stay away from me.

Han Ruoxing paused and immediately sat next to him, very close to him, Then you feel uncomfortable.

Gu Jingyan...

Song Jiayu whispered, Ruoxing, don't irritate Brother Gu. The doctor said you should try to follow his wishes.

Han Ruoxing glanced at her, Follow his wishes? If he wants to go to the toilet to eat, should he follow his wishes?

Gu Jingyan...

I don't think he's going to die if I sit next to him, he said, looking at Gu Jingyan with a smile, right, fiancé?


Gu Jingyan gave her a two-word evaluation.

Han Ruoxing replied with two words, weak chicken!

Let me see your medicine.

Han Ruoxing said.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, Do you want to poison me?

Han Ruoxing glared at him, Yes, let's see if I can make you mute first!

As he spoke, Gu Jingyan was unprepared and reached into his pants pocket to feel for the medicine.

Gu Jingyan's expression froze and he immediately pushed her hand. Han Ruoxing slapped his hand away and glared at him, Don't move!

The next second, his hand pinched something.

She thought it was a medicine bottle that had gotten into the fabric of her pocket, and she tried hard to pull it out. But as soon as she tried hard, Gu Jingyan suddenly pushed her to the sofa and stood up suddenly, as if she was electrocuted.

His chest heaved violently, and his eyes were somewhat embarrassed. He stared at Han Ruoxing, his lips moved, and in the end he said nothing. He just asked Song Jiayu with a sullen face, Jiayu, can you take me to the bathroom?

Seeing that Gu Jingyan was still angry, Song Jiayu thought that Han Ruoxing's actions had annoyed him. She was secretly happy and stood up and said, I'll take you there.

Han Ruoxing was sitting on the sofa, looking at Gu Jingyan's back blankly. The hand that had just squeezed the medicine bottle suddenly curled up.

She suddenly understood what she had just grabbed.

No wonder Gu Jingyan reacted like that!

Damn it!

Han Ruoxing reached out to cover her eyes. Even when she was feeling guilty, she had never touched her eyes so directly.

After all, she was the one enjoying it, while Gu Jingyan was the one doing the work.

How outrageous!

Her reputation as a gangster was finally confirmed in front of the amnesiac Gu Jingyan.

Is she a pig? How could that be a medicine bottle?

The hardness is different...


Han Ruoxing suddenly stood up from the sofa.

Mo Mingxuan was startled by her sudden movement, What's wrong?

Han Ruoxing suppressed the throbbing in her heart and coughed, It's nothing. I'll go to the kitchen to get some snacks.

Mo Mingxuan didn't know why, so he nodded and said, Go ahead.

Han Ruoxing turned his back and his expression became serious.

Gu Jingyan said he didn't know her, so why did he react to her touch?

He is the kind of person who can comment on other people's poor acting skills without hesitation when watching movies from a certain country. How would he react to a touch from a woman who was completely unfamiliar to him at the moment?

Unreasonable... so unreasonable!

She wanted to see how long this piece of shit would last!

After a while, Song Wanqian also came down from upstairs.

Although he was dissatisfied with Gu Jingyan's amnesia, his daughter's heart was still with him, so Song Wanqian didn't say anything unpleasant.

A group of people sat down to eat.

Song Tianjun did not come back today because of something else.

So his seat was originally occupied by Mo Mingxuan, who happened to be next to Han Ruoxing and on Song Wanqian's side.

Gu Jingyan could only sit on Su Wanqin's side with Song Jiayu.

At first glance, it looks like the two daughters and the two sons-in-law went back to their parents' house for dinner.

Song Wanqian had thought about this scene before, with his children getting married and starting their own businesses, and reuniting at home during holidays, but it was by no means the embarrassing scene like this.

Song Wanqian gave Mo Mingxuan a chicken leg and said warmly, Mingxuan, are you busy with work recently?

Mo Mingxuan thanked him and replied, It's okay. At the end of the year, there are basically no cases. I mainly do some voluntary legal aid, legal education and other activities.

Song Wanqian nodded, They are all very meaningful activities, very good. Ruoxing said that her previous reputation dispute case was a lawsuit that you helped her fight?

Yes, we just met at that time.

Song Wanqian suddenly asked Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, why didn't you think of asking Mingxuan to help you with the divorce lawsuit? With Mingxuan's strength, he wouldn't let you clean up and leave the house, right?

Gu Jingyan...

Han Ruoxing whispered, Dad, I haven't left the house clean. People outside are just talking nonsense.

Not to mention the money that Gu Jingyan transferred to her later, when she got divorced, she also had two million-dollar mansions in her name.

She knew that her father was dissatisfied with Gu Jingyan, so she deliberately told him this.

But this matter had been overturned a long time ago. She could tease Gu Jingyan herself, but she didn't want to let others tease Gu Jingyan.

Song Wanqian curled his lips, knowing that his daughter was soft-hearted, so he gave up, and then gave Gu Jingyan a fish head, Eat it to mend your brain.

Han Ruoxing's heart softened when she saw Gu Jingyan's pitiful look being squeezed by Song Wanqian. She picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up some vegetables for her when Song Jiayu placed a plate of peeled shrimps in front of Gu Jingyan.

Brother Gu, this shrimp is delicious. Try it.

Han Ruoxing made a move and put down the serving chopsticks.

The next second, Mo Mingxuan put a piece of spicy crab into Han Ruoxing's bowl and whispered, I remember you like spicy food.

Han Ruoxing was silent.

Normally, I do like it.

But it's different now.

She was pregnant, and the doctor told her to eat as little spicy food as possible. In addition, she couldn't touch benign foods like crabs.

But Mo Mingxuan came over, and she couldn't refuse, so she replied, Thank you.

It was just that the spicy crab was placed in the bowl, and she pretended to chop it with chopsticks a few times, but in the end she didn't eat a bite.

Song Wanqian knows her taste, so most of the dishes on the table are what she likes to eat. Unfortunately, she can't eat most of them now.

So she could only choose those light dishes to eat. It was just a round dining table. Every time she turned around, she was turned away before she could take a bite, so she could only look at the edible dishes. The food went to someone else's place, and it was difficult for her to change tables frequently. In terms of table manners, it was really impolite.

Brother Gu, which dish do you want to eat?

Gu Jingyan looked around and said, Braised pork.

Song Jiayu turned the dining table and placed the braised pork in front of Gu Jingyan, while another dish of stir-fried bamboo shoots was placed in front of Han Ruoxing.

Her eyes lit up and she immediately stretched out her chopsticks and took a bite.

Gu Jingyan glanced at the other one seemingly accidentally, then pointed at the other one and said, What kind of dish is that? (End of Chapter)

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