Gu Jingyan choked and said angrily, Which of your eyes saw me swearing sovereignty? I just think it would be detrimental to my face if it spread!

Oh, Han Ruoxing said with an indifferent expression, You and Song Jiayu are in and out of each other, and you don't care about my face. Why should I care about yours?

Gu Jingyan blew his beard and glared, How could I be in the right place with her? I'm here to say thank you!

Han Ruoxing responded tit for tat, Then Mingxuan comes to apologize, isn't that okay?

Gu Jingyan couldn't defeat Han Ruoxing before he lost his memory, and now that he had lost his memory, he couldn't defeat him even more. So he pointed the finger at Mo Mingxuan and expressed his dissatisfaction with him with his eyes wide open.

Han Ruoxing reached out to cover Mo Mingxuan's face, blocked Gu Jingyan's line of sight, and glared back at him, I'm arguing with you, why are you glaring at Mingxuan?

It doesn't matter that you are young and don't know how to behave. Doesn't he know how to behave when he is so old?

She looked protective, which made Gu Jingyan very angry.

Han Ruoxing's eyelids twitched. These words seemed like what Gu Jingyan would say when he was jealous.

He is a very awkward person, and he won't express his jealousy openly. He will argue with you on broad grounds, and then point the finger at a third party.

After all, if he targets her, she will not only refuse to admit his fault, but will also give him a slap in the face, and finally just ignore him, so he won't have the upper hand at all.

Targeting the third party is different. It can not only ensure a safe output environment, but also vent your anger on the third party.

For example, now, at the same age, he actually described Mo Mingxuan as so old, which was simply a personal attack.

Han Ruoxing's eyes showed some deep meaning, but he did not give in at all, Mingxuan is a few months younger than you. If he is older, who are you, uncle?

Gu Jingyan was really angry, pointed at her, and after a long time he gritted his teeth and said, You are so messy!

Mo Mingxuan knew that she was angry that Gu Jingyan and Song Jiayu came to the Song family together, so he said this deliberately, but he was still touched by the words Mingxuan.

He gently pulled Han Ruoxing's hand in front of him and said half-jokingly, Jingyan has lost his memory. He can't remember what happened in the past few years. He may think that he is still young. I am indeed not young in front of him. Don't Complain with him.

Gu Jingyan was heartbroken by the tone of his tea talk. Just as he was about to say something, Song Jiayu came out with a fruit plate, and he sat back down with a slight leaning.

As soon as Song Jiayu appeared, she greeted Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, are you here?

Han Ruoxing nodded in response. Although she disliked Song Jiayu's master-like speech every time he saw her, she adhered to the principle of doing more than doing less and never argued with her on this matter. Argued.

Mo Mingxuan paused and said, Miss Song, if Xing is going back to her home, is it inappropriate for you to come over and ask? Is she an outsider?

Song Jiayu was startled, then apologized, Sorry, I didn't think so. The main reason is that Ruoxing hasn't been living at home recently. I said I'm used to it.

Then he looked at Han Ruoxing and said, Ruoxing, I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to mind this so much. I really didn't mean anything else and I won't say that again in the future.

Mo Mingxuan wanted respect for her, but when it came to Song Jiayu, she made a fuss out of it.

Now that she said so...

Han Ruoxing raised her eyes, pursed her lips and said, So that's the case, but I wrongly blamed Sister Jiayu. I am a sensitive person by nature, and I always thought that Sister Jiayu said this because she didn't welcome me as a sister in her heart, and she didn't treat me as a member of the family. Man, that’s why you say this to remind me.”

Song Jiayu was dumbfounded. She never expected Han Ruoxing to say that, so she quickly denied it, I didn't, Ruoxing, how could you think so?

Mo Mingxuan said to Han Ruoxing, It's not that you are sensitive, normal people would think so. Then he looked at Song Jiayu, Ruoxing and her relatives have been separated for more than 20 years and have suffered for more than 20 years. Now they are finally reconciled. The family is reunited, and her father has started a new family with someone else. She doesn't have much sense of security in this family. As a sister, you always act like greeting guests when you see her come back, and you blame her for being sensitive. What’s the point?”

Han Ruoxing...

She had always thought that Mo Mingxuan was the kind of person who was gentle and inoffensive after leaving the court, but now she realized that she had underestimated a lawyer's eloquence.

He is invincible in court, so how can he be overpowered by verbal arguments in daily life?

Whether he wants to win or not depends on whether he wants to say it or not.

Obviously Song Jiayu is not his opponent at all.

Mo Mingxuan's words really made Song Jiayu's face become extremely ugly and panicked.

Brother Mo, the crime you gave me is too big. I really just said it casually. He turned to Gu Jingyan for help with an anxious look on his face, Brother Gu, I really didn't mean it. Of course I just said it casually. Xing is my sister.

Han Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan, she wanted to hear how this bitch was going to help Song Jiayu.

Gu Jingyan seemed to be in pain, rubbing his temples, Sorry, I didn't hear clearly. What were you arguing about just now?

Han Ruoxing? ? ?

Song Jiayu immediately stopped thinking about arguing with them and sat next to Gu Jingyan with a concerned look on his face, Brother Gu, what's wrong with you?

Gu Jingyan frowned and whispered, I don't know, I often feel unbearable headaches recently, and sometimes I can't concentrate like just now.

Have you brought the medicine Dr. Huang prescribed for you?

Gu Jingyan nodded, took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket, and shook out a medicine.

Song Jiayu quickly handed him the water glass. Gu Jingyan took the medicine and relaxed on the sofa for a while with his eyes closed, and his face looked a little better.

Han Ruoxing looked at this scene and suddenly asked, What medicine did you give him?

Just now she thought that Gu Jingyan was pretending to have amnesia, fearing that he would help Song Jiayu to anger her, so he deliberately pretended to be uncomfortable to avoid the problem.

But at this moment, looking at Gu Jingyan's pale face, she couldn't help but doubt.

If Gu Jingyan was pretending, his acting skills would be too good. There really wasn't any color on his face. Even professional actors might not be able to do that, right?

So she couldn't help but care about Gu Jingyan's body.

Song Jiayu said, Brother Gu's attending doctor prescribed medicine to help him recover his memory. I don't know the name of this medicine, but it works very well for Brother Gu. Every time he has a headache, he will feel better after taking this medicine. It works. (End of chapter)

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