Coco was stunned, jumped off the chair, ran to the door, stuck out his head and looked out.

There was no one else in the corridor, only the cleaning lady at home was wiping the stair handrails.

It's where the flower pots are placed at the door, and there are scattered soil on the ground.

Coco took the phone and called Aunt Han. She didn't hear a response for a long time. When she lowered her head, she saw that the call had been hung up at some point.

Coco wanted to make another call, but Gu Jingyan's voice suddenly came, Did I leave my phone in your room?

Coco immediately retracted her finger and was about to return it to him when she suddenly thought of something and put her hand behind her back and began to make conditions, Give me Aunt Han's phone number and I will return the phone to you.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, If I give it to you, she won't answer your call.

Aunt Han is not as narrow-minded as you. Coco mumbled and said, You don't care whether she picks it up or not, just leave it to me.

Gu Jingyan looked at him for a few seconds before saying, If you don't give me your phone, how can I read it to you?

Coco wanted to say that I would look for it myself, but she was afraid that Gu Jingyan would find out that she had called Han Ruoxing with his cell phone, so she could only return the phone to her.

As a result, Gu Jingyan got the phone, turned around and left.

Coco was stunned and trotted to catch up, You haven't given me Aunt Han's number yet!

Taking advantage of his height, Gu Jingyan held the phone between his two fingers, shook it in front of his chest, and said slowly, The first lesson in sociology is, don't easily believe anyone's promises, even the people closest to you.

Coco's face turned green, she hugged his other hand, biting the back of his hand with a moan.

Gu Jingyan picked up the hat on her clothes and lifted her up as easily as a chicken.

Coco was still biting his hand, staring at him angrily with her round eyes, as if she was accusing him of not keeping his word.

Loose your mouth.

Gu Jingyan warned lightly.

Not only did Coco not let up, she even worked harder.

Gu Jingyan sighed and named a series of numbers.

Coco was stunned and looked at him blankly.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Don't you want her number?

Coco quickly let go of her mouth, Say it again! Say it again!

Gu Jingyan said, I'll just say it one last time. It's your problem if you don't remember.

Speak quickly! Coco urged.

Gu Jingyan then said it again, and Coco quickly took out her children's mobile phone and saved the number in it.

After finishing depositing, she raised her head and looked at Gu Jingyan.

Uncle Gu.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, What's wrong?

Coco came over and said, Don't you remember Aunt Han? Then how do you remember her phone number?

As he spoke, he put his hands over his mouth and whispered to him, Did you deliberately pretend to have amnesia to deceive Aunt Han? Were you jealous when you saw her with that good-looking uncle?

Gu Jingyan paused, A good-looking uncle? Are you as good-looking as me?


Is that so?

She was so excited.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her room and said a series of numbers.

This confused Coco, What are you talking about?

Gu Jingyan said, The barcode of your drawing book.

cocoa? ? ?

Gu Jingyan raised his index finger, tapped his temple lightly, and said with a calm expression, Don't you like reading martial arts novels? Don't you know there are people who can never forget anything? I am.


He lost his memory, how could he become so annoying!

Gu Jingyan rubbed her head, took the phone and turned to leave.

On the other side, Han Ruoxing turned around when she heard the sound. A commercial car on the roadside lowered its window, and the driver was Mo Mingxuan.

Han Ruoxing came over and said, Lawyer Mo, why are you here?

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, I came here specifically to see you. I originally wanted to call you, but I didn't expect to see you directly at the door.

Han Ruoxing was stunned, Looking for me?

Mo Mingxuan nodded, Have you forgotten? Didn't you say before that you would accompany me to apologize to Uncle Song?

Oh, yes, Han Ruoxing patted his head, I had completely forgotten about it.

Mo Mingxuan looked at her gently, Is it convenient today?

Fang—— Han Ruoxing paused and suddenly remembered the news that Keke had just revealed to her. She paused and changed her words, I just came back from relaxing with my friends today and want to take a day off. Can I do it tomorrow? It's the weekend. My dad should have nothing. thing.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, It's up to you.

Han Ruoxing rolled his eyes.

Mo Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes and said, I haven't seen you smile like this for a long time. Sure enough, now that Jingyan is back, you are getting better in every aspect.

When Gu Jingyan was mentioned, Han Ruoxing's smile faded a little, and then she said with a serious expression, Lawyer Mo, I have caused you a lot of trouble during this period. I will always remember your kindness in my heart. If you need help, as long as I can If you can do it, just ask.

Mo Mingxuan asked her, Can I ask for anything?

Han Ruoxing said, As long as it's within my ability.

Mo Mingxuan smiled, I don't need you to do anything for me, I just want... If Jingyan never remembers it, can you give me a chance to pursue you?

Han Ruoxing was startled and curled up her fingers, I'm sorry, I...

Ruoxing, don't reject me so quickly, he looked at her tenderly, his peach blossom eyes full of affection, Do you know? The day I first met you in Nanshan Hospital, I was crazy about you. , I always thought it was a wonderful fate. Within a week, we met three times by chance. I thought at that time, if there is a fourth or fifth chance, can I take the relationship one step closer?

It was only at the charity banquet that I found out you were Jingyan's wife. I have always controlled my feelings very well, but now, there is such an opportunity in front of me. Even if the hope is slim, I want to give it a try. .”

It would be a lie if Han Ruoxing wasn't moved at all. She has never heard such a tender and affectionate confession in her whole life.

Gu Jingyan was a clumsy-tongued and straight man, and he kept his love for her secretly in his heart, and didn't show it until he got divorced.

Mo Mingxuan has always been gentle and restrained, as if if she said no, he would politely step back outside the line.

Even if you are being used by her, you will still show your understanding and cooperation. If you refuse such a person too many times, you may even feel that every time you refuse, you are hurting him.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and said after a long time, If there is really no possibility for me and Gu Jingyan in the end, and you still think so, then we will give it a try.

She is already pregnant. No man can accept that the person he likes is pregnant with another man's child. Mo Mingxuan is stubborn now. After a few months, she will show her pregnancy, and his enthusiasm will naturally fade away.

When the time comes, she won't have to refuse him, and he will give up. (End of chapter)

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