Gu Jingyan's legs were not seriously injured, but his muscles were a little weak after lying for a long time.

In the past few days since I came back, I have kept up with nutrition and rehabilitation training, so I recovered quickly.

Although his body had recovered a lot, Song Jiayu found that Gu Jingyan spoke a lot less.

Every time she brought up a topic, he just responded with a lack of interest, not seeming to be very interested.

This coldness made Song Jiayu vaguely uneasy, so she took the initiative to mention Han Ruoxing.

Ruoxing has not been at home these days, and the house has been quite deserted. Although she has been complaining about me for saving you before, I actually quite like having another sister in the house.

Gu Jingyan heard Han Ruoxing's name, but didn't react much.

Song Jiayu thought to herself, I heard from my father that she seems to have gone out to relax with her friends. She has a lot of friends. Last time she was with Brother Mo, and I don't know who she is with this time.

Gu Jingyan still didn't answer, but asked, Jiayu, grandma told me yesterday that my leg has almost recovered, and asked me to find a time to formally come to express my gratitude. You can ask Uncle Song and take a look. Is he free this weekend? If the time is right, I will go there this weekend and I will tell them clearly about your rescue of me so that she will not embarrass you again.

Song Jiayu was startled and suddenly overjoyed.

Okay, I'll go home and ask dad.

Gu Jingyan nodded, looked at the time and said, I'll ask the driver to take you back. It's time for me to rest.

Song Jiayu was a little reluctant to leave. Gu Jingyan's health was getting better and better, and she really had no reason to stay here.

After Song Jiayu left, Gu Jingyan did not go back to rest as he said, but went to Coco's room.

The little girl was painting when she heard the door opening and turned around to look. Seeing it was Gu Jingyan, she turned around and continued painting.

He said calmly, Isn't it a little impolite to not even say hello?

Hello, Uncle Gu.

Coco replied to him very perfunctorily.

Gu Jingyan sat next to her, Every time Jiayu comes, you hide in your room, can't you go out and say hello?

I don't want to go.

Why don't you want to go?

Coco flattened her lips and said, I don't like her.

Gu Jingyan smiled, Then who do you like?

I like Qiao A - no, it's Aunt Han now.

Gu Jingyan paused and said, You like her, but she may not like you. Look, she doesn't even come to see you.

Coco glared at him, Aunt Han didn't come, isn't it because you got involved with this Aunt Song?

Gu Jingyan...

I didn't get involved with her.

Coco snorted, Then why do you stay with her every day?

Gu Jingyan said, If she comes, I can't drive her away. This is polite.

Then why did you drive Aunt Han away? Coco asked, I heard what my great-grandmother scolded you!

Gu Jingyan paused and nodded between her eyebrows, It is also impolite to eavesdrop on other people's speech.

Coco pouted, I'm a child anyway, so I'll be forgiven even if I'm rude.

Gu Jingyan...

If she wants to come, can I drive her away?

Then why doesn't she come?

Gu Jingyan shrugged, How do I know? If you want to know, ask yourself.

Coco glared at him, I don't have Aunt Han's phone number, how can I ask?

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, You are so capable, but you still can't get her phone number.

This made Coco so angry that she glared.

Gu Jingyan stayed for a while longer, commenting on her paintings, which made Keke so angry that she didn't want to pay attention to him, and then he got up and left.

I don't know if she was hit by Gu Jingyan's words, but Coco looked at her painting, and the more she looked at it, the more ugly it became. Just when she was about to tear it up and start painting again, she suddenly saw a mobile phone on the table.

It was Gu Jingyan who landed here.

Coco wanted to send it to him, but suddenly she thought of what he had just said to flatter her, so she tried to find Han Ruoxing's contact information from his mobile phone.

Gu Jingyan's new mobile phone didn't even have a password set. Coco easily found Han Ruoxing's number and dialed it without thinking.

Han Ruoxing had just been discharged from the hospital and had just arrived at Yunding International. As soon as she got off the car, she heard her phone vibrating. She picked it up and looked at it. She was a little surprised that it was Gu Jingyan calling.

Although it was a little strange, she still pressed the answer.

In fact, the moment she found out she was pregnant, the person she wanted to share with the most was Gu Jingyan.

When she answered the phone, she suddenly had the urge to tell him everything about her pregnancy, regardless of whether he remembered it or not. However, before she could say anything, a childish little girl's voice came from over there, Aunt Han, I’m Keke.”

Han Ruoxing was stunned, remembering the child who was pushed to the front by Gu Qinghai and others at the previous memorial service.

At that time, she was almost confused by the news they threw out, and her emotions were a little out of control. She didn't even say hello to the child properly.

Shen Qingchuan said two days ago that Lin Shu told him that Gu Jingyan had been close to Yao Kexin all those years. In fact, it was because Yao Kexin's blood could save Keke. The child was born with severe anemia and Yao Kexin was the one who was found by Gu Jingyan to regenerate her. fate.

But Han Ruoxing still didn't understand that since she was entrusted by an old friend, he could have raised her upright and she was not an unreasonable person, so why did she keep hiding her.

But these all turned into a mystery with Gu Jingyan's amnesia.

Hearing Coco's voice, Han Ruoxing said, Hello, Coco.

Coco was so happy that Balabala said a bunch of incoherent words to her.

Han Ruoxing concluded from these words that this girl seemed to have known for a long time that she was still her little fan.

Thinking about it this way, her performance at the memorial service a few days ago was obviously an act.

After she finished speaking, Han Ruoxing asked, Keke, why is your Uncle Gu's cell phone in your hand? Did he ask you to call me?

Coco shook her head, No, his cell phone was left in my room. I secretly called you myself. Uncle Gu is always with Aunt Song these days.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Aunt Song, do you go to see your Uncle Gu every day?

Coco nodded, It's so annoying to come here every day! She also wants Uncle Gu to visit her home, and Uncle Gu actually agreed!

Han Ruoxing clenched her phone tightly, You said that Aunt Song wants to go home with your Uncle Gu?

Yes, I heard what they said with my own ears. Uncle Gu had people prepare gifts.

Han Ruoxing's expression was a little ugly. Apart from proposing marriage, she really couldn't think of any situation in which Gu Jingyan would go to the Song family with gifts and Song Jiayu?

What a bastard!

Coco is still asking, Aunt Han, where have you been? When will you come to see me? I want a signed photo of you.

Han Ruoxing was so angry that she was dizzy with the news. She rubbed her temples and was about to speak when Mo Mingxuan's voice came from behind, Ruoxing?

The next second, Coco heard something falling outside the door and making a bang sound. (End of chapter)

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