Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 873 Why isn’t there water in your throat?

What did you say?

For a moment, Han Ruoxing thought she had heard wrong.

Gu Jingyan looked at her calmly, I said, let's break off the engagement. I don't even remember what happened before. I don't have any feelings for you now.

Han Ruoxing took a breath, and her firm belief that Gu Jingyan was pretending to have amnesia began to waver.

Did Song Jiayu give you some medicine? Or did he use something to restrain you? What the hell amnesia? Gu Jingyan, this is not an idol drama. Stop playing!

No matter what she said, Gu Jingyan still had a cold expression.

If I remember the relationship between life and death, why should I deny you? I really don't remember who you are.

The calmer he was, the more flustered Han Ruoxing became.

You remember Shen Qingchuan, you remember my brother, you remember everyone, why don't you remember me? Do you think I will believe it? Are you angry with me because you saw the rumors on the Internet? So you deliberately pretended not to remember me, to scare me Me? Han Ruoxing was about to cry, and her words were garbled and confused. They all said you were dead. I don't believe it. I know you must be alive. I don't know why you are alive but refuse to show up. Lawyer Mo and I are together. No, we are not together... It's not right either. I deliberately let the media photograph us together. I just want you to see it and make you anxious. Don't you hate it when I get close to him? Look. The news will definitely come out. Look, you are really back...

Gu Jingyan looked at her indifferently, and what he said was extremely cruel, I didn't come back after seeing the news. It was Jiayu who told me about the funeral. I think it's time for me to come back. You and Mingxuan... No, you and anyone When people are together, it's the same to me now. No matter how strong the feelings were before, now to me, you are just a stranger, and I can't give you any more emotional response.

Han Ruoxing's face was extremely ugly. She held back her heartache and said hoarsely, But I remember. Why do you want to break off our engagement just because you don't remember? I won't agree! You said you can't remember, it doesn't matter, time It's still a long time, I will accompany you to get your memory back little by little, and you will always remember me.

Gu Jingyan was silent for a long time and whispered, The doctor said that the probability of me recovering my memory is very low. In other words, I may never be able to remember the past.

Han Ruoxing froze, and it took him a long time to say, Let's see a few more doctors. With the advanced medical technology now, there will always be a way.

Gu Jingyan said, That will happen in the future. Now I just want to break off the engagement with you. I don't remember anything related to you, but you remember it very clearly. This kind of unequal relationship makes me very uncomfortable. I I don’t want to live with guilt.”

Han Ruoxing couldn't bear it anymore, Who made you feel guilty? When you are sick, you treat your illness. If you can't remember, we look for memories. Why are you pushing me away in a hurry? Have you lost your memory? Have you lost your mind? Can an engagement hinder you? what?

But I-

Shut up! Han Ruoxing said angrily with red eyes, I don't want to listen to you now! Your brain is filled with water, why isn't your throat filled with water? Why are you still talking to anger me?!

Gu Jingyan...

He pointed out, You want to talk to me alone.

You still said that!

Gu Jingyan shut his mouth and asked after a while, When will the engagement be terminated?

Han Ruoxing's anger emerged again, Are you sure you want to break off our engagement with me?

Gu Jingyan nodded.

Okay, feeling heartbroken, Han Ruoxing laughed instead, I will terminate the engagement with you when your body fully recovers.

Gu Jingyan was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Han Ruoxing continue, However, you can't refuse to see me until your body recovers.

Gu Jingyan frowned, The engagement is about to be broken off, is there still a need to meet?

Yes! Han Ruoxing said in a hoarse voice with red eyes, Every scar on your body was blocked for me by Gu Jingyan, who loves me. I always have to make sure that my lover is in good health before I can feel at ease!

Gu Jingyan had a lump in his throat and said after a long time, Okay, I promise you.

He said, paused, and then asked, Do you have any other requests?

Han Ruoxing shook her head with red eyes.

Gu Jingyan turned the wheelchair and walked towards the door of the study.

Han Ruoxing followed behind, and when he opened the door, he suddenly said hoarsely, It's great that you are still alive.

Gu Jingyan paused for a moment, then turned the handle and went out in the next second.

When the two arrived in the living room, everyone became energetic. Song Jiayu wanted to help Gu Jingyan, but Su Wanqin grabbed her sleeve and motioned her not to go.

Mo Mingxuan walked up to Han Ruoxing and asked in a low voice, Are you done talking??

Han Ruoxing said hmm and looked tired. She turned to her father and brother and said, Dad, brother, let's go back.

Han Ruoxing did not stay to take care of Gu Jingyan, and it was obvious that this conversation was not very pleasant.

Although Song Wanqian complained about Gu Jingyan and Song Jiayu appearing together, he was still concerned about Gu Jingyan's health and warned him before leaving with his family.

In the yard, Tang Xiaoxiao was struggling with Shen Qingchuan, mainly because she was unilaterally dealing with Shen Qingchuan.

Shen Qingchuan only defended and did not fight back. Tang Xiaoxiao was sweating from exhaustion but could not even hit this guy. His anger, which was originally three points, had soared to seven points at this moment.

At this moment, Tang Xiaoxiao saw Han Ruoxing's family coming out, and immediately shouted Axing. Shen Qingchuan turned around subconsciously, and Tang Xiaoxiao immediately took advantage of him and stepped on his foot.

Shen Qingchuan immediately jumped up on one foot in pain.

Tang Xiaoxiao caught up with Han Ruoxing and asked concernedly, Axing, is Gu Jingyan okay? Have you two reconciled?

Before Han Ruoxing could say anything, Gu Jingyang suddenly chased him out and called, Sister Jiayu, my brother asked you to come in. He has something to tell you.

Han Ruoxing clenched her hands tightly and said nothing with a sullen face.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked confused, Gu Jingyang, did you call the wrong person?

Gu Jingyang was too lazy to talk to her and just said to Song Jiayu, My brother said he needs to change the dressing and asked you to do a favor. He will ask the driver to take you back later.

Tang Xiaoxiao! ! !

what's the situation?

Han Ruoxing, however, just had a cold face and no expression.

Song Jiayu responded, turned to look at the family, and said with some embarrassment, I have been changing Brother Gu's medicine these days. His medicine is a bit complicated. Parents, let me go over and give you some guidance.

Song Wanqian said nothing, Su Wanqin waved her hand, Go ahead.

As soon as Song Jiayu left, Han Ruoxing said, Dad, I want to stay at Yunding International tonight. You guys should go back too.

Seeing that her expression was as usual, Song Wanqian felt a little relieved, Then let your brother send you there.

Han Ruoxing shook his head, I'll just take Xiaoxiao's car. You can let me go back and rest. He's been suffering from me for a while and hasn't had a good rest. Now that Gu Jingyan is back, no matter what the situation is, the most important thing is that he is back. Now, other things can be solved slowly, you should rest.

Song Wanqian felt at ease that her daughter understood the righteousness so well. After a few words of advice, she left.

As soon as they left, Tang Xiaoxiao finally couldn't hold it any longer and asked her doubts, Axing, what's going on with Gu Jingyan? Why did you ask this smelly turtle to take care of him?! (End of Chapter)

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