Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 872 I want to break off the engagement with you

Han Ruoxing, like a female bandit, turned a deaf ear to Gu Jingyan's words.

In just a few clicks, all the buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. She grabbed the collars on both sides with both hands, and regardless of Gu Jingyan's resistance, she completely peeled off the clothes from his shoulders. The next second, all the clothes covered his body. A small scar penetrated the pupil.

There was almost no intact skin on Gu Jingyan's body, especially on his back.

Some of the healed ones only have a faint red or brown mark, while for those that have not healed, you can still clearly see the scars left by the stitches and the everted skin.

The longest one stretched from the back of the neck to the left side of the waist. The wound was still covered with frostbite, which was extremely scary.

Han Ruoxing's heart trembled hard and her breathing became lighter.

She reached out her hand tremblingly and touched the scarred back. All she could think of was the sight of Gu Jingyan covered in blood that night.

Heartache and fear all came to her heart. Han Ruoxing's nose felt sore and her throat was so congested that she couldn't speak a word.

Gu Jingyan was stiff, ashamed and annoyed, he pushed her away with a pale face, and said with a sullen face, suppressing his anger, Do you have any shame -

Before he finished speaking, he looked into Han Ruoxing's tear-stained eyes.

Her tears fell heavily and she was sobbing uncontrollably, Does it hurt?

Her voice was extremely hoarse and her words were unclear, but Gu Jingyan heard her very clearly.

The scolding words he spoke were stuck in his throat, and he gathered his shirt dryly, It's already healed, how can it still hurt?

After thinking about it, he said, Jiayu said that I was kidnapped together with you. Although I don't remember it, you don't have to feel guilty about it.

I feel so guilty about you! I feel bad! Han Ruoxing became furious when he heard Song Jiayu's name mentioned, and even shed tears. Gu Jingyan, who allowed you to let go of me in the water? You said Tongsheng Are they all lying about dying together?

Gu Jingyan paused for a moment, I don't remember what you said. Jiayu said we were divorced...

Han Ruoxing gritted her teeth, Jiayu! Jiayu! Don't mention Song Jiayu to me. If you mention her name again, believe it or not, I will go out and make her into turtle soup right now!

Gu Jingyan closed his mouth, and after a while, he said in confusion, You have such a bad temper, why would I marry you?

Because you are M, you like me to scold you.

Gu Jingyan...

Can you stand up?

Han Ruoxing asked.

Gu Jingyan said, No, who can you see who is paralyzed and can still stand up?

Han Ruoxing...

Finally, I feel a little bit less tongue-tied than before.

She didn't say anything, but squatted down and lifted his trouser legs.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, he resisted the urge to kick her away, gritted his teeth and said, What else do you want to do?!

Isn't it paralyzed? Let's see how the legs have shrunk.

Gu Jingyan choked for a moment and said after a long time, I'm not paralyzed! I've been lying on the hospital bed for a long time and I have no strength to walk.

Then stand there and let me take a look.

Gu Jingyan glared at her, Don't you think your request is a bit unreasonable?

Without saying a word, Han Ruoxing started to lift his trouser legs again. Gu Jingyan was afraid, so he slapped her hand away and said through gritted teeth, I'll stand here for you to watch!

Only then did Han Ruoxing let go.

Gu Jingyan's face looked bad. He had probably never been manipulated like this in his life. He was angry and helpless.

He slowly stood up from the wheelchair while holding on to the armrests. Although his steps were a little shaky, it really didn't look like he was injured.

Gu Jingyan turned to glare at her, Okay!

Han Ruoxing didn't say anything, but suddenly bent down and took off his pants, and with great force, he directly pulled the pants down to his calves.

Gu Jingyan: !!!

With a dark face and anger, he pushed her away and awkwardly went to lift his pants. All the words coming out of his mouth were words like shameless, gangster and bandit.

Han Ruoxing fell on her butt, but felt a little relieved. Gu Jingyan didn't lie to her. There was indeed no big wound on his leg. It seemed that it was what he said. His muscles were a little weak after lying for a long time.

Gu Jingyan was still very weak, and he was frightened by Han Ruoxing's sudden rogue action, so he didn't even lift his pants for a long time.

Han Ruoxing stood up and walked over to help him lift his pants. Gu Jingyan felt so hurt at this moment that he pushed her with a dark face, Don't touch me.

Han Ruoxing said, If you push me again, I will take off your pants completely, open the door, and let everyone see what you look like now.

Gu Jingyan...

In the end, his pride as a hegemonic boss took over. He couldn't let others see him like this, so he could only compromise with his eyes wide open.

You're a girl, and you strip off your clothes and pants when you come up to a man. Don't you have any sense of shame?

Han Ruoxing pulled up her pants and stretched out the wrinkles on his clothes thoughtfully. She raised her head to meet Gu Jingyan's eyes and said, We were married.

Gu Jingyan didn't understand.

What's the cause and effect?

Han Ruoxing continued, We also had sex.

Gu Jingyan? !

I know where the birthmark is on your butt. If I am too shameless, you will remain a virgin for three years after marriage.

Gu Jingyan...

He was ashamed and annoyed, and there was a trace of blush on his pale face, which made him look a little angry.

Han Ruoxing's heart softened immediately. She suddenly hugged Gu Jingyan's waist and rested her head on his shoulder.

However, Gu Jingyan did not cooperate. He struggled and said, No matter what our previous relationship was, I don't remember anything now. I have no feelings for you at all. Please respect yourself.

Han Ruoxing did not let go, closing her eyes and feeling the living person and the hot body temperature in her arms, she said hoarsely, I don't believe you at all that you don't remember, Gu Jingyan, you can deceive others but you can't deceive me, how could you not remember me, How could you forget the person you risked your life for?

Gu Jingyan grimaced and suddenly pushed her out hard. Because of this movement, the wound on the waist and abdomen was affected, and the bandage was instantly stained with blood.

Han Ruoxing was startled, and just as he was about to step forward to check, Gu Jingyan suddenly said sharply, Don't come over! Don't touch me!

Han Ruoxing was stunned. Gu Jingyan sat on the wheelchair and stared at her with strange eyes, Miss Han, let me say it again, I don't remember you or anything between you and me. Maybe for you, meeting I feel that I am the joy of surviving the disaster, but I can't understand this feeling. You are a complete stranger to me now. Even if I promised you something at the beginning, in this situation, I still can't understand it. It can’t be fulfilled, you understand?”

Han Ruoxing looked at him blankly. She tried hard to detect a different expression on Gu Jingyan's face, but it was in vain because she couldn't understand it at all.

Her heart sank a little, but she still asked, What do you want to say?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said coolly, I want to break off the engagement with you. (End of Chapter)

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