Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 868: Cooperate well with the police investigation

The voice was so familiar that it was engraved into her bones. She could recognize it immediately, but she was too timid to look back for fear of seeing disappointment.

Gu Jingyan! Tang Xiaoxiao looked at the person who appeared at the door and screamed.

There had never been a moment when she felt that Gu Jingyan's face was so lovable.

Han Ruoxing turned around stiffly with red eyes, as if all her strength had been drained.

Gu Jingyan was pushed in in a wheelchair.

After not seeing him for a month, he had lost a lot of weight. His hair was cut very short, making his facial features very sharp, and his face looked extremely pale as if he had not recovered from a long illness.

Behind him, the person helping to push the wheelchair was Song Jiayu.

Almost instantly, Han Ruoxing was filled with anger, and she knew that she was right. Song Jiayu's abnormal behavior after Gu Jingyan's accident was not her fault at all. It was really Song Jiayu who hid Gu Jingyan.

She threw away Mo Mingxuan's hand with red eyes. With grievance, anger, and longing, she strode towards Gu Jingyan. The other person's eyes met hers, but they just glanced at her lightly, then moved away again, raising her hand to turn the wheel of the wheelchair. The steering rod bypassed her.

Han Ruoxing was startled and stood there in astonishment.

When Gu Jingyan got closer, he saw the photos on the mourning hall clearly. He laughed and said, I may have troubled you all in vain today.

As he spoke, he looked at Old Mrs. Gu, who was sitting not far away, and her expression changed slightly. He called out, Grandma, I'm back.

The old lady clutched the prayer beads tightly, her cloudy eyes became blurry, and her voice became hoarse, It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back.

Gu Jingyang finally couldn't help it anymore, ran forward and threw himself into Gu Jingyan's arms, crying, Brother, you scared me to death, why did you come back just now...

Gu Jingyan frowned and turned a little pale.

Song Jiayu whispered, Jingyang, don't use so much force, Brother Gu is still injured.

Gu Jingyang was so frightened that he quickly let go of his hand.

Gu Jingyan patted her shoulder, It's okay.

Zhong Meilan finally came to her senses and called out stiffly, Jingyan...

Gu Jingyan turned around and said warmly, Mom, I'm worrying you.

Zhong Meilan was stunned for a moment, thinking she had heard wrongly.

Is this the son with whom he had severed ties before?

The way Gu Jingyan looked at her was no longer as cold as before, but full of respect like it had been many years ago.

Zhong Meilan was in a state of confusion, and she said with red eyes for a long time, It's okay.

Gu Qinghai's expression changed rapidly, and finally he said with concern, Jingyan, why did it take you so long to come back? We have almost plowed through the rivers in Jiangcheng. Where have you been?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, It's a long story. I'll tell you again when I get the chance.

After saying that, she looked like an old lady again, Grandma, I came here with a few friends today. They want to ask Jingran something, is that okay?

Everyone was confused and asked Gu Jingran. Instead of talking to Gu Jingran, they went to ask the old lady. They really couldn't understand this operation.

The old lady showed no expression and responded, Let your friend come in.

Gu Jingyan nodded, then raised his hand, and outside the door, the police who had been waiting for a long time walked in.

The leader walked up to Gu Jingran and asked him with judicial dignity, Are you Gu Jingran?

Gu Jingran was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on at this moment.

He subconsciously looked at Gu Qinghai, who had a tense face, calm eyes and said nothing.

There was a commotion around, some understood, some were confused, and whispers could be heard.

The police asked again, Are you Gu Jingran?

Gu Jingran came back to his senses, suppressed his emotions, and whispered, I am.

Do you know Chen Hai?

Gu Jingran said, I don't know him.

Don't you know him? The policeman looked at him, When you were drinking at XX Club, Chen Hai was also there. If you don't know him, why did he show up at your drinking party?

Gu Jingran frowned, When I drink, it's always a group of friends. I don't know exactly who went there. Who is Chen Hai?

The police said, The younger brother of one of the kidnappers in Gu Jingyan's disappearance.

After speaking, the conversation changed, Gu Jingran, we suspect that you are involved in Gu Jingyan's kidnapping case. Please come with us and help with the investigation.

The police's words instantly caused huge waves.

After Gu Jingyan's accident, Gu Qinghai quickly reshuffled the company. Some of the people who used to hold Gu Jingyan's positions have been transferred one after another these days. Only the R\u0026D department has been unable to be conquered by him. It is said that Gu Jingyan left a talisman to the R\u0026D department. .

What it is exactly is unknown to outsiders, but what is certain is that once Gu Jingyan dies, this amulet may not be able to withstand it for long. It is only a matter of time before Jiang Sheng is controlled by Gu Qinghai.

As the only son of Gu Qinghai, Gu Jingran is obviously the only candidate for the future heir of Jiangsheng Group.

So during this period of time, Gu Jingran was praised by all the stars in the circle, and he was enjoying himself like a fish in water.

People are all realistic, Gu Jingyan is dead, and whoever can bring benefits is a friend.

As soon as the memorial service is over and the tomb is erected, Gu Qinghai and his son will have complete control over Jiang Sheng.

But no one expected that on the day of the memorial service, Gu Jingyan would come back from the dead and the first thing he would do would be to identify Gu Jingran.

There were timid voices all around, If something happens on the day of the election, I know it's not that simple.

Didn't the murderer have a grudge against the young master of the Mo family and mistakenly identify Gu Jingyan as him?

The murderers are all dead. These are all motives speculated during the subsequent investigation. Who knows what the real reason is?

Gu Jingran knows the kidnapper's brother. If he is involved, then...

The man didn't say anything further, but everyone understood it.

The second aunt Song Qingyun stepped forward quickly, stood in front of her son, and said anxiously, Did you make a mistake? Just drinking has something to do with Jingyan's disappearance? Aren't the kidnappers already arrested?

The police said, We will only find out after we investigate the relationship. Now please get out of the way and don't hinder us from performing our official duties.

As he said this, he was about to take Gu Jingran away.

Song Qingyun was eager to protect her son and pushed away the policeman who pulled Gu Jingyan away. She said emotionally, Don't touch my son! If you don't explain clearly, why should I let you take him away?

The policeman frowned and said, Auntie, please cooperate with us.

Gu Jingran was confused and looked at Gu Qinghai subconsciously. The latter was calm and stepped forward to hold Song Qingyun.

Didn't you hear that the police wanted to investigate? If the investigation is clear, Jingran will be innocent. If you stop her now, it seems like we are covering up. What are you afraid of for something you haven't done?

Even though Song Qingyun prefers her son, her main focus has always been her husband. After Gu Qinghai's words, no matter how angry she felt, she could only endure it at the moment.

Gu Qinghai said to Gu Jingran, Go ahead and cooperate with the police investigation.

Gu Jingran responded with a white face. When he turned around, his eyes fell on Gu Jingyan, with a hint of sinisterness.

Gu Jingyan watched him being taken away by the police with an indifferent expression. (End of chapter)

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