A mourning hall was set up in the main hall. Zhong Meilan, dressed in a black cheongsam, stood next to the memorial tablet, and together with Gu Jingyang received the guests who came to pay their respects.

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, and Uncle Qin was pushing her.

Her expression was solemn, her hair was whiter than before, and her face, which used to have some flesh on it, had lost weight recently, making the ravines on her face even more obvious.

Gu Jingyan was the grandson of Gu's parents. He had no children and died young. He didn't even have a younger generation to wear sackcloth and pay filial piety. No matter how beautiful the mourning hall was, there was still an indescribable sadness.

As soon as Han Ruoxing came in, she saw the photo on the mourning hall. The photo was still taken from her and Gu Jingyan's wedding photo, but the color photo was changed to black and white.

Zhong Meilan was still receiving guests. When she saw Han Ruoxing, she immediately became furious. She rushed over with a cold face and said sternly, Get out! Don't get Jingyan's eyes dirty!

The old lady turned the prayer beads in her hand and looked at everything coldly. When she met Han Ruoxing's eyes, which were neither sad nor happy, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart.

Song Wanqian and Song Tianjun, who came together, suddenly looked ugly.

Song Wanqian said in a deep voice, We are here to see Jingyan off for the last time. Pay attention to your words!

Zhong Meilan had long hated Han Ruoxing. When she heard this, she sneered, It has only been a month since Jingyan's accident, and she has found a new love. If she can do it, I can tell you! It's a pity that my son won't know until he dies that he is the one he likes. Who is she? He made her the first heir in the will! How dare she come to attend Jingyan’s memorial service?!

Mo Mingxuan's face turned cold and he said in a deep voice, Auntie, this is about Ruoxing's reputation, so please be careful what you say.

Zhong Meilan laughed angrily, You can do shameless things, why are you afraid of others telling you? I think you conspired to kill Jing Yan and plot to steal his family property!

Did Gu Jingyan leave his inheritance to Han Ruoxing?

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

How did he think of making a will at such a young age? And instead of giving it to his family, he gave it to his ex-wife?

I heard that Gu Jingyan was with her when he had the accident. She was fine. Gu Jingyan died and the inheritance was still left to her. A few days after Gu Jingyan's accident, she got close to someone else. Suddenly I feel very scared to think about it.

The real version of him who disappeared?

Damn it, why does she have the nerve to do this?

Tang Xiaoxiao was so angry that she was about to explode when she heard those random speculations. But when she was about to speak, someone behind her covered her mouth.

She turned around to look, raised her foot and stepped on the opponent's instep.

Shen Qingchuan frowned in pain, but did not loosen his hand. He whispered in her ear, Don't get involved in this matter. This is not the time to show off your words. The Song family father and son are here, and no one can bully them. Your bestie.”

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with anger. He hadn't seen her for a few days and was thinking about her like crazy. Shen Qingchuan originally wanted to let go of his hand like a gentleman, but then he thought about it. After this incident, he had long lost credibility with her, so he simply hugged her. Don't let go of your waist.

If it weren't for the fact that this occasion was not a place for fighting, Tang Xiaoxiao would have wanted to throw him over his shoulder on the spot!

Song Tianjun looked at Zhong Meilan coldly, Auntie, instead of setting fire to this and drawing dirty water on my sister, why don't you think about why Jingyan would rather leave most of the inheritance to her instead of giving it to you? Is it possible that your biological mother , is it not as good as a kiss from an outsider?

Zhong Meilan's face suddenly turned ugly when she was poked in a painful spot.

Gu Qinghai, who had been silent all this time, now spoke up, Jingyan is my Gu family member. After he and Miss Han divorced, their finances have been settled long ago. As for the subsequent will, under what circumstances was it made? , it is still unknown whether he was deceived by others. We have hired a lawyer and will re-verify at that time.

Even if it was really made by Jing Yan, this will does not count, because he has a direct blood relative who is not among the heirs of the will. We have the right to ask for the redistribution of the inheritance.

Han Ruoxing paused, looked up at him, and asked in a deep voice, What did you say?

What she cared about was not the redistribution of the inheritance, but the direct blood relative Gu Qinghai mentioned.

Besides Zhong Meilan, what other direct blood relatives does he have?

Gu Qinghai's lips curled up slightly, You have been married to Jingyan for so long, don't you know he has a daughter?

Han Ruoxing subconsciously denied it, It's impossible!

Gu Qinghai said calmly, Do I need to lie about this kind of thing?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Gu Jingran walking in with a little girl wearing sackcloth and mourning.

The little girl's skin was not white, she was a little thin, but her eyes were big and her facial features were smart. She was being held by Gu Jingran, but her eyes were curiously looking at the unfamiliar faces around her.

Until his eyes fell on Han Ruoxing, his eyes suddenly lit up, but he quickly put them back. He crossed the layers of people with small steps and walked to the center of the mourning hall. He called Zhong Meilan with a milky voice, Grandma.

Zhong Meilan's eyes suddenly turned red, and she bent down to hug the little girl, Good boy, you have been wronged.

Everyone looked at the scene on the field in shock. This was undoubtedly like a bomb that exploded in the mourning hall.

Gu Jingyan actually had an illegitimate daughter. This matter was kept too tightly hidden. There was no news at all. Even Shen Qingchuan looked stunned. Tang Xiaoxiao was treated as an accomplice to cover up each other and was kicked again.

Only the Gu family seemed to have known this for a long time. None of them looked shocked, including Mrs. Gu.

Gu Qinghai said loudly, Today is Jingyan's memorial service, and it is also the day we recognize our great-granddaughter.

Han Ruoxing's mind went blank for a moment, and she murmured, Impossible...absolutely impossible...

As she spoke, she suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the little girl, and asked her emotionally, Who are you? Who are you? Who asked you to come here?

The little girl was startled and whispered, Aunt Qiao, it hurts.

Aunt Qiao...

Han Ruoxing lost control of her emotions, How do you know my last name was Qiao? Who told you?

The little girl seemed to be a little scared, she shrank and said timidly, Dad said it. He said he would bring me to see you when the time is right. He said you would like me. Aunt Qiao, don't you like me?

Han Ruoxing was cold all over, holding the little girl's arm, gritting his teeth and said, You lied! Who are you?!

Zhong Meilan finally reacted and stepped forward to push Han Ruoxing away, Are you crazy to fight a child for that inheritance?

Han Ruoxing failed to stand firm and staggered as she was pushed. Fortunately, Mo Mingxuan stood behind her and supported her in time.

When Song Tianjun saw someone attacking his sister in front of him, his expression immediately changed. He didn't have the gentlemanly demeanor not to attack a woman, so he stepped forward and pushed Zhong Meilan away.

For that little inheritance, you just get a random child and say it's Gu Jingyan's. Are you the crazy one? He's been missing for less than a month and you're rushing to have a funeral. Who knows who is spying on him!

Then he grabbed Han Ruoxing and said coldly, I love you so much that I love you so much that we won't get involved in their family's affairs from now on!

As he said this, he dragged her to leave. At this moment, a familiar deep voice came from the door, Who died?

Han Ruoxing was shocked and stood frozen on the spot as if frozen. (End of chapter)

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