Gu Jingyan looked at the people on the stage giggling, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously.

Shen Qingchuan's teeth were sore and he cursed in a low voice, What a piece of shit, I asked you how long you wanted the new Wanjiang camera, but you were reluctant to let me use it. Why don't you lend it to your wife to take this picture with such a high-end thing? ? A guy who values ​​sex over friends!

Gu Jingyan glanced at him, What serious things can you take pictures of?

Shen Qingchuan said confidently, Escorting my little bandit to work, with a flying robot above his head, Dorawind?

Gu Jingyan gave him a dissing look.

Tang Xiaoxiao asked curiously, What is that?

Shen Qingchuan explained, The newly developed drone by Jingyan Company can biometrically identify, lock on targets, and track location. This thing was originally used to assist the fire search and rescue team, but now it is used to torture his wife. What do you think? Did she waste everything she had?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyelids twitched. If she remembered correctly, this guy just said he would take her to work with him, right?

Why did he have the nerve to complain about Gu Jingyan?

But that's not important now, what's important is...

Mr. Gu, does Ah Xing know that someone will cause trouble today?

The evidence was so well prepared, it was obvious that he was not defenseless.

Gu Jingyan shook his head, I'm just suspicious, not sure, so I made extra preparations.

Things go back to two weeks ago.

On the afternoon of the second day after Chen Ru finalized the draft, she suddenly called Han Ruoxing. She said that the design draft she had placed on the table seemed to have been turned over.

Han Ruoxing quickly called up the surveillance camera of the design room. Coincidentally, the surveillance camera at that time was moved by someone unknown and was not pointed at Chen Ru's desk, so it was impossible to determine whether her things had been read.

But Chen Ru was very sure, because when she went out to get takeout at noon, the pen pressed on the folder did not have a cap, but when she came back, the cap of the pen was capped.

Han Ruoxing didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. There was no evidence, and if nothing could be found through all the efforts, it might arouse the dissatisfaction of other people in the same office.

So she called Gu Jingyan.

After Gu Jingyan heard her tell the whole story, he gave her a reminder.

He said, “Designers and R\u0026D people have a very similar characteristic, that is, they pay great attention to details, because details often determine the success or failure of a work or a piece of data. Since the camera does not tell you the answer, you should believe it. she.

The leakage of the design draft is no small matter. The time for the press conference has been set. In such a short time, it is impossible to design a better work than Rui, so there is no way to change it.

And they are the original ones, so why should they be forced to change because of this kind of thing?

Gu Jingyan said that there had been cases where someone had deliberately framed someone, and stealing the design draft was just the first step. They would definitely make other moves next, so they should pay more attention to the situation around them.

So in those days, the two of them were extra cautious.

It wasn't until two days later that Chen Ru received a call from Xia Bingbing, asking her to bring some of the things she had left in the company.

Chen Ru didn't think too much at first. It wasn't until Xia Bingbing answered the phone, left the design draft and left suddenly that she realized something was wrong.

Although many designs are now done on computers, most designers still prefer hand-drawing.

Chen Ru has known Xia Bingbing for so many years, so she naturally understands her habits.

Even in the company, Xia Bingbing would lock her design drafts in a drawer when she had something to leave. How could she forget such an important thing just because of a phone call and ask her colleague to keep it for her?

So he decisively contacted Han Ruoxing.

Han Ruoxing happened to be with Gu Jingyan at the time, so Gu Jingyan drove her directly to the scene and used the drone.

Chen Ru originally wanted to leave the design draft alone and wait for Xia Bingbing to pick it up.

But Han Ruoxing felt that if the master was really a complete set, and if they couldn't hit it this time, the other party would definitely have plans for next time, so it would be better to resort to tricks.

Now there is a segment that follows the whole process on the screen.

Chen Ru looked at Xia Bingbing coldly, Whether it is synthetic or not, you can ask an expert to identify it on site and see which one of us is lying. I have never looked through your folder from beginning to end, and I don't know anything about your What’s drawn above, how can we say it’s plagiarism?”

Xia Bingbing felt numb all over while watching this video.

She thought that as long as there was evidence that Chen Ru had access to her design draft, she would be able to kill Chen Ru for plagiarizing her work.

I never expected that the other party would release such a video to prove his innocence.

Seeing her design draft, her lie was revealed. The original plan was instantly messed up. Xia Bingbing dodged and looked at Zhang Chenxi. The latter said with a sullen face, What can this kind of video mean? A nice private meeting. You also specially arranged a follow-up photo, doesn't it mean that you have something evil in your heart?

Han Ruoxing laughed angrily at the double mark.

Manager Zhang, why are our designers so cautious about leaving evidence? It is of course to prevent villains. Otherwise, if you throw out this so-called evidence, wouldn't we just let you throw dirty water?

Zhang Chenxi looked gloomy, Mr. Han, this person named Chen Ru has a criminal record. Now that you are protecting her like this, can I reasonably doubt that you were condoning or even instigating the plagiarism behind my back?

Han Ruoxing's eyes suddenly turned cold, Prison record? If being plagiarized is called a criminal record, then it does have a criminal record. If I remember correctly, the designer who copied Chen Ru was cultivated by you, right? Can I also say that? , did you tolerate and condone Chen Ru’s work being plagiarized back then?!”

You - Zhang Chenxi gritted his teeth, Don't talk nonsense! Let's talk about it now, why are you trying to settle an old score? What's more, the court didn't rule that she won, so why do you accuse us of plagiarism?

Han Ruoxing said coldly, You also know that legal definition is needed? Then you can't even produce decent evidence, so why can you say that we plagiarized? Why do you have such double standards?

Colleagues watching in the audience whispered, These pictures really can't explain anything. Is Fanyin Jewelry trying to use other people's press conferences to hype it?

Don't tell me, it's possible. After that incident, their reputation in the industry has dropped a lot. They haven't had a best-selling product for a long time. I heard that they are still laying off employees recently. How can Xia Bingbing still be employed? ?”

That's not to say, Xia Bingbing has quite a lot of qualifications.

Do you think there is a possibility that Xia Bingbing stole Chen Ru's design and used it to apply for a job at Fanyin Jewelry, so she got the job?

It's not clear who copied who. Neither side has any strong evidence to prove that this design came from their own hands. Let the bullets fly for a while.

...(End of chapter)

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