Song Wanqian pursed her lips and said nothing.

He couldn't stand hearing these people commenting on his daughter.

No matter how proven the evidence on the screen was, he still couldn't believe that his daughter would commit such a thing as plagiarism.

Even if the plagiarism was true, he completely believed that Han Ruoxing was unaware of it.

But if the plagiarism is true, if it is allowed to continue, it may have an impact on Ruoxing's reputation.

He thought for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, Song Tianjun next to him intervened, The commotion has already reached the stage, why don't we clear the stage now and tell others that our designer is plagiarizing?

Su Wanqin glanced at Song Tianjun, The other party's manuscript has been revealed. If there is no complete certainty and evidence, there will be no trouble at the press conference. I don't believe Ruoxing will instruct the designer to do such a thing, but this designer If something goes wrong, Ruoxing, as the organizer of this press conference, will definitely be involved.

Song Tianjun said lightly, What if not? What if the other party deliberately cheated and wronged us? It will be found out later that we were wronged, and we missed the best time to clarify. If you make a statement again, not many people will believe it. Everyone has preconceived ideas and believed what they saw at first, and even if the evidence is sufficient later, it will be called sophistry.

Su Wanqin frowned and was about to say something, but Song Wanqian interrupted her and said, Let's talk about it later. If Xing is confident, we can't just sit still and trust outsiders if we don't trust her.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips and said no more.

After the manuscript was revealed, the audience was in an uproar.

Zhang Chenxi said proudly, Manager Han, please tell me, how come the products designed by our company's designers have become souvenirs for the tenth anniversary of your Qiyu Ji? Should you give us, other than the general consumers, an explanation?

Han Ruoxing withdrew his gaze and looked at the other party, If this kind of thing can be called evidence, then anyone can point out plagiarism with a few drawings.

Zhang Chenxi snorted coldly, I knew you would say that. I have evidence to prove that your designer Chen Ru has seen the work of our designer.

As he spoke, he played a video on his mobile phone's projector.

When the picture appeared, Chen Ru's expression changed slightly.

That video was a surveillance video, and the people on it were none other than her and Xia Bingbing.

The two of them met at a coffee shop. Halfway through their conversation, Xia Bingbing went out with her cell phone, as if to answer a call.

Where she sat, there was a folder.

Chen Ru was sitting on her seat playing with her mobile phone. After a while, she called the waiter to pay the bill, and then took away the folder on the seat opposite.

After the video played, Xia Bingbing also walked onto the stage. She took the microphone and said to everyone in the audience, Hello everyone, I am the designer of the plagiarized work this time, Xia Bingbing. Some of the old customers on the stage should respect me. No stranger, yes, a month ago I was the leader of Qiyuji’s design team. I worked at Qiyuji for four years and eight months, and I have designed countless works and received numerous praises.”

A month ago, I left Qiyuji and went to Fanyin Jewelry due to differences in creative ideas with Mr. Han. The new boss valued me very much and allowed me to participate in the design of the company's new series of products. In order to gain a foothold in the company, I also I worked very hard to express myself. At that time, I had just resigned from the company where I had worked for many years. I was in a very low mood and didn’t know what the future would bring. A friend’s words woke me up and made me think of the word rebirth, so I integrated the idea of ​​breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn. , drew this picture.”

I left my job at Qiyuji in a hurry and I didn't clean up some of my personal belongings, so I asked Chen Ru, who had a good relationship with me before, to pick them up for me. She was the one who gave me the things on the day I went to the coffee shop. We didn't chat for long when I suddenly received a call from home saying that my child had an accident at school. I didn't bother to say hello to her, so I hurried away.

On the way, I remembered that I had forgotten to pick up my design draft. There were sketches of the new products I designed for the company. I quickly contacted Chen Ru and asked her to bring it over for me first. I went to pick it up. At that time, my design draft was in Chen Ru. Ru had it on her hands for nearly an hour, and it was entirely possible that during this time she went through my design draft and plagiarized it!”

You're talking nonsense! Chen Ru's face turned pale with anger. She clutched the microphone, her voice trembling slightly with excitement. I helped you keep the design draft, but I haven't even turned a page. I myself I am a designer, and even my drawings are so important to designers, how could I go through other people’s private belongings?”

Only you know whether it's turned over or not, Xia Bingbing looked at her mockingly, If it's not turned over, our designs will collide. Do you and I have the same brain?

The crowd below was excited.

If someone puts the secrets of her peers in her hands, is she willing to read them?

Isn't this plagiarism?

The other party just trusted her and kept it for her. It would be better for her to just make it her own. It's so shameless.

How did a person with such bad behavior manage to get into the position of team leader? Han Ruoxing really knows how to recruit anyone.

Tang Xiaoxiao was so angry that she scolded her mother, This is just a video, it can explain everything! The design draft is so important, so she just put it on the chair casually?

Shen Qingchuan whispered, The method is very low-level, but it is very effective. No one can prove that Chen Ru saw it that hour, and no one can prove that she did not see it. The other party can arrange it in any way.

Tang Xiaoxiao was worried, What should I do? Can't I clean it?

Shen Qingchuan glanced at Gu Jingyan, You're not unprepared at all, are you? How can you be worthy of being the leading actor like this?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said, Shut up.

Shen Qingchuan curled his lips.

He was worried at first, but when he saw Gu Jingyan's calm expression, he suddenly felt that maybe things were not that simple.

On stage.

Chen Ru tightened her grip on the phone and said in a deep voice, Of course I can prove that I haven't read through her things.

After saying that, he turned to look at the big screen.

The picture on the screen switches instantly.

It's still a coffee shop, but the time point is after Xia Bingbing leaves the coffee shop.

Chen Ru paid the bill and left holding the folder. The camera instantly switched to the scene of her leaving the coffee shop.

Then the camera kept following Chen Ru.

She called, scanned the QR code on the little yellow car, took these things to a place, and then stood there waiting, checking her phone from time to time until another person appeared on the screen - Xia Bingbing.

She handed the design draft to Xia Bingbing and left. The fifty-six-minute video was turned on at eight times speed. Chen Ru had all the scenes from when she got the design draft to when she handed it back.

She had never read the contents of the document, so how could she have plagiarized it?

Xia Bingbing never expected that there would be such a way to prove her innocence, and her face changed color.

She said anxiously, This must be synthetic! How can you follow the whole process like this? Are you acting?

Han Ruoxing raised the corners of her lips, Drones are taking pictures, haven't you seen them? Jiangsheng Group's new Wanjiang drone, let's get to know it. (End of Chapter)

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