Han Lie immediately caught Han Nuo, who was naked buttocks, and called the whole family up to clarify for himself.

As a result, the little brat cried and said that he wanted to be close to his brother and was afraid that his brother wouldn't like him, so he secretly went to sleep with him at night.

Parents have completely different attitudes towards bedwetting in children and bedwetting in older children.

In particular, this little brat was used to using his own tears, so in the end, instead of being blamed, he was even coaxed.

After that, Han Lie knew that his younger brother was not as little a white rabbit as he seemed on the surface. There was a lot of bad water in this little brat's belly.

Han Nuo was not afraid of him at all, If you don't agree, I'll tell you!

Han Lie had a headache, I'm not familiar with her. Even if you go, she won't take a photo with you.

Han Nuo said, As long as you take me there, I will find a way to get Sister Ye Zhen to take a photo with me.

Han Nuo thought of that vicious woman, then looked at his annoying brother, and thought, OK, it's not impossible to let him go through the beatings from society.

So he said, You can make your own excuses in front of your parents, and I'll have someone pick you up tomorrow.

Han Nuo suddenly beamed, Thank you, brother.

Han Lie hummed. In front of him, he only acted like a child when he called him brother.


Qiao Ruoxing took off her high heels as soon as she got in the car, leaned back in the chair, sighed, and whispered, I'm so exhausted, even more tired than getting married.

Gu Jingyan fastened her seat belt and said, When we get married, you don't have to do anything, just come to the venue and attend.

That won't work, Qiao Ruoxing glanced at him, They're collecting contributions. My participation could be higher, so that I can experience the feeling of counting money until I feel weak on my wedding night.

Gu Jingyan chuckled, Didn't you experience it last time?

After he finished speaking, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He really didn't want to pick up the pot.

He was not present on the wedding night, and Ah Xing almost fell into Gu Jingran's trap. There was no chance to count the money.

He pursed his lips and wanted to say something, but Qiao Ruoxing did not mention that matter, but said, Your mother took most of the share money from our wedding, and only the gifts from my friends were given to me, so I’ve never experienced it.”

Gu Jingyan didn't care about the gift money, so he didn't care who got it. Qiao Ruoxing was newly married at that time, and she was even embarrassed to mention the liquidation of the gift money.

Therefore, during their wedding, except for the items given by Gu Jingyan's friends, which were sent to the Royal Garden, the other red envelopes fell into Zhong Meilan's pocket.

The accounting book was finally sent to her. After all, in the future, their return gifts would be based on the accounting book.

Qiao Ruoxing had nothing to do at the time. She calculated the amount of the red envelopes and found that it was nearly eight figures. Zhong Meilan didn't give them a cent.

Gu Jingyan frowned, She didn't give you a gift?

This question made Qiao Ruoxing very strange, She...should have given it?

Gu Jingyan had a sullen face and said after a long time, Grandma asked her to give us the gift book, which means that she will tally the gifts and give them to you for safekeeping. Once you get married, you will be a small family. In the future, we will count the gifts separately. , those gifts are just for us to return the gifts as ordered.

Not only that, the old lady asked Zhong Meilan to transfer the gift money to a card, and she added another five million, which was a little bit of wealth for the newlyweds.

The old lady herself had already given a red envelope to Qiao Ruoxing. She asked Zhong Meilan to give the money in her own name. In fact, she wanted to tell Qiao Ruoxing that the family regarded her as one of their own and allowed her to settle down in this family as soon as possible, so she must use Zhong Meilan's name to give it. In the name of this mother-in-law.

However, no one expected that Zhong Meilan would blackmail the money.

Not only was the five million stolen, but the couple's gift money was also stolen.

Five million is nothing to the Gu family. No one will keep an eye on this money. After all, this is money for the new wife. Who would have thought that someone would touch this money?

It turns out.

Gu Jingyan looked unhappy.

Qiao Ruoxing got married right after graduation. When she first arrived at the Gu family, she had no savings in her hands. The money was for her personal use. Zhong Meilan couldn't have been clearer, but she didn't give any of it!

Gu Jingyan was angry, but when he thought about his inaction, he felt that he was the one who should be angry.

He was not qualified as a husband. He took it for granted that everything was going according to plan, but he didn't know how passive Qiao Ruoxing was when she first arrived in a strange family. Otherwise, she wouldn't have told her about the gift money at that time.

In her mind, she might even assume that everything was his order.

Gu Jingyan didn't know where to start.

Qiao Ruoxing was also silent and said after a long time, We seem to be two big enemies.

Gu Jingyan...

Lin Shu was also amused by this. He laughed and teased to lighten the atmosphere, Madam, when you and Mr. Gu remarry, you will sit in the cashier's room at the entrance, enter and collect a portion of money, and then go on stage after collecting the money. The ceremony is all powerful.”

Qiao Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan said angrily, Drive your car!

The car soon arrived at Yunding International.

Building 7, 902.

Shen Qingchuan was panting and asked in a low voice, How do you feel?

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, It hurts a little and feels a little uncomfortable. If you try harder, I'll feel it.

Try harder? Can your waist bear it?

Oh, don't ask, just do your best!

Shen Qingchuan had no choice but to shut his mouth and increase the strength on his hands.

Oh, yes, yes, right here, press it two more times.

Shen Qingchuan pressed the skin under his palm, Is this the area?


So he rubbed some safflower oil on his hands and rubbed it there.

Tang Xiaoxiao hummed, Suddenly I feel that it's quite nice to have a boyfriend. There are multiple people I can control.

Shen Qingchuan said while rubbing it, My boyfriend doesn't think so. He is in love, but in the end he has an ancestor.

Tang Xiaoxiao closed his eyes, Then stop talking and break up.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, That won't work. Let us be our ancestors. I'm happy to serve you.

Just as he was talking, he heard a sound coming from the elevator and squeezed in through the crack of the door that was not closed tightly.

Tang Xiaoxiao got up from the sofa with a start. As a result, his waist was twisted and he started to ache in pain.

Shen Qingchuan supported her, What are you doing?

Go and see how many things Ah Xing has collected. Aren't you curious?

Of course Shen Qingchuan was also curious. After all, he and Qiao Ruoxing were half-brothers and half-brothers, and they both had the same money-making ambitions.

The two of them went home, and Song Tianjun's assistant Rong Xu took people to move things to the 901 next door.

The two of them were listening in the corner next door, moving all the things back and forth for more than half an hour. They were so curious that they didn't sleep when they came back, just waiting for the couple next door to come back and watch.

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